Issue 3, Volume 3, November 2010             Click here if you are having problems viewing this report            Complimentary Issue
November 2010 - MindShare Learning 21st Canadian EdTech Leadership Summit -- Building a Digital Blueprint to Support 21st Century Student Success
Funding Opportunity
K12: Headlines
K12: Upcoming Events
Conference Corner
Green IT
Hardware Review
Web 2.0 Technology Spotlight
Post Secondary: Headlines
Post Secondary: Upcoming Events
Youth File
MindShare Musings
Advisory Board
About Us
Poll Question
Does Canada need a national 21st century skills framework to prepare students for the global knowledge economy?
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Suggested Reading...

The Highly Engaged Classroom

The Highly Engaged Classroom

Great Brain Race

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Teaching the Digital Generation
How, Flat and Crowded

Interview with ISTE CEO Don Knezek        

Welcome to the November MindShare Learning Report - 21st Century Canadian EdTech Leadership Summit - Engaging Education & Business Leaders in Building a Digital Blueprint to Support 21st Century Student Success Special Edition Part 1

While I'm still a bit fatigued from our inaugural Summit, I'm elated by the excellent feedback from delegates and the richness of the learning that occurred amongst education and industry leaders from across Canada.  If you missed it, you can click here to access our Summit wiki that includes recorded webcasts, round table discussion notes and other wonderful resources shared at the Summit.

We're proud to have "walked the digital talk"  throughout our Summit using web 2.0 tools, webcasting and other interactive technologies in a blended learning environment to engage education and industry leaders to chart a course for the future. I was humbled and inspired by the many kind words shared by the delegates. "You're on to something BIG", I was told. Speaking of which there were many BIG ideas shared, including the need for a national digital framework as well as a need for a greater sense of urgency.

Now back to reality. We're often reminded that change in education does not happen overnight. However, I believe it's safe to say that we are in a digital revolution that is capturing the imagination of a vast number of Canadians including our newly minted Governor General, David Johnston, former University of Waterloo president. "We want to be the smart and caring Nation; a society that innovates, embraces its talent and uses the knowledge of each of its citizens to improve the human condition for all," stated the Governor General in his installation speech recently.

What I do know is that Canada is fortunate to have many amazing pockets of innovation throughout our 10 provinces and three territories. Just as the railroad was considered to be a unifying force, so too can our digital railroad in combination with a framework for 21st Century skills. We have a lot riding (pardon the pun) on it.  An overarching national framework for 21st century skills that will bind us together as a nation to compete in the global knowledge based economy is clearly needed. To borrow from the railroad nation building analogy, the 21st Century train has left the station in Canada and it's not stopping anytime soon! Watch for our MSL EdTech Summit summary Part II next issue that will outline BIG ideas and a call to action.

I would be remiss if I didn't thank to our presenters, conference committee team, delegates, our MSL team and our sponsors who contributed to a successful Summit. I hope you enjoy this month's MSL Report that promises to provide you with at least one golden nugget of information.  As always, we welcome your comments. 

Until next time, keep the learning curve steep!



P.S. This is Media Awareness week.... I encourage you to check out the Media Literacy Week website that has excellent resources on media literacy and internet safety

Find us on Facebook

Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™-- Connecting Education & Business to Support Student Success 
Go Green  Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement.
Title Sponsor
Quotes of the Month  

"We want to be the Smart and Caring Nation; a society that innovates, embraces its talent and uses the knowledge of each of its citizens to improve the human condition for all."

-Governor General of Canada, His Excellency, The Right Honourable David Johnston Installation Speech, October 1, 2010.

"The world is changing and we must change with it," he said. "In Alberta, we are investing a great deal of time and energy in transforming our education system to ensure that every child is prepared for the world into which he or she will graduate.  This work is absolutely necessary to creating the best possible 21st century education system for Alberta."

-Alberta Education Minister Dave Hancock comments in advance of his two-day mission to the Organization for Economic Development and Co-operation (OECD) in Paris,
Nov. 4 and 5 

"Penny Milton was a visionary but not hallucinatory"

-Tribute retirement reception for Penny Milton former Canadian Education Association CEO, October 28, 2010 

"The Summit was a resounding success. Bravo to you!"

-Dr. Bill Hogarth, President, Education, Research & Development Institute (ERDI) Canada and former Director, York Region District School Board

21st Century EdTech Leadership Summit 
Engaging Education & Business Leaders in Building a Digital Blueprint to Support 21st Century Student Success

Our inaugural MSL Canadian EdTech Leadership Summit challenged education and industry leaders to join together in charting a blueprint toward the 21st Century. While we can't predict the future, we can certainly strive to provide clarity in a vision that embraces innovation and challenges all leaders to engage students with real life experiences in the 21st Century.

To continue along the nation building railway analogy, the question remains, who's driving the train? A BIG idea that emerged from the MSL Summit is the creation of a Pan-Canadian 21st Century Skills framework.  In next month's issue we will feature Part II of our MSL 21st Century EdTech Leadership Summit, where we'll crystallize the BIG ideas along with our bold next steps that will include presenting our findings to the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC). In the meantime, let's keep the conversation alive!

We welcome your comments! Please take some time to review the recorded keynote webcasts and round table discussion comments via the MSL Summit2010 Wiki by clicking here.
Photo descriptions:

1.  Two world class Keynotes: Kathy Hurley, Sr. VP Pearson (left) &   Jennifer Corriero, Co-founder, TIG share a Kodak moment

2.  Closing Keynote Hall Davidson, Discovery Education energized his audience

3. Dr. Bill Hogarth facilitates the Cross Canada Check-up panel

4. Dr. Ron Owston, York U and Dr. Don Knezek, CEO, ISTE facilitate a session on 21st Century Skills

5.  MSL Summit delegates gather for a cocktail reception  

6. Howard Goodman, Trustee, Toronto DSB asks the tough questions



Special thanks to our sponsors:

Discovery Science

Funding Opportunities

The Government of Canada bolsters Canada's knowledge economy
Canada 22/10/10
Researchers will benefit from a new program that will, for the first time, provide stable, predictable, long-term funding to Canada's large-scale science facilities.

Federal Government Provides Funding For Banff International Research Station
Government of Canada 09/25/10
It all adds up to excellence at Canada, US and Mexico supported Banff International Research Station
Mathematics is the core science of our technologically driven, global society.

Dell | intel

21st Century EdTech Industry Spotlight

Exclusive podcast interview with Nancy Knowlton, CEO, SMART Technologies

MindShare Learning was invited recently to SMART's Calgary headquarters for an executive media briefing along with other select media outlets. Tune into the MindShare Learning Moment with publisher, Robert Martellacci and Nancy Knowlton, CEO, SMART Technology on their latest product release and how SMART Technologies is transforming learning in the 21st Century.

Podcast sponsored by:


K12 Feature Headlines
Media Literacy Week Calls on Canadians to Explore Gender Representation in Media and its Influence on Young People
Media-Awareness 01/11/10
Media Awareness Network (MNet) and the Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) marked the launch of Canada's Media Literacy Week today by highlighting the need for parents, educators and youth to talk about the ways that gender is portrayed in media and how this can influence young people's perceptions of themselves and others.

Governor-General laments Canada's performance in innovation, access to post-secondary education
Vancouver Sun 15/10/10
Canada has a ways to go toward improving high school dropout rates and access to post-secondary education for low-income students, Canada's new Governor-General said Thursday.

Microsoft Partners in Learning Announces 2010 Worldwide Innovative Teacher Awards
Transformed education an investment in future: Hancock
Government of Alberta 28/10/10
OECD ministers meet to reinforce economic benefits of education
Alberta Investing in education and human development as a strategy for economic recovery is the focus of Alberta Education Minister Dave Hancock's two-day mission to the Organization for Economic Development and Co-operation (OECD) in Paris, Nov. 4 and 5.

SMART Introduces New Class of Interactive Whiteboard
SMART Technologies 19/10/10
Feature-Rich SMART Board™ 800 Series Interactive Whiteboard Enables True Student Collaboration
SMART Technologies announces the SMART Board 800 series interactive whiteboard, a next-generation series that will provide the most natural and intuitive user experience yet on a SMART Board interactive whiteboard.

Canada's Ministers of Education Advance Learn Canada 2020 Priorities-21st Century Skills Identified as a Priority
CMEC 24/10/10
Ministers of education concluded the 98th meeting of their long-standing intergovernmental body, the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), today in Winnipeg.

In a Digital Age, Students Still Cling to Paper Textbooks
NY Times 19/10/10
They text their friends all day long. At night, they do research for their term papers on laptops and commune with their parents on Skype.

School boards welcome innovative assistive technology support
OCRI 13/10/ 10 
Ottawa's four school boards - Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, Ottawa Catholic School Board, Conseil des �coles publiques de l'Est de l'Ontario and Conseil des �coles catholiques du Centre-Est - have joined forces through OCRI to develop an innovative suite of resources to support the implementation of computer-based assistive technologies (AT) in the schools.

Microsoft 29/10/10
Microsoft Partners in Learning today announced the winners of the 2010 Worldwide Innovative Teacher Awards at the sixth annual Worldwide Innovative Education Forum.

K-12: Upcoming Events


Event: .......STAO
Date: .........November 12-13, 2010
Location: ...
Mississauga, ON

Event:....... BETT
Date:......... January 12-15, 2011
Location:... London, England

Event:....... FETC 2010
Date:......... January 31 - February 3, 2011
Location:... Orlando, Florida

Event: ....... Ontario Library Association's Super Conference 2010
Date: ......... February 3-5, 2011
Location: ... Toronto, ON

Looking for Excellent Professional Learning?  Come to ECOO 2010!  Follow us on Twitter

ECOO 2010: Inspire, Connect, Learn is fast approaching!
The Educational Computing Organization of Ontario's 31st Annual conference is fast approaching on Nov. 11 and 12 in Richmond Hill, Ontario.  This conference will be of interest to educators, parents, policy makers and those who live and work with the digital learners of the 21st Century!  Come and build your professional learning community to help serve our students now and in the future!

Event.....The Quest - For Increased Student Achievement: Engaging Learning In The 21st Century
When.....November 17 - 19, 2010
Toronto, ON

Please share your conference news with us and we'll do our best to include your event, and/or reflections. Email
[email protected]


Conference Corner

Free The Children's We Day in Toronto

By Mali Bickley, Teacher, W. H. Day Elementary 

On September 30th, some of the Grade 5 and 6 students from W. H. Day Elementary School in Bradford travelled to the Air Canada Centre to celebrate Free the Children's "We Day." The daylong celebration, attended by over 20,000 students from all over Ontario were inspired by amazing performers and speakers to motivate the students to take action and create change in the world. The day was exciting, with performances by Down With Webster and K'naan, and inspirational speeches by Deepack Chopra, Alexandre Bilodeau, Cherie Blair (former First Lady of the U.K.) and Spencer West. The most impactful speeches, according to my students was a panel discussion on our role in Global Peace. The panel consisted of Michel Chikwanine, former child soldier form the Congo,  Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, Author of "I Shall Not Hate" and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Betty Williams. The message they gave to the students was clear....we need to use our voices to understand and love one another, have compassion and understanding for each other and use our gifts to give a voice to others who do not have a voice. The "Dreamteam" has chosen to support a school in Sierra Leone and raise funds and awareness for former child soldiers. Their dream is to give a voice to former child soldiers and assist them with their education in providing funds to help build a school.

Green IT

 Green IT

University of Waterloo's faculty of environment's Top Ten Green Video via University Affairs

Click here to watch the video.

Green Schools for Every Child in This Generation
30/10/2010 Huffington Post
Imagine a future where children wake up excited to go to school. Imagine that when they get to school, they are met with clean fresh air, classrooms with good natural light and acoustics that allowed them to hear their teachers.

Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow, a Policy Framework for Environmental Education in Ontario Schools, Rainbow District School Board
27/10/2010 Rainbow Schools
In Rainbow Schools, sustainability focuses on three pillars: the environment, the
economy and a just, humane, democratic, respectful society.

Science & Technology Update from Environment Canada
  • Algae Blooms in Lake of the Woods - Kenora
  • The Whistler Campaign: Clouds, Air Quality and Climate Change
  • National Calibration Service Achieves Accreditation

Little Falls public school is a model of what schools will look like in the future.
28/10/2010 Stratford Beacon Herald
With an emphasis on green technology, the 21-classroom school is state of the art.

The 2010 Green California Schools Summit
December 8-10, Pasadena, California
For some, the economic arguments for going green are even stronger than the environmental ones. Savings from energy efficiency and on-site power generation are helping some schools grow their operating funds and keep vital services in place.

 Hardware Review: Apple's iPad 

Timothy Gard
Educator, Toronto District School Board

There's probably no computer hardware device more readily available today that will illicit more opinions from educators then Apple's iPad. If you haven't heard about this device, or even touched one then you're either holed up in a cave somewhere or you've just returned from a country that bans all form of communication. The news and buzz about the iPad is everywhere and so therefore, in short, you probably have an opinion about whether Apple's iPad is game changing technology, whether in everyday life, or in business, or more importantly I think, in the classroom. And so I tread with complete sensitivity - and perhaps with a bit of reluctance! - to offer some opinions of my own, especially to those who would state the iPad is game changing, or to those who would believe that it's just another amazing marketing scheme manufactured by Apple to get people to buy things they really don't need. Read on if you're interested in finding out more about Apple's iPad and the revolution it will bring to classrooms around the globe.

I would argue that the whole philosophy behind computer design is changing, and that the iPad or pad-like, tablet-like devices are a means to an end and that in no way, shape or form will the final analysis be the 'device' that is game changing. We are changing our thinking about computers. They are more mobile, more powerful with smaller footprints and they're becoming gateways to vast streams of information that will further require the user to be literate, intelligent, and critical thinkers of the form of the information that he or she is receiving. Let me focus this more holistic discussion to the Apple iPad.

Web 2.0 Technology Spotlight

Domo Animate: There are several different places in the web 2.0 world where you can animate, and create your very own masterpiece. Domo Animate is a great student-safe web presence that allows students of all ages to express themselves using some fairly intuitive animation tools!


NFBKids: I've used this Canadian web site in various contexts with various groups of students with a great deal of success. Who better to learn from then a world-class film board, with amazing content and a re-designed site where kids can learn about animation and play games that have pedagogical value?  From what I understand, the NFB is going to start offering stop motion resources as well! I can hardly wait!


According to the Markup web site you can. "Capture your thoughts quickly and easily by drawing on any webpage. Share your ideas with coworkers, colleagues, and friends. MarkUp works in your browser, so there's nothing to download and install; just drag the Get MarkUp icon into your bookmarks bar. When you want to make notes on a webpage, click your bookmarklet to load the MarkUp toolbar. Publish when you're ready to share your thoughts."  I gave it a whirl, and it works very nicely indeed.


Well, yet another way to explore data and get a visual understanding of a great many metrics, on a great many different topics. What makes this resource particularly useful however is that they have linked you with the vast number of data repositories that are sitting there ready for you to use.  According to they are a community of creative people working to make sense of complex issues through data and design...and it's a shared space and free resource to help you achieve this goal. Bravo!


Post Secondary Education - Visiting Professor

Podcast Interview featuring Dr. Curtis J. Bonk is Professor of Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University and adjunct in the School of Informatics and Mitchel N. Townsend, Doctoral Candidate, University of Calgary, Faculty of Education 

Curt earned his BA in accounting and his master's and doctoral degrees in educational psychology from the University of Wisconsin. Curt has given more than 1,000 talks around the globe related to online teaching and learning. He has over 260 publications including books such as the Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs (2006), Empowering Online Learning: 100+ Activities for Reading, Reflecting, Displaying, and Doing (2008), and The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education (2009) Dr. Bonk is the President and Founder of CourseShare

Podcast Sponsored by:

Post Secondary Education Feature Headlines

Governor General to Receive an Honorary Degree from the University of Waterloo
Governor General of Canada 20/10/10
During a convocation ceremony at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, will receive a Doctorate of Law honoris causa from the University, as well as be invested as president emeritus.

University research for industry soars
24/10/2010 CBC Technology & Science
Businesses are increasingly relying on universities to help them with science and technology research.  University research contracted by businesses increased five fold between 1999 and 2008, to $1.97 billion, reported Janet Walden, vice-president of research partnerships for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Friday.

The Students Have Spoken: Which Universities Make the Grade?
25/10/10 Digital Journal
Over 35,000 of Canada's undergraduate students representing 54 Canadian universities have evaluated their schools on the most important elements of post secondary education.

Carbon Management Canada Awards $8.7 Million To Canadian Researchers
26/10/2010 New Technology Magazine
Carbon Management Canada (CMC) Inc., a federal Network of Centres of Excellence headquartered at the University of Calgary, has awarded $8.7 million to Canadian university researchers, including those at the U of C.


Post Secondary Education: Upcoming Events 

Event: ........Canadian Society for Training and Development (CSTD) Knowledge Exchange
Date: ......... November 18 - 19, 2010
Location: ....Toronto, Ontario

Event: .......2010 EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR) Symposium
Date: .........December 6 - 8, 2010
Location: ....La Costa, Carlsbad, California

Date: ........January 7 - 8, 2011
Location: ...Las Vegas, Nevada

Event: .......Ontario Library Association's Super Conference 2010
Date: ........
February 3-5, 2011
Location: ...Toronto, ON

Youth File

Youth are immersed in a media world where the future lives, not imagined
By Aislinn Malszecki

After MindShare Learning's 21st Century Canadian EdTech Summit wrapped up yesterday I had to take a few minutes to unravel and make sense of everything I learned throughout the day.  I'm privileged to have this platform, the Youth File, to amplify my thoughts and share my understanding of the testimony from education and industry leaders outlining the current state of e-learning, what we're able to do with it today and moving forward bridging education and business.  The Summit's purpose was to open discussion and allow experts to listen and ask critical questions to one another and address the quickly changing digital landscape we are living within.  This is my contribution to the discussion:  it's now absolutely critical to use media in schools to prepare students for their futures. It's up to Canada's education leaders to foster a culture of learning with interactive media including working with new communication technologies to empower students and teachers together.
The vision repeatedly presented yesterday seems to me profoundly simple:  share knowledge, improve teaching methods, and open up channels for experimentation.  With more academic freedom and the right tools from industry, I believe we can build momentum towards many working solutions with media content and all its platforms. 
My background is in Communications with a focus on interactive media such as gaming, animation, digital art, video and I come from an age group that knows this media, really, really well.  In order to be competitive, I have to take a step backward and examine the power of media to properly see without obstruction; forward.  I need to know how to use media responsibly in all areas of society whether it's business, politics, the environment, social (and now, finally) on education.  Media allows students to learn without being measured doing their own research and development in the classroom, creating an environment of self-directed learning.  Media technology is available, in some cases the technology is free and other cases it's affordable.  It's elastic and can fit and mould into the curriculum.  Educators can share their success and teaching methods with their peers.  Let's experiment:  if Canadian educational leaders focused on developing a network of organizations and tools classroom teachers can obtain the knowledge and support to use media as a fundamental pillar in education, giving students the lifelong skills they need for ultimate success in the 21st Century.


Research and Innovation

The Future of the Canadian Council on Learning Message from the President and CEO
CCL  07/10/10
When, in January of this year, I announced that the federal government had ceased all funding to the Canadian Council on Learning (CCL), I also pledged the Council to two important commitments: to attempt to find some funding to replace monies sourced through the Government of Canada, and to maintain CCL as a viable entity.

Elementary and high schools spend so much time on the content-laden curriculum that students are unprepared for the analytic and conceptual thinking they'll need at university
University Affairs 27/10/10
Has Ontario taught its high-school students not to think?
Has Ontario's educational system taught a decade of students not to think? There is growing evidence that the combination of standardized testing with a content-intensive curriculum that's too advanced - both introduced by the Conservative government between 1997 and 1999 - has done exactly that.

Challenges Seen in Moving to Multimedia Textbooks
EdWeek 21/10/10
Supporting the use of multimedia-rich and interactive textbooks in K-12 will require much more digital bandwidth
Most school districts have the technical infrastructure to support the basic digital textbooks of today.

The Future of the Canadian Council on Learning Message from the President and CEO
CCL  07/10/10
When, in January of this year, I announced that the federal government had ceased all funding to the Canadian Council on Learning (CCL), I also pledged the Council to two important commitments: to attempt to find some funding to replace monies sourced through the Government of Canada, and to maintain CCL as a viable entity.

Epson Solutions in Action 
Computer Technician, Jean-Guy Lepage of Patriotes School Board in Montreal, Quebec speaks about the usefulness and ease of use of the Epson BrightLink.

MindShare Musings..."The Connectors, Leaders and People on the Move"

It's conference season! I attended ERDI Canada in Collingwood, Ontario last month with our client, Global Scholar. The event yielded excellent collaboration between education and business leaders and rich learning for all. One of the highlights of the event was a keynote on social networking and twitter. I'm a BIG fan of this technology as it enables you to share and follow leaders strategically. There are many learning communities of practice forming on twitter as well. You can follow me via @mindsharelearn 

I recently attended a retirement tribute for outgoing Canadian Education Association CEO, Penny Milton in Toronto. It was wonderful and inspiring to hear her former colleagues reflect on her passion for learning, family and the arts. I met Penny through her husband, Dr. Bob Kennedy, Apple Consultant and former district Superintendent in North Bay. Penny has been a true champion for public education and will be missed for leadership and vision to further education in Canada. One of the other highlights of the evening for me was meeting Dr. Michelle Jacobson, who heads up the University of Calgary, Doctoral program in Educational Technology. I'd interviewed Dr. Jacobson on a podcast last year. I was quite honoured at her suggestion that she'd like to see me enrol in their program. It's definitely on my radar. Speaking of Calgary, I was recently invited to SMART Technologies for an executive media briefing for a new product launch. Besides the new product presentations, we had a fascinating conversation over lunch with co-founders, David Martin and Nancy Knowlton, along with my media colleagues from the Globe & Mail, Scholastic Administrator and District Administrator magazines.

Just to wrap up on the CEA....congratulations on their website refresh.
Here's an interesting tweet I came across recently....RT @EdTechUNcon: sign of a 21st Century Teacher "I can't know how to use every technology, but I am willing to learn"

While the Canadian Council on Learning is now on life support financially, Paul Cappon, CEO, manages to provide important data on how Canada is performing on the international stage. The CCL just this week released a report on Canada that suggests Canada may be falling short of its potential.

MindShare Learning proudly sponsored Michael Bator's (former Dufferin Peel District School Board Director, now ED, Catholic Curriculum Cooperative)  When Faith Meets Pedagogy conference in Mississauga and the  CUE BC Horizons conference in Richmond B.C. Next up we have ECOO in Ontario next week that we're proudly supporting. If you have an upcoming event and news to share, please drop me a note at [email protected].

Until next time, be sure to walk the digital talk! Cheers, R.

Top of page
Advisory Board Members 
The MindShare Report is grateful of the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board.  Members include: 
  • Dr. Greg Malszecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
  • Dr. Ron Owston, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology, York University
  • Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology
  • Cheryl Paige, Principal, Joyce Public School, Toronto District School Board
  • Jamie McNamara, Superintendent of Schools, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools, Leduc, Alberta
  • Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology), Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
  • Timothy Gard, Educator - Media Literacy & Technology, Toronto District School Board
  • Gary Kern, Principal, Technology & Innovation, West Vancouver School District
  • Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
  • Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada  
  • David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco Trimark
  • Chip FeskoSr. Director of Advertising & Strategic Alliances, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia Magazine
About Us

The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:

About The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Leading, Learning & Technology eMagazine.

Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond. We harness the power of Web 2.0 technologies to feature engaging Vodcasts, podcasts, polling, Canadian educational technology news headlines & upcoming strategic industry events in the K-12, Higher Ed and corporate eLearning market segments. Other elements of the MSL Report eMagazine include: successful practices, ask an educator, ask a professor, research & tech tools, GreenIT and career listings, to support educators and educational technology providers in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada.

Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of each month.
Please forward your news releases as web links to [email protected]
Sponsorship opportunities are available, please contact,
[email protected]
Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN

About MindShare Learning

MindShare Learning is a privately held company based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic marketing solutions to learning & technology solution providers in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets, to support new market expansion and revenue growth. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, GlobalScholar,, RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, netTrekker, IMSI (, CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), Tech4Learning, Xoolon, NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada.