May  2010
Structural Moments...
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In This Issue:
Focus On: Parking
Featured Projects: Parking Structures
Who We Are: 
THOMAD Engineering is a client-focused structural engineering firm established in 2003. We are committed to providing excellent services always above and beyond expectations.
To learn more, spend a 'moment' at our website!
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'Structural Moments' is a monthly e-newsletter published by the staff of THOMAD Engineering to our valued clients, associates, and colleagues in the A/E/C industry.
Spring time for me, although it's too short here in Southern Nevada, is always filled with a sense of renewal, new growth and optimism. This year especially, it inspires us to maintain our strength in dealing with the challenges our businesses are facing. Let's plan and hope for a better tomorrow, while at the same time not forget to enjoy today.

It was a year ago this month, in the spirit of spring, when Structural Moments was born. Over the course of a short year, the number of recipients have more than tripled. Their response and feedback has been very positive and encouraging. Please continue to share

your thoughts and let us know what you would like to see in future issues.
Our goal has always been to continue improving its quality.Mohammed Thomad's Bio
Best Regards,
Mohammed Thomad, PE, SE
Focus On: Parking
Look Familiar?
Parking Lot
Parking is something we all take for granted, and in our automobile
dominated society it has become ubiquitous. Metered parking, parking
lots, underground parking, multi-story parking structures are all spaces for placing
the approximately
250 million vehicles in the United States. Naturally, parking has
become an integral part of the design process for any new project. It
usually consumes a large percentage of a project's budget.
Asphalt parking lots can cost more per square foot to build than
the structures they serve. Thus, it is no surprise that today's parking
accommodations are going to building
vertically to maximize land use.
Parking structures, though seemingly boring and often ugly, can be
very complicated to design. However, more m
odern parking structures are becoming
architecturally appealing by incorporating attractive designs into
their facades. They can also be sustainable structures, such as
 by integrating photovolatic panels and gardens on their roof levels
. Their structural design and engineering can be as
challenging as the design of inhabitable structures
. Parking structures must support specialized loads, such as the
dynamic loads of vehicles and impact loads
of runaway cars or trucks, in addition to normal gravity and lateral wind and earthquake loads.
At THOMAD Engineering, we have been a part of many parking 
projects, including stand-alone, mixed-use parking
structures, and integrated on-site parking for high rise
The parking structures shown below exemplify our design experience
Featured Projects: Parking Structures
Bell Transportation Facility
Bell Trans
Completed in 2009, the Bell Trans parking garage houses limos, taxis, and shuttle buses. The six-story, 1053 vehicle, 434,000 sf garage also   includes  owner-occupied   administrative offices, service bays, paint shops and auto parts storage. 
Owner:  Whittlesea-Bell Transportation
Architect: Pacific Design Concepts
Contractor:  Sacon Construction 
Completed:  2009
System:  Precast and sitecast concrete
Avi Resort
Avi Garage
Completed in 2006, the Avi Resort parking garage incorporates native American art embossed into the exterior structural precast concrete spandrels and decorative walkway shade structures.
Owner:  Avi Indian Tribe
Architect: YWS Architects
Contractor:  Burke and Associates
Completed:  2006
                                                      System:  Precast and sitecast  
Marriott Renaissance
Marriott Garage
The Marriott Parking Garage was completed in 2003. This garage has open bays on all exterior sides made possible by using a cast-in-place concrete moment frame structural system.
Owner:  Jackson Shaw Company
Architect: HPA Architects
Contractor:  Perini Building Group
Completed:  2004
System:  Cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete slab-beam and moment frame
Visit our website for more parking garage projects and more details.