Thanksgiving will soon start this year's holiday season and spread the cheer. I hope you are already in the spirit!
This is a special time for reunion and celebration with family and friends when we also take particular moments to count our blessings and to be grateful for what's good in our life.
To name a few, we are especially grateful to you our clients, employees, colleagues and friends. Thank you for trusting us with your business, your dedication, support and encouragement.
Happy Thanksgiving and best wishes for a wonderful holiday season!
Mohammed Thomad, PE, SE
Focus On: Space Frame Structures
A space frame is a truss-like, lightweight, rigid structure constructed from interlocking steel or aluminum struts in a three dimensional geometric pattern. Space frames can be used to span large areas with few interior supports. Like the truss, a space frame is strong because of the inherent rigidity of the triangle and its ability to resist axial loads.  |
Biosphere 2 Space Frame Structure in Arizona
Advantages of Space Frames: - Lightweight: One of the most important advantages of a space frame structure is that it is lightweight. This is due to the fact that material is distributed spatially in such a way that the load transfer mechanism is primarily axial. Consequently, all material in any given element is utilized to its full extent. Furthermore, most space frames are now constructed with steel or aluminum, which considerably decreases their self-weight. This is especially important in the case of long-span roofs.
- Lower Cost: The units of space frames are usually mass produced in the factory so that they can take full advantage of the industrialized system of construction. Space frames can be built from simple prefabricated units, which are often of standard size and shape. Such units can be easily transported and rapidly assembled on site by semi-skilled labor. Consequently, space frames can be built at a lower cost.
- Flexibility: A space frame is usually, sufficiently stiff in spite of its lightness. This is due to its three-dimensional character and to the full participation of its constituent elements. Engineers appreciate the inherent rigidity and great stiffness of space frames and their exceptional ability to resist unsymmetrical or heavy concentrated loads. Possessing greater rigidity, the space frames also allow greater flexibility in layout and positioning of columns.
- Beauty: Space frames possess a versatility of shape and form and can utilize a standard module to generate various flat space grids, latticed shell, or even free-form shapes. Architects appreciate the visual beauty and the impressive simplicity of lines in space frames. The structural members are usually left exposed as a part of the architectural expression. Desire for openness for both visual impact as well as the ability to accommodate variable space requirements always calls for space frames as one of the most favorable solutions.
Source: Handbook of Structural Engineering, Second Edition, by Wai-Fah Chen "Some insight into man-made structural forms is gained by observing  |
Best Tension Structure
various forms occurring in nature. The web of a spider, exceedingly strong for its weight, is probably one of the most efficient tension structures ever built. An element of the web has essentially no bending stiffness and no resistance to compression; therefore the elements must be so arranged that the imposed loads (spider and prey) can be carried by tension alone. The configuration of the web changes continuously as the spider changes position, creating the shape required to support the changing load." Credit: E. M. Raffensperger, Department of Entomology, Cornell University. |
Who We Are:
THOMAD Engineering is a client-focused structural engineering design and consulting firm. We have been committed to providing excellent services and completing projects always above and beyond expectations since our establishment in 2003.
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'Structural Moments' is a monthly e-newsletter published by the staff of THOMAD Engineering. It is intended to inform our valued clients, associates, and colleagues in the A/E/C industry and stimulate thoughtful dialogue with them.
THOMAD Engineering has been a proud member and supporter of the AIA Las Vegas chapter since 2003.