Connecting People with Nature       PAGE LAMBERT      Connecting Writers with Words


Life's an Adventure ~ Write it!  Live it!  Love it!

Kinship banner with Headshots
canada geeseSwimming in Symbols
Poet Julie Stuckey reminds us that "we swim in symbols."  The world calls to us, asking us to make meaning of these symbols.  And we do, in our art and music and stories.  We draw from the sensate world metaphors for our lives.  The "V" of migrating geese reminds us that within order there is purpose.  We learn that geese take turns leading the skein because the first one in line - the one plowing the "wind" trail - has the most exhausting job.  And so they take turns.  One bird leads for a while, then eases to the tailing ends of the "V" and lets another bird take over.  

We are in the midst of a season of symbols - reccurring themes that will guide us into the new year.  Like the migrating geese, we return to familiar stories and familiar landscapes, retracing our steps, preparing ourselves for this new season.  But unlike the geese, we are not always wise enough to know when to conserve our energy so that we can meet new challenges refreshed and inspired to push forth once again. 

As fall draws to a close and winter calls out to us, let's open our eyes to the ways in which our lives parallel Nature.  Let's listen to the earth's songs of winter so that they might inform our own quiet, creative endeavors.  Let's allow this season of "deep root energy" to guide us into the heart of our next story, our next poem, our next moment of leadership.  Blessings to you during this symbolic season.


            FEATURED DVD

Mountains, Water & the Healing Power of Nature 
 A documentary fim
narrated by Michael York.
Photography and production by
Earth Songs by Brian Luke Seaward

I met Brian a few years ago at an event with his close friend, Jane Goodall. 

      Verdad Fall 2010FEATURED POEM and
     Divination by Julie Stuckey
       Published in Verdad:
       Journal of Literature and Art


         We swim in symbols.
         A hawk flies high above the highway
         searching for prey while soaring the updrafts.
         A white middle-aged man plays his
         copper saxophone to the tiled subway wall.
         A young doe is killed at dusk
         along the lonely country road.
         Last year's brittle leaves scritch across  hard  ground.
         Under brilliant evening sunsets
         we are given runes to decipher when the wind calms.
         Beneath busy lives our constant searching never stills.
         We step over crumpled litter.
         We hear faint whispers call,
         each warbling, cooing, braying, sighing
         murmur, shout or hymn 
         a beckoning missive calling us to remember
         our more ancient tongue.



       Read "Divination" by Julie Stuckey online at Verdad.

       READ submission guidelines.


Verdad, a literary and fine arts journal, seeks interesting, well-written and previously unpublished poetry, short fiction, memoir, essays and visual art, including illustrations and photographs.




Brent, Kari, Tommy, DarciFEATURED RETREAT
Literature & Landscape of the Horse
Wild about Horses?  Crazy about Writing? 
Come to Wyoming's Snowy Range and explore both passions!
Vee Bar Lodge


Cat journalingIncludes 5-nights lodging, all meals, tack, 

your own horse for 5 days, writing and riding instruction, 

and wide open spaces to explore led by the Vee Bar wranglers. 


                           The 2008, 2009, and 2010
 retreats sold out.
Sheri, Page, Diego & Jello heading out


Where: Beautiful Vee Bar Guest Ranch, Laramie, Wyoming
When:  Saturday, May 28 - Thursday, June 2, 2011
How much:  $1,490.00, $100 discount for previous guests
Deposit: $300 deposit due Februay 1, 2011
Questions:  (303) 842-7360        
                                                   FIND OUT MORE      VIEW PHOTO ALBUMS     REGISTER TODAY



Rural Literature InitiativeFEATURED GOOD CAUSE

Endangered Literature Campaign


The Rural Literature Initiative:

Reinvigorating life and learning in the American countryside.


The "rural literature initiative" is the brainchild of a small group of educators and researchers who are committed to the reinvigoration of American rural life.  I first learned about it from my friend, author and artist Teresa Jordan.   


 The Rural Literature Initiative website asks this question:  Educators - will you commit to reviving student understanding of the richness of rural literature in your classroom?  Read their mission.   




Page Sundance Ranch silhouette
Sundance Mountain, Wyoming

 Wishing you many blessings

in this season of "deep root energy."

Favorite 2010 blog posts from:
Life's an Adventure ~ Write it!  Live it!  Love it!