La Soci�t� Anthroposophique au Canada vous invite � d�couvrir Rudolf Steiner, penseur et homme de science, dont l'oeuvre vivifie toutes les sph�res de l'activit� humaine. 7 soir�es th�matiques : sa vie et son oeuvre, biographie, p�dagogie Waldorf, p�dagogie curative, peinture, agriculture biodynamique, eurythmie. Du 23 f�vrier au 10 mai 2011 Poster
Nova Scotia Group
 Two events with Craig Holdredge are planned: 6 May:'Truth, Beauty and Goodness: Pathways to a Living Understanding of Nature' (evening lecture) AND 7 May 'Waldorf as Environmental Education: Reconnecting with Nature' (mini-conference)
Contact Judy King.
CrossCanada Stirring Events
The cross-Canada festival with stirrings of BD preps is taking shape. For details, contact Judy King.
Editorial Notes
The eNews is published 10 times per year for members of the Anthroposophical Society In Canada. Please send correspondence to the editor, Mark McAlister.
Preferred submission formats:
- unformatted text files
- separate jpeg files for images
- links to get more info (URLs or .pdf files)
Contact Info
Anthroposophical Society in Canada
#8 - 9100 Bathurst St.
Thornhill, ON
L4J 8C7
Mark McAlister Administrator 416-892-3656
Council BC (President) QC
QC (Secretary)
School For Spiritual Science |
Membership Update
INGE L�DKE died on 9 January 2011. See article in this issue.
VERONICA JACKSON died on 18 February 2011.
CYRIL WALKER (New Lowell ON), INA LOUISE ROSCH (Richmond ON), CONNIE SIMINGTON (North Vancouver BC), and JEANNINE ST-YVES (Terrebonne QC) have joined the Society. WELCOME! |
Thornhill Campus Bulletin
Art Symposium
Watch for new dates Hesperus Village Thornhill
An artistic approach to the mystery of Easter - A course with Karin Jarman and Michael Schubert. 17-22 April, 2011, Angus ON. Novalis Project website,
Gastronomes discover Biodynamics. Read the
From a Poem
by Inge L�dke
Don't close the eyes Before things that are no good; Allow the pain they make you feel And take them to heart.
Click here for the full poem, and the original German text.
| Philip Thatcher |
...This letter is my last to you as General Secretary for Canada. During the past seven years, many of you from across the country have welcomed me into your circles of anthroposophical work and into your lives. Within the human meetings that are at the heart of all that Rudolf Steiner wanted to make possible through spiritual science, we have sought together to comprehend what is being asked of us as the Anthroposophical Society in Canada. Thank you, one and all, for what you have given to me; I have grown in many ways through knowing you... Read full letter.
...Avec la pr�sente lettre je vous �cris pour la derni�re fois en tant que Secr�taire g�n�ral. Durant les sept derni�res ann�es, beaucoup d'entre vous m'ont accueilli dans vos cercles d'activit� anthroposophique et dans vos vies. � travers ces rencontres humaines, qui sont le cœur m�me de tout ce que Rudolf Steiner voulait rendre possible gr�ce � la science de l'esprit, nous avons cherch� ensemble � comprendre ce qui nous est demand� en tant que Soci�t� anthroposophique au Canada. Je vous remercie, chacun d'entre vous, de ce que vous m'avez donn�; j'ai pu grandir de bien des mani�res en vous connaissant...Lisez plus |
Upcoming Events
IN SEARCH OF THE EGO: Rudolf Steiner and Contemporary Culture
100 years from the participation of Rudolf Steiner at the International Congress of Philosophy at the University of Bologna, 1911. Bologna, 31 March-3 April, 2011. Details (in Italian)
RISING TO FREEDOM THROUGH THE UPPER SENSES. Heartbeet Conference. 28-29 May 2011, Hardwick Vermont . Details.
REDEEMING THE LIFE OF RIGHTS: A Conference hosted by the Social Sciences Section of North America. 30 June-3 July, 2011, Harlemville NY. Details.
VIRGINIA SEASE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE: A course highlighting Rudolf Steiner's life and work, especially the theme of Initiation and the Modern Mysteries. 3-8 July, 2011, Wilton NH.
I AM - THE INNER AND OUTER LIGHT, 3-7 August 2011, at Aland, an island in the Baltic Sea. Details.
CONFERENCE OF THE 19 LESSONS. School of Spiritual Science in North America. 7-12 August, 2011 in Fair Oaks, California.
***NEW*** Click here for full brochure
17-21 August, 2011, Spring Valley NY. Details (Scroll down the page.)
VISIT BY THOMAS MEYER to Western Canada. 13-21 September, 2011. Schedule. Also, see article in Research Corner below.
New Zealand Trauma Appeal
- by Glen Saunders, Treasurer of the ASNZ ...As I am sure you will know, the second earthquake in Christchurch on 21 February was much more destructive than the first. It's likely that over 200 people have died and many injured. Probably a third of the city will have to be demolished. Many have lost their homes. Strong aftershocks continue to damage the weakened fabric of a lovely city. The response of many excellent agencies - the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, local and central government - has been magnificent calling forth a huge effort from within New Zealand and around the world to address the urgent physical problems and begin the process of rebuilding. There is a huge amount to do and this will take many years after which Christchurch will be a new city. The Society and others working anthroposophically have had many contacts asking if there is anything that people can do. In response, we've launched an appeal to support work which will address the soul damage which the earthquake has caused. Children, young people and families can be particularly badly affected. Nursing, oilings, massage, therapies can help. Families can be given respite care. Stretched and stressed parents can be helped. It is to this that we want to devote our appeal supplementing what others are doing for the physical aspects of the earthquake... Read the full letter.Details of the Appeal and How to donate
Group Meditation
- by �lyse Pomeranz
 I am grateful to Nick Thomas for his article on Group Meditation. Mark McAlister asked if anyone has read the books by Arthur Zajonc and Michael Lipson. I have worked with both individuals and read Arthur's book. It is out of a conversation with Mark that this response to Nick's article arises. Nick Thomas points out that we are vulnerable to influences from other members of our group when we are involved in meditation. It is his view that none of us are really morally strong enough to be able to step into meditative work in a group setting...Why would Steiner suggest that we arm and protect ourselves if we were not being asked to step towards this work? Can group meditation provide a vessel where beings of the hierarchies can present their gifts such as courage, wisdom, story or imagination - gifts that cannot always be perceived or received out of individual work? Read full article.
Memories of Inge L�dke
- by Angelica Thiemann with small additions of IB Bastian Inge L�dke died on 9 January 2011....In her later years Inge loved teaching on the subject of myths in the department for Continuing Education at McGill, usually walking from her home in Westmount to the university right into her Nineties. When she stopped teaching at McGill a number of devoted listeners pleaded with her to continue with teaching at her home, which she did only too gladly....She loved poetry and produced a lot of it. She would treat us in the group to poems especially created for different occasions... Click here to read the full article and see one of her poems.
Click here for a contribution by her brother Gerhard.
Notes on Daniel Bell
- by John Kettle
Daniel Bell, the one-time Marxist and author of such great books as The Coming of Post-Industrial Society and The Cultural contradictions of Capitalism, was interviewed for a journal called The Utopian in September last year, just four months before he died at age 91.
Two things he said struck me as being potent and pertinent to anyone interested in anthroposophy. One was when he described what had made him break away from Marxism: the survival of the great religions through thousands of years, while economies had disappeared and political empires had crumbled. "The question is," he said, "how can this be, if the mode of production determines the superstructure? How come they remain? So to me, the very nature of these great historic religions is a repudiation of Marxism."
The other was his answer to a question about his own beliefs. He said, "I'm a socialist in economics, a liberal in politics, and a conservative in culture." That could have been the response of an adherent of the threefold commonwealth.
Quiz Results
The quotes and photos by Stephen Hawking and Rudolf Steiner in the February issue were easy to recognize. However, only one reader (who preferred to remain anonymous) correctly identified the third scientist as Rachel Carson...Ed
Anthroposophy Worldwide # 3
Anthroposophy Worldwide #3 not yet available. Watch for another email soon...Ed
 | Executive Council at the Goetheanum |