eNews - June 2011 

Anthroposophical Society in Canada





Stirring Events 
You are invited to participate in a Canada- wide, and perhaps world wide, Biodynamic 500/501 preparation stirring and spraying activity between   21June (Solstice) and 26 June of this year.

This activity is in commemoration of the 150th Birthday of Rudolf Steiner who was the originator of Biodynamic Agriculture. The preparations he introduced have increasingly been used to help heal the earth since 1924.

The basic idea is to have farm, garden, neighbourhood, community, and even back-yard stirrings done at around the same time as a potent world energizer in commemoration of Rudolf Steiner.  Also, to bring awareness to the healing now being done to help the earth on a regular basis at many places. So find some friends to help make it happen or find a stirring in your area and join in!  You are also invited to translate  this message into other languages and to pass the message on using email, Facebook, etc.
* Carrville Community Garden event details.
* Whole Circle Farm Solstice Party.  Details.
* For information about other events, contact your Council member.
* For more info about BD preps, click here.
 Editorial Notes 
The eNews is published 10 times per year for members of the Anthroposophical Society In Canada.  Please send correspondence to the editor, Mark McAlister.


Preferred submissioall starn formats:

- unformatted text files

- separate jpeg files for images

- links to get more info (URLs or .pdf files)

Contact Info
Anthroposophical Society in Canada 
#8 - 9100 Bathurst St.
Thornhill, ON
L4J 8C7

Mark McAlister

BC (President)
NS (Secretary)
Douglas Wylie ON (Treasurer)
Jean Balekian QC
QC (General Secretary)

School For Spiritual Science 

For list of Class Holders, click here.
Membership Update 


EILEEN REILLY (North Vancouver) has joined the Society.  JERRY BAIN (Vancouver), NIELS VON MEYENFELDT (Courtenay BC), and JULIE YIHSUN CHUANG (Toronto) have rejoined the Society.  WELCOME!


CHERYL-ANN SULLIVAN (Surrey BC) has resigned from the Society.  Best wishes!

Donation To Hesperus  


Hesperus WestMay 5,2011

Dear members of the Anthroposophical Society,

A number of months ago we were requested by a member to consider if there was any way in which the Society could support the Hesperus project. This led to many interesting and varied ideas as to how financial support might be possible. Guided by the recognition of the importance of this project for this country and the knowledge of the financial challenges it faces, we came to the decision to gift this project an amount of $25,000.00.

We would also encourage anyone in a position to help to consider this project as worthy of their support.

Monique Walsh,

On behalf of the Council


The Pulse

Anthroposophy and Threefolding in B.C.

Easter-Whitsun 2011 


Thornhill Campus Bulletin 


USA Society - New Publications 

Here are the links to two publications by the Anthroposophical Society In America

Le Foyer Michael


Foyer Michael  

Le Foyer Micha�l - neuf mois de formation anthroposophique en France: "A la recherche de son propre chemin"  



Cliquer ici pour lire un article r�cent dans la revue "S!lence


Because of the disruptions in the Canadian postal service, I am sending this issue of the eNews to all members for whom I have email addresses. Print subscribers will receive the June issue of Glimpses and 3 issues of Anthroposophy Worldwide in the mail in due course.   


If you are not already a subscriber to the monthly eNews, and would prefer to receive it regularly instead of the quarterly printed version, please let me know.


Mark (Editor) 

Lettre de Arie van Ameringen


Le festival de la rencontre avec le Moi sup�rieur  

 ...Des membres dans les diff�rentes parties du Canada ont spontan�ment form� des cercles de chaleur de soutien aux membres qui se rencontraient � Dornach. Les rapports qui ont �t� �crits par des membres sur le d�roulement de l'assembl�e mentionnent comment le comit� directeur s'est efforc� d'expliquer les d�cisions difficiles qui ont �t� prises au cours de l'ann�e.
Qu'est-ce que nous pouvons apprendre de ces �v�nements ?

Il est certain que cela nous ram�ne � la communication dans le vrai sens i.e. une information qui est partag�e, commune et qui fait part de la construction de la communaut�. L'information devient non-pertinente si elle n'est pas prise en consid�ration de fa�on positive. La rencontre entre les personnes favorise ce processus de communication.

L'imagination de la Pentec�te pr�sente une communaut� spirituelle constitu�e de la r�union du moi sup�rieur de chaque individualit�. Nous sommes appel�s � participer � cette imagination...Lisez plus.

Letter from Arie van Ameringen  


The festival of the meeting of the Higher Self  


...Members in various parts of Canada spontaneously created circles of warmth to support those who were meeting in Dornach.   The reports written by members who attended mention how the Executive Committee made every effort to explain the difficult decisions that had to be made during the year.  What can we learn from these events?


Obviously, this brings us back to the question of communication in the true sense, i.e. information that is shared by all and as such helps to build true community.  Information loses all relevance when it is not taken up in a positive manner.  The meeting of individuals with one another encourages this process of communication.   


The Whitsun imagination is one of a spiritual community created by the meeting of the higher selves of each individual.  We are being called upon to participate in this imagination.......Read full article.

Report from the Annual General Meeting In Vancouver 

Monique Walsh


- by Monique Walsh


Article Highlights:


* Grateful acknowledgement of the service of Philip Thatcher and France Beaucage

* Welcoming Arie van Ameringen and Jean Balekian

* Update on Canada Revenue Agency requirements, and other items of business


* Possibility for launching a Prison Outreach Program

...Read full article.

Compte-rendu de l'Assembl�e g�n�rale annuelle � Vancouver

- par Monique Walsh


Dans ce num�ro :
� Remerciements exprim�s � Philip Thatcher et � France Beaucage
� Nous accueillons Arie van Ameringen et Jean Balekian
� Mise � jour sur les r�glements de l'Agence du Revenu du Canada, et d'autres affaires courantes
� Possibilit� de mettre sur pied un programme de travail aupr�s des d�tenus (Prison Outreach Program)

Trouvez l'article entier ici. 

Upcoming Events
REDEEMING THE LIFE OF RIGHTS: A Conference hosted by the Social Sciences Section of North America.  30 June-3 July, 2011, Harlemville NY.  Details.

1-8 July 2011Details. (Pages 4-7)

3-8 July, 2011, Wilton NH.
* Virginia Sease gives a course about Rudolf Steiner's life and work, especially the theme of Initiation and the Modern Mysteries. Details.
* Philip Thatcher: Unveiling a New Mythos: The Parzival Story, the Philosophy of Spiritual Activity, and our Journey into the Time of Michael.  Details.
Complete Outline of 2011 Renewal Courses

ENCOUNTERS WITH IMAGINATION: A Festival of Arts and Education. 
11-22 July 2011, Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill. Details

3-7 August 2011, at Aland, an island in the Baltic Sea.  Details
CONFERENCE OF THE 19 LESSONS.  School of Spiritual Science in North America. 7-12 August, 2011 in Fair Oaks, California. 

with lectures by Michael Debus. 2-7 August 2011Details.  NOTE: English translations will be available only for this cycle.)
17-21 August, 2011, Spring Valley NY. Brochure 

VISIT BY THOMAS MEYER to Western Canada.  13-21  September, 2011Schedule.

28 September-2 October, 2011 at Hesperus. Click here for full details of the opening of Hesperus Village.

Steven Roboz Recognized As Honourary Member 


- by Mark McAlister   



Steven on his 90th birthday

26 September 2008

Steven is the only person still living on the earth who was present at the founding of our Canadian Society in 1953.  He cultivates anthroposophy in a profound way, and has been an inspiration to 1000s of people on their spiritual journies.  So I recommended to the Council that Steven be recognized as an Honourary member of the Society, and they have now officially done so.  Congratualations Steven! 


* Click here to read an Anthroposophical biography of Steven Roboz by Michael Roboz. 

* Click here to read the article by Michael Roboz, first published in 2010.


Treasurer's Report  

At The Canadian AGM

- by Douglas Wylie   


Doug Wylie


- Review of my first year as Treasurer

- Concerns about remitting charitable funds to the Goetheanum and proposed resolution

- Goals for 2011/12


Read the full article.  (Note: Budget and financial statements are available in the Downloads section on our website .)

Threefold Research Symposium   
Exploring the Role of Individual and Community in Spiritual Scientific ResearchSeptember 30 - October 2, 2011.  Threefold Educational Center, Chestnut Ridge, NY

Dorothea Mier (left)
...Taking up the Michaelmas mood, participants will engage with the burning questions of today and explore how we might imagine, form, and cultivate the spaces necessary for research that 
Frank Chester
will address such challenges...The Symposium will be preceded by a week-long residency by Threefold Educational Center's Researchers in Residence for 2011, eurythmist Dorothea Mier and sculptor and geometrician Frank Chester. Their continued cross-disciplinary conversations illustrate an important approach to researching common questions.  Details and Updates


Action ELIANT Presents to the European Union
Eliant Presentation

On Thursday, May 13th, the Action ELIANT presented 15 demands of Applied Anthroposophy with regard to EU policies supported by 1 million signatures of European Citizens, to the European Commission. Part of this presentation was a respective letter to the President of the European Commission, Mr. Jos� Manuel Barroso, the "ELIANT Memorandum", which discussed EU policies and legislation, particularly in the areas of agriculture, public health and medicine, education, curative education and social therapy as well as EU research policies, with its distinctive 15 demands to amend these policies, together with examples of the 1 million signatures and all signatures in electronic form...Read full report.

Note: 4105 signatures were from Canada! Ed.
Anthroposophy Worldwide # 6   

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Here is the link to the current issue of Anthroposophy Worldwide.

If you prefer, you can access the archive on the Goetheanum website. Click on "User Login" (bottom right corner). User: awmail. Password: Steiner150.