FPA Logo
In This Issue
President's Message
May 19th Program
Happy Anniversary
Board of Directors
Mark McCandless, CFP�, CPA

President Elect:
Molly Balunek, CFP�

Kara Downing, CFP�

Adrienne Love, CFP�

Karen Bordonaro, CFP�
Mario Gigante, CFP�, CPA, AIFA�
Ken Paull, CFP�
Pamela Sandy, CFP�

Bill Russo, CFP�
Upcoming Program Dates

May 19th

Concord Coalition Discussion on the National Debt and the Fiscal Challenges to Our Community and Our Families

The Club at Key Center    


No programming

September 15th


Place:  TBD

October 17th
FPA/NEO Symposium 2011

Speakers include:

Michael Kitces

Craig Zablocki

Rosemarie Rossetti

John Sestina 


7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

November 17

Topic:  "State of the Profession"

Thanks to Our Sponsors
Gold Sponsors:
Capital Analysts Inc.

Charles Schwab Advisor Services

Silver Sponsors:
American Endowment Foundation

American Funds

Direxion Funds

Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services

Franklin Templeton Investments

KBS Capital Markets

Long Term Care Partnership

Ohio Tuition Trust

RS Funds

Sigma Financial Corporation

Trust Company of America

Join Our Mailing List
FPA Contest
The "Edit Your Profile" Contest ends at the end of May and our Chapter is currently in 5th PLACE!!!  It only takes two minutes to update your profile on the FPA site (Click here to update profile).  Our Chapter will benefit and you will be assured that your information for future contact is correct!  THANK YOU!!!


FPA/NEO May 2011 Newsletter
President's Message

by Mark McCandless, CFP�, CPA


Now that May is upon us, thoughts of the approaching summer activities start to occupy our thoughts. As an Indians season ticket holder, I am looking forward to warm weather games and a hopefully hot team. While each of us has activities we enjoy in the warm months, your FPA Board does not take off for the summer. We will meet in June and continue making plans for the remainder of this year and for next year as well.


We are presently working to finalize an ethics program for September. We will not have Patrick Kuhse again; however we have researched several speakers and we will inform you within the next few weeks about that program. It will qualify for the CFP Board ethics requirement.


October is when we celebrate Financial Planning Week. We will hold a financial literacy event in October. Details are still in the works. We will again have our Symposium in October. Please see our webpage for a list of speakers. We feel this program will be one of our best in recent years. (And we have had some fine programs!)


November will again be our State of the Profession program. This program has become more popular each year. We expect to bring in several experts to help us understand, discuss and even debate where we are now and where we may be headed. November is also our month for electing new officers. Our nominating committee will present a recommended slate to the membership for a vote. If you would like to be considered for a particular office or board position, please contact Lynn Bracic, our Chapter Executive, who will forward your name to the committee. Please include contact information, professional experience and a short paragraph about how you would like to contribute to our Chapter.


Please be sure to sign up for our May 19th program featuring the Concord Coalition. As the national debt continues to soar, financial planners need to understand this issue in order to help their clients navigate increasingly challenging times.


Finally, I would like to thank Karen Bordonaro for her work with the University of Akron Capstone course students. Karen organized our Chapter volunteers and coordinated the review of case studies prepared by 24 students. This project helped students connect with professionals in our field to gain a better understanding of the technical and practical elements of our profession. Thank you Karen!

Go Tribe!

May 19, 2011 Program for professionals and their clients!       

The Financial Planning Association of NE Ohio


Concord Coalition Logo 

-A Discussion on the National Debt and the Fiscal Challenges to Our Community and Our Families-

The Financial Planning Association of Northeast Ohio is an organization of financial planning professionals dedicated to preserving and growing the wealth of American families and the communities in which they live.  With this event, the association strives to bring together thought leaders to discuss the national debt, public policy decisions,and the effect those decisions have on the financial lives of individuals, families and the next generations.    

Thursday, May 19, 2011

4:00 - 7:30 p.m.


4:00 p.m. - Networking reception with members of the FPA/NEO, the Concord Coalition, and community members.


5:00 p.m. - Presentation by Robert Bixby, Executive Director of the Concord Coalition will present "The National Debt and Federal Fiscal Challenges:  An Overview"


6:00 p.m. - Q&A, local Financial Planning professionals will moderate an open discussion with Mr. Bixby, the Concord Coalition, local leaders and community participants.


7:30 p.m. - Conclusion


The concord Coalition believes that only with an engaged, informed and demanding public can the nation's fiscal challenges be met.  The mission of the Concord Coalition is to cut through the usual partisan rhetoric and stimulate a more realistic public dialogue on what we want our nation's future to look like, along with the required trade-offs.  The Concord Coalition believes that elected leaders in Washington know there is a problem, but they are unlikely to act unless forced to by their constituents.


Cost to attend:  Members of FPA, and other organizations $15,  Non-members $35, Full-time students:  No charge

All reservations must be paid in advance of program.

Click here to register on-line 


Nominations being sought for 2011 Chapter Awards 

The FPA/NEO is again seeking nominations for two awards that were presented for the first time in 2008.  the awards and criterion are as follows:


Heart of Financial Planning Award

  • Active member of the financial planning community.
  • Has done extraordinary work to contribute or give back to financial planning community and/or the public.
  • Past Board or committee service a plus, but not required.
  • Promotes/provides awareness or education and financial planning issues and topics.  
  • May be a member of the public (i.e.reporter).
  • Not a current Board member.
  • More than one award can be given.
  • Award does not have to be given each year.

Lifetime Achievement Award

  • Active in financial planning profession for 20+ years.
  • Served as a Board or committee member for FPA or predecessor financial planning organizations.
  • Exemplifies the financial planning profession.
  • Not a current Board member.
  • More than one award can be given.
  • Award does not have to be given each year.

As the financial planning profession continues to grow, evolve and professionalize the Board would like to recognize members of our chapter who exemplify the essence of these two awards.


The deadline for nominations is August 14, 2011.  Nominations should be in the form of one to three page letter describing why your nominee should be considered.  

Happy Anniversary


31 Years

Carolyn C. Kaufman, MBA, CPA, LLD, CFP�

30 Years
Lawrence P. Kennard, CFP�

28 Years
Keith M. Lichtcsien, AEP, CFP�        

27 Years

James E. Redmond, CFP�

21 Years 
Richard B. Kiplinger, CFP�

18 Years
Karin Maloney Stifler, CFP�
Joseph P. Heider

17 Years

Michael G. Kucharson, CPA, CFP�
Duane Lipps

15 Years
Robert A. Zappitelli
Joseph S. Kosek, CFP�
Constance a. Stone, CFP�, ATP

12 Years
Mary Simonelli
Kenny W. Hoopes, CFP�, CPA

11 Years
Ruth M. Samuels, CFP�, ChFC, CDFA

7 Years
Richard L. Mohr, CPA, PFS, CFP�
Steven P. McCann, CFP�

6 Years
Robin L. Riemenschneider, CFP�

5 Years

Kimberly E. Wirtz, CFP�


4 Years

Amanda Lischenko


3 Years

Andrew Connors, CFP�

Mark K. Bonhard, CFP�, CLU, ChFC

Wendelyn Walker, RP�

Chad A. Hartup, CFP�, CLU

James B. Perrine, CFP� 


1 Year

Michele A. Ferrara, CFP�