eNews Update: Madison County Supervisor Newsletter
Article: Call to Action - Madison County: Garbage Capital?
Jun 18, 2009
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Call to Action: Another New Solid Waste Landfill in Madison County?

For your information and action.

Time sensitive information!

Click for Public Notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announcing that it has received an application for another Madison County solid-waste landfill site off North County Line Road, etc.

Extract of attached PUBLIC NOTICE:

The applicant is applying for a Department of the Army Permit for the discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters, including wetlands of the United States in Madison County, Mississippi. NCL Waste, LLC, proposes to construct a solid waste landfill to satisfy the disposal and sanitation needs of the Jackson metropolitan area and surrounding region. The proposed project would provide a much needed location for safe and environmentally regulated disposal of solid waster.

The NCL Landfill is located on a 165-acre tract of land located in Madison County, Mississippi. NCL currently owns the proposed land and would be operating the landfill. The NCL Landfill would be used for the disposal of non-hazardous household, commercial, and industrial solid wastes generated from the Jackson metropolitan area and surrounding communities. The proposed capacity of the NCL Landfill would be 14,200,000 cubic yards.

Interested parties must file a request for a "public hearing" prior to June 23, 2009, or it will be assumed that no one has a problem with another sanitary landfill in south Madison County.

Among other things, this new landfill will result in huge increases of large truck traffic on Madison County Roads including Hwy 463, County Line Road, Coker, Lake Cavalier, North Livingston, Greens Crossing, Rouser Road, Old Agency, etc.

There are 18 active solid waste landfills in the State of Mississippi. No county has more than 1 except Madison County, which has two: Little Dixie off North County Line Road, and the sanitary landfill just south of Canton. If this permit is approved, then Madison County will have 3 solid waste landfills out of only 19 in the entire State of Mississippi! Click here to see a complete list of counties with existing active solid waste landfills.

The Madison County Solid Waste Plan and Zoning to accommodate the proposed landfill have been approved by the Madison County Board of Supervisors.

Please help spread the word and make sure all are aware of the  PUBLIC NOTICE!!!

Click here for BLOG and link to request a PUBLIC HEARING and provide your questions, comments and concerns to the Corps of Engineers and Department of Environmental Quality

Click here to see Madison County Tax Map of area. The proposed site is at the very top of the map.
Click here to see a Google Map of the area.

FOX 40 News story, Dustin Barnes, 6.11.2009

Third county landfill awaits state permits

Associate Editor

If a permit is granted for a proposed landfill on North County Line Road three of the state's 19 municipal solid waste landfills will be located in Madison County.

The proposed 165-acre site is owned by Mike Bilberry and is currently going through the permit process with the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and the U.S. Corps of Engineers.

It is unknown when or if the landfill will gain approval, but public hearings are expected as part of the process.

The site is located in the extreme southwest part of the county, adjacent to the Little Dixie Landfill, another municipal solid waste landfill. A second functioning municipal landfill is located at 303 Soldier Colony Road in Canton.

Municipal solid waste landfills are used for disposal of residential garbage and non-hazardous industrial solid waste.

There is also one Class 1 rubbish landfill on North County Line Road, north of the proposed site and another one proposed. Class 1 rubbish landfills are used for disposal of construction and demolition debris like wood, metal, brick, tree limbs, stumps, etc.
Click here to read entire article...
Background Info - Other Related News:
Residents' opposition to landfill leads to denial

County approves landfill

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Please let me know if I can ever be of service.  May God bless you, and may God continue to bless America.
Warm regards,
D.I. Smith
Supervisor, District 3
Madison County