March 2011 Newsletter - Line in Design

Newsletter Header with Judith Rasband and Conselle Seal

Conselle Fashion & Image Newsletter

From Image Expert, Judith Rasband, AICI CIM 


I just returned from a whirlwind trip to India where my business partner Rakesh Agarwal and the beautiful Suman hosted my husband Neil and I for two weeks. I had to pinch myself time and time again to believe I was really in India, a place halfway around the world that I've only read about. We were treated royally, showered with flowers and gifts from day one.


India is a country and culture of extreme contrasts - religion and politics, rich and poor, large and small, old and new, hot and cold, with horns honking all around. Everywhere we went we were fed fascinating new foods. We visited small fabric and handicraft shops, huge malls, authentic Indian bazaars, and attended a real Bollywood movie.


It was so excellent to see the various office and training locations set up for the work of First Impressions image consulting.  Rakesh and Suman are taking the image industry throughout India.  We started in Mumbai (Bombay) and traveled to Bangalore, Kolkata (Calcutta), and New Delhi, to name a few.  Everywhere we went, the administrators, staff, and students we met were welcoming, gracious, happy, and enthusiastic about their new image work.  


Indian Woman SareeI tell you, women everywhere in India at all economic levels wear sarees.  The societal effect is lovely to behold.  Sadly, most young people want to imitate American youth in tattered jeans and T-shirts.  Having been exposed to honestly impoverished men preserving their dignity by wearing collared shirts and women in sarees, I am even more incensed by our ugly American way of wearing pretentious poverty chic. 


Our Indian image students and administrators are excited about how global the Style Scale® really is in its application.  Suman is in close cooperation with a designer, creating collared saree shells and jackets.  She appeared at meetings in a beautiful jacket version of the saree, excellent for business and leadership.  Take these to market and she'll create a whole new fashion trend for Indian women.  In the meantime, we'll create an Indian version of the Style Scale®, fully illustrated.


March's Newsletter topic comes from Conselle's Wardrobe Strategy Book #3, Line.  All fashion design begins with a line that leads the eye and communicates loud and clear.


For those new to our newsletter, at Conselle we work with a complete set of 12 wardrobe strategies. Each wardrobe strategy is independent, yet each strategy builds on the others, much like the pieces of a puzzle working toward the whole. Each month I'll focus on a specific wardrobe strategy within the Featured Article. Other Newsletter sections will dip into timely topics with applied meaning for you. With limited space, I'll try to choose my words carefully to suggest a range of options available to meet your individual needs.


In March's Issue
Line in Design
Timeless Truth
Consultant's Corner
Dress Slim

Ask Judi

Judith Rasband

If you have an image issue that is getting in the way of accomplishing your goals, email me about it at I'll do my best to get back to you with a solution that will help move you forward. Please include a contact phone number in case the answer is a bit long, so we can really talk it through.

Newsletter Archives
Featured Article - Line in Design

Suit Jacket by Yves Saint Lauren


When it comes to your appearance, you cannot NOT communicate. If you've ever wondered what it is in clothing that is sending non-verbal messages, it harks back to the Elements of Design: line, shape, color, texture, and pattern. This month we will address line in clothing design and what it communicates.


Consider a tailored suit or jacket. A tailored suit is designed with many straight lines: straight lines in the silhouette, the collar, the lapel, and the crease down the pant leg. Straight lines, particularly vertical straight lines, communicate authority and alertness -- you're at attention, you know what to do, and how to do it. Diagonal collar and lapel lines communicate action -- you will actually get the job done.



Women's Bomber JacketCompare the straight lines of a tailored suit to the somewhat curved lines of a denim, corduroy, or leather bomber jacket. Curved lines in the silhouette and in the pockets are softer in effect, more relaxed, communicating approachability and a more relaxed or casual manner and attitude. Even if you know what to do, you're more likely to take your time getting things done.



There are certain occasions in which straight lines would be more appropriate, such as leadership or business events, and others where curved lines would be preferred, such as relaxed business, social, and sports occasions. Take a job interview, for example. To appear confident and capable, wearing more structured clothing with straight lines will communicate your interest and ability in performing the job required. A leisurely afternoon at the park or an evening out with friends are ideal for incorporating more curved lines, allowing you to appear more relaxed and available for friendly conversation.   



Ralph Lauren Suit and Turtleneck
Ralph Lauren wears a tailored suit, softened by a curved turtleneck.

Creating a blend of straight and curved lines will allow you to customize the message your clothing sends. If you wear a more authoritative tailored jacket, pairing it with a silk tee with a curved neckline, the structured jacket will appear softer with the tee and make you appear more accessible. This strategy is applicable for both men and women.


Conselle Affiliate Sola Andelowo from Indiana is an excellent example of blending straight and curved lines to create a personalized message. Since she offers more in-home image consulting parties with groups of women, she wants and needs to appear professional and credible, but still appear approachable to the women she comes in contact with. To achieve this goal, Sola often wears softly tailored jackets with round necklines and round buttons, paired with a silk scarf at the neck. The additional jacket layer and straight skirt lines maintain her professionalism, while the rounded necklines allow her to appear accessible or available to her clients. 



Consider the visual authority and excitement of the dress below, one designed with geometric stripes in a very graphic pattern, as compared to the visual approachability of the dress designed with softly curving lines in a floral pattern. Lines do communicate moods and feelings for the personality and the occasion. Use them to your advantage to communicate your mood and intent.  


Compare 2 dresses

If you'd like the whole discussion of Line in Design strategies, order Conselle's wardrobe strategy book #3 Line at $27.97. Order through Conselle's Store or call 801-224-1207 and order directly through Kathy or Sarah.   


Order Line here!   


Timeless Truth

Border Print Dress Maggie LondonLines divide areas on a garment. Attention will go to the dominant lines in your clothing, so a good rule of thumb is to put the dominant lines where you want people's eyes to go.


To give you an example, shoulder yoke lines and collar lines draw attention up for a leadership look, great choices for business. A border print on a skirt or dress hemline (like the one to the left) draws attention to the legs is just fine for social occasions. A contrasting color band at the bottom of the pullover top puts attention at the tummy or hips.


As you are getting ready for the day, look for dominant lines in your clothing, consider what you will be doing, who you will be with, and what you want to accomplish, then look at the lines and where they divide on your clothes and ask yourself - is that where you want attention to go?

Conselle Spring Classes
This season, Conselle delivers some great NEW image and fashoin classes! Bring a friend as we put the facts and fun back in fashion! 

Fashion Styling Workshop
Fashion Styling Workshop
Fashion Styling Workshop

The media is full of talk about fashion and wardrobe styling, but some of the looks pictured in fashion magazines range from horribly awful to downright scary. It seems that no one has ever compiled a "how-to" list of criteria for knowing whether the resulting outfit works, or NOT. Until now. And so, we invite you to attend this workshop and learn how to do it right. Your stylist for the evening is Judith Rasband, AICI CIM. You'll have 400 pieces of clothing to pull from as you engage in the fun of fashion styling for your personal style. 


Register for the Fashion Styling Workshop here!

How to Wear One Piece Five Ways

One Piece Five Ways Copyright Sarah Ward
How to Wear One Piece Five Ways. Copyright Sarah Ward

At a time when money is tight, fashion stylist Sarah Ward will show you how to maximize your clothing dollar by increasing the number of ways you can wear the clothes in your closet. Whether it's a favorite scarf, a new skirt with the tag still on it, or a little black dress, Sarah will open your eyes to new ways to wear them that you'll never have thought of.  Bring an item of clothing and we'll come up with creative styling ideas for wearing one piece five ways.   


Register for How to Wear One Piece Five Ways here!


With a ga-zillion accessories to choose from, how do you know which ones to buy? What works for your lifestyle and personal style? How do you know if the mood and the message of the clothes and accessories are in sync? How many accessories are too many? Pairing the right accessories with an outfit creates visual harmony and a synergy that is instantly effective in communicating to yourself and others the message you intend to send. Join image professional Leslie Wells for a fun and educational workshop. Learn how to choose the perfect accessories for each outfit and occasion. Discover how to wear belts, whatever your figure type. Get tips on how to manage the message in your jewelry, shoes, and bag.


Register for Accessor-Ease here! 

5 - 8 Easy Pieces: The Cluster
5 to 8 Easy Pieces
5 to 8 Easy Pieces
Wardrobe Strategy

Learn where to start in building a great wardrobe! Join image professional Leslie Wells, Camilla Owens, or Sadie Starling and learn a creative wardrobe strategy called "clustering" that puts the fun back into fashion. Watch a lively demonstration and get the guidelines that make it work for you in the home, in business or leadership, and for evening occasions. Fire your imagination, increase your wardrobing skills, eliminate anxiety about clothing, save yourself time and money, and simplify your life! There'll be no wasted "wardrobe orphans" in your closet! 


Register for 5 - 8 Easy Pieces: The Cluster Wardrobe Strategy here!



Classes are $20 per session and pre-registration is requested. To register, call 801-224-1207.  


Conselle Institute of Image Management - Learning Center
1776 North State Street
Orem, Utah 84097

Red JacketConsultant's Corner  


Chloe Wide Leg Pants
Wide Leg Pants on the Chloe Runway


  1. Wide leg pants, bell bottoms, and flared jeans. This spring the pendulum swings from skinny jeans to wide leg pants, bell bottoms, and flared jeans that were all the rage in the 70s. These fuller styles are comfortable and naturally balance a larger lower torso, accommodating far more bodies than skinny jeans ever did.
  2. Maxi skirts and dresses. In stark contrast to the miniskirt, long maxi skirts and dresses are back for Spring 2011. The elongated lines, fuller shapes, bohemian patterns, and flowing fabric allow for comfortable movement with lots of air circulation, and are sure to hide a multitude of figure variations. Don't think that the maxi trend is only for tall people. Most shorter people can wear the same styles tall people can. Simply position hems on the shorter person at the same place as on the taller person and clothes will be proportioned.
  3. Trench coats. An annual spring classic, trench coats are being updated this season with fun colors. While the traditional khaki trench is still a safe bet, if you're feeling bold, you can find trench coats in vibrant colors like yellow or green which are sure to make a statement. 
  4. Oxford brogue shoes. Last fall, the menswear-inspired Oxford brogue shoes were a hot commodity and they have carried over to this season. This classic style-turned-trend is a terrific alternative to wearing flats and are available in different colors like blush pink, cognac, red, or blue, in addition to the accepted black, brown, or two-tone.
  5. Platform shoes. We continue to borrow from the 70s with platform and wedge style shoes. In stores you can find strappy wedges, casual espadrilles, open toed, and closed toed styles with feminine ankle straps in varying heights to accommodate your needs. 

Conselle Educational-Training for Image Consultants

Attend Conselle's 15-Day Educational-Training to become a certified image consultant.

Receive comprehensive image education and materials to launch a full-service image business.

A great image education is an investment you can never lose!

The Next Educational-Training is

June 4 - 18, 2011 


Spots are filling up quickly, reserve your seat today!


Conselle Affiliates Sundance March 2011

March's Educational-Training participants enjoying 

bonding time and lunch at Sundance Resort


Rave Reviews for Conselle:  


"Your ability to present a large quantity of information in an appealing and interesting manner is impressive. Your knowledge, creativity, enthusiasm, energy and graciousness are inspiring and appreciated in a challenging opportunity......."
Ann Johnson, Orem, UT


"AICI Convention certainly confirmed that I made the wise choice. An excellent, comprehensive overview of the image industry, with complete academic background knowledge! Be prepared to be exposed to truthful and time-trusted theories behind all that we do. The portfolios inspire us to the same excellence. Consider this your jump-start to learning-you have a gold mine handed to you in one file box!"

Bev Dwane, Durham, NC



Click here for detailed information or call 801-224-1207 and talk to Kathy. 


Tip for a Fabulous Fit - Dress Slim!

Plus Size Fashion Igigi JacketThere are some image consultants and fashion stylists who will teach you that if you have a straight body, you can only wear clothes with straight lines; that if you have a curved body, you can only wear clothes with curved lines.


Not so! If individuals with a rounded body types buy into that advice and wear clothes designed predominantly with rounded lines, they will make the person appear even rounder than they actually are - not likely what they are trying to achieve. Incorporating more straight lines and more structured clothing will counter the round lines already present in their body and firm up the appearance of the figure with firmer fabrics.


The same can be said for people with thinner tubular body types - wearing clothes with some rounded lines will help take off the edge, so to speak, and soften their look.

Conselle "Fabulous Fit" Retreat

Woman SewingWomen whose passion is fashion sewing to achieve a custom and fabulous fit are invited to an exceptional 6-Day hands-on retreat.  Spend high value, personalized time with our Master Fitters!  Each brings her own unique sphere of interest and expertise to the fitting and fashion makeover experience.  Learn revolutionary new methods in fitting and alteration, taking home custom-fitted bodice, shirt, and pant patterns that fit!  
Next "Fabulous Fit" Retreat is May 9-14, 2011.  

For detailed information and testimonials go to Fit Retreat Information or call 801-224-1207 and talk to Kathy.

In Closing


Just back from India, I am already totally involved in a two-week Educational-Training in Image Management, hosting exciting women from the U.S., Canada, and China. Today we focused on concepts regarding line and shape as they relate to clothing style selection and a positive body image.  It is my privilege to see these women advance in their knowledge and ability.  At the same time, I love the little "ah-ha" moments I experience when I see something in a new light or more clearly than ever before.  It's a fascinating work we are involved in, this business of image management.  I hope the information included in this newsletter will advance your knowledge and ability in your own clothing selection and coordination, allowing you to present yourself the way you'd like to be seen. 



Judith Rasband
Conselle Institute of Image Management

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