FPA Logo
In This Issue
President's Message
April 21st Program
Happy Anniversary
Board of Directors
Mark McCandless, CFP�, CPA

President Elect:
Molly Balunek, CFP�

Kara Downing, CFP�

Adrienne Love, CFP�

Karen Bordonaro, CFP�
Mario Gigante, CFP�, CPA, AIFA�
Ken Paull, CFP�
Pamela Sandy, CFP�

Bill Russo, CFP�
Upcoming Program Dates

April 21st
The Impact on Financial Planning of Recent and Proposed Income Tax Changes

Presented by: 
John Sestina

8 a.m. Registration /
Breafast Buffet /
8:30 Announcements /
Program to follow
Topics and Speakers are subject to change

Networking Event
The Club at Key Center
Date & Time:  TBD

No programming

September 15th
Place:  TBD

October 17th
FPA/NEO Symposium 2011

Speakers include:

Michael Kitces

Craig Zablocki 


7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

November 17
Topic:  "State of the Profession"
Thanks to Our Sponsors
Gold Sponsors:
Capital Analysts Inc.

Charles Schwab Advisor Services

Silver Sponsors:
American Endowment Foundation

American Funds

Direxion Funds

Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services

Franklin Templeton Investments

KBS Capital Markets

Long Term Care Partnership

Ohio Tuition Trust

RS Funds

Sigma Financial Corporation

Trust Company of America

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FPA/NEO March 2011 Newsletter
President's Message

by Mark McCandless, CFP�, CPA


"There is nothing that hasn't been said or heard before...only people that haven't said it or heard it."  --told to me by a client.


I chuckled when my client mentioned this to me. It reminded me that my President's letters often contain a message that has been heard before. Some things may be worth repeating:


"Would helping prepare college students to be financial planning professionals be meaningful for you?" - January 2010 President' Letter


I am happy to report that many of you stepped up to assist the students in the University of Akron Capstone course in Financial Planning this month. Professor Dave Robinson has 23 students who will have their academic experience enriched with advice and feedback from a member of our Chapter.  I am personally looking forward to helping a student gain additional "real world" experience in a supportive environment.  


"Major issues such as our budget deficit, the national debt, Social Security and Medicare must be addressed now. We can no longer talk about leaving a massive debt to our grandchildren." - September 2010 President's Letter


Presently Congress is battling over 61 billion dollars of spending cuts while the government is about to reach a milestone 14 trillion dollar national debt. Thus I'm unhappy to report that, even with a new Congress, our politicians have failed to address the real budget issues. For our part, our programming has and will address topics that I hope will help you assist your clients in an environment riddled with governmental indecision that leads to stalemates, last minute hastily passed tax bills and deficits that boggle the mind. We have discussed philanthropy and the economy so far this year and our next programs will address investments and taxes. The lack of progress in Washington impacts each of these areas.


"If you would like to help us accomplish the Primary Aim of FPA�, please contact me about how your Chapter can take advantage of your talent without requiring an extensive time commitment. My e mail address is [email protected]." - October 2010 President's Letter


In case you haven't heard me say it, (and it's been "said" and "heard" by someone before I came along!) we appreciate the efforts of volunteers who help as Board members, committee members and who give of their time on projects like the University of Akron. We need and welcome your help!

April 21, 2011 Program      

"Income Tax Planning:   

What Survived and What do we do now"

Speaker:  John E. Sestine, CFP�, ChFC  

What are you doing in light of current tax laws and anticipated affect of these laws to better your client's financial position?

  • Impact of New Legislation
    • Current federal income tax rates are preserved for everyone.
    • Unemployment insurance extends for 13 more months.
    • A payroll tax holiday occurs in 2011
    • Estate taxes will be milder than at any time in the past 80 years.
    • Tax breaks for middle-class and working-class families won't sunset.
    • No marriage penalty.
    • Taxes on capital gains and dividends top out at 15
    • Businesses may expense 100% of their investments in 2011
    • The tax break for IRA gifts to charity returns.
    • An AMT patch, of course  
  • Income Planning Common Tax Return Errors
    • Fuzzy math:
    • Incorrect ID numbers:
    • Discarded IRS labels:
    • Wrong 1040 forms:
    • Omitted forms:
    • Unreported investment income:
    • Tax Table entries:
    • Payment Problems:
    • Missing signature:
    • Tardiness: 
  • Income Tax Planning Tools  
    • Using Business Structure and Retirment Plans to manager taxes. 

Mr. Sestina is president of John E. Sestina and Company, a private professional financial planning firm which counsels individual clients on an objective fee-only basis.  the firm's guidance to clients throughout North America includes cash flow management, investment management, tax planning, disability planning, education planning, retirement planning, and estate planning.


A financial planner in private practice since 1965, Mr. Sestina has been recognized as the founder of the profession of fee-only financial planning since 1972.  His record of visionary innovation during the past 26 years has supported his mission to establish fee-only financial planning as an independent profession.  His stature as the founding leader in his profession is reflected in  long career of firsts and noteworthy achievements in financial planning education and service.  


Watch for registration information in your e-mail box. 


Nominations being sought for 2011 Chapter Awards 

The FPA/NEO is again seeking nominations for two awards that were presented for the first time in 2008.  the awards and criterion are as follows:


Heart of Financial Planning Award

  • Active member of the financial planning community.
  • Has done extraordinary work to contribute or give back to financial planning community and/or the public.
  • Past Board or committee service a plus, but not required.
  • Promotes/provides awareness or education and financial planning issues and topics.  
  • May be a member of the public (i.e.reporter).
  • Not a current Board member.
  • More than one award can be given.
  • Award does not have to be given each year.

Lifetime Achievement Award

  • Active in financial planning profession for 20+ years.
  • Served as a Board or committee member for FPA or predecessor financial planning organizations.
  • Exemplifies the financial planning profession.
  • Not a current Board member.
  • More than one award can be given.
  • Award does not have to be given each year.

As the financial planning profession continues to grow, evolve and professionalize the Board would like to recognize members of our chapter who exemplify the essence of these two awards.


The deadline for nominations is August 14, 2011.  Nominations should be in the form of one to three page letter describing why your nominee should be considered.  

Happy Anniversary

31 Years

David M. Lesjak, CFP�

28 Years  Michael G. Shinn, CFP�

27 Years  James R. Kickel, CFP�   
16 Years  
Lawrence W. Pelland, CFP�, CLU

12 Years 
Samantha Ospel, CFP� 

11 Years
Mario C. Giganti, CFP�, CPA, AIFA�

10 Years

Margie C. Carpenter, CFP�

8 Years
Carles J. Avarello, CFP�

5 Years
Joe L. Flinner, CFP�, CRPC
Jacqueline S. Glasscock, CFP�
Charles P. Hahn, ChFC
Derwood S. Miller, CFP�
Anne T. Palmer
Jack Zugay, CPF�

4 Years
Kristine Lausin, CFPzz�
Brent R. Horvath, CFP�
John r. Compton, Jr., CFP�

1 Year
Sherri L. Attili
Jennifer S. Henderson, CFP�