Focus On: Peer Review  In addition to our traditional and primary role as structural engineers and designers, THOMAD Engineering has also provided plan check and peer review services for projects that were designed by other engineers. Most of us are familiar with the plan checks that are conducted by building department officials throughout the United States as a requirement of the permit application process. However, peer reviews are less ubiquitous and more comprehensive than the former. Plan checks are usually performed at the time of a permit application, when the design phase should be complete, and end when a permit is ready to be issued. The primary purpose of plan check is to ensure compliance with building codes. Plan check does not go beyond satisfying the code minimum requirements and is not concerned with serviceability, long term performance, or other important considerations. Peer reviews, on the other hand, are usually performed at several milestones until design completion and sometimes during and until completion of construction. The peer review process is much more formal, detailed and codified. In addition to the same goal of a plan check, peer reviews can also include an assessment of constructability, construction document quality, conflict resolution and can validate the overall design of a structure. Independent external peer reviews are mandated by some states. In California, for example, "Peer Review" is a term selected by the state legislature to describe the review and approval process of plans for certain state-owned buildings. For instance, the California Health & Safety Code sections � 129900 and � 129905 address peer review of plans that are prepared by or under the supervision of the Department of General Services and Department of Corrections, respectively. Both of those sections refer to a "Peer Review Procedure" that can be found in Section 3414A of the California Building Code (Title 24 Part 2). Peer reviews are also required for mission critical facilities such as the nuclear industry and the military. A copy of the military UFC 3-310-04 document is available online. Peer reviews can also be voluntarily requested by private clients. To obtain value, they should be restricted to a select group of qualified, experienced, and registered design professionals. In our experience, the cost of a peer review is an inexpensive insurance for life safety and quality assurance when done correctly. |