Hillel Academy
of Pittsburgh
5685 Beacon Street
Pittsburgh, PA
P: (412) 521-8131
F: (412) 521-5150
February 4, 2011
30 Shevat 5771
Candle Lighting: 5:22 pm
Havdalah: 6:24 pm
Parshat Terumah
Dvar TorahWow! 8th Grader Moshe Grossberg is an unbelievable goalie. Think that's impressive? You should see him with a sefer. Read this week's Dvar Torah to find out more.
Es Gezunterheyt!
As a special addition to the Hillel Happenings, we are pleased to feature the discriminating palate of fifth grader Boaz Bachrach. After traveling through the Napa Valley of Pittsburgh (or aisle 2 of Murray Avenue Kosher) Boaz shares with us his candid review of grape juice:
I have tasted almost all types of grape juice (unless you count the peachy stuff, but that's peach juice not grape juice, right?), and I have a favorite. My favorite is Kedem Sparkling Grape Juice. However, in my opinion, a close second is actual home made grape juice crushed in my house.
Strange but True:
Which country played the major role in bringing the State of Israel to reality?
The Soviet Union! (not the United States)
Do you want to know more about Jewish History?
If so, email Rabbi Eisen at
Teacher Feature
Mrs. Finder's daughter recently returned from a trip to Cambodia. Reb Shaw is an honorary member of the Cambodian national football team. To find out more about the fascinating lives of Hillel Academy's teachers, read this week's interview.
Support the Senior GirlsNeed a quick batch of cookies? Support the Senior Girls by purchasing cookie dough.
Click "yum" to find out more details.
Yom Limud is Approaching
Attention Hillel Academy Teachers, Yom Limud is scheduled for Monday, February 21, 2011, from 8:30 am - 3:45 p.m. at Congregation Beth Shalom.
Please click "Continuing to Learn" for more details.
Interested in Writing for the Jewish Chronicle?
Please speak to Mrs. Levari for more details. ylevari@hillelpgh.org.
Did You Know? Thanks to Morah Ivrit Achinoam, and Ela, almost every item in Hillel Academy is going to have a label with its Hebrew name on it.
הטקסט |
Moishe's Munchies
Are you ready for another delicious trip to Moishe's pop up restaurant? Moishe's Munchies will be available on Tuesday, February 8th, from 5-8 pm at Poale Zedeck. Click "Those burgers taste great" for a menu and more details. |
Mazel Tov
Dr. Adam & Mrs. Chevi Aronson on the birth of a son. Mr. Bill and Mrs. Selma Aronson on the birth of a grandson.
Mr. Martin Aronson on the birth of a nephew.
Mrs. Fayth Berkowitz and the birth of a nephew.
Dr. Abby and Mrs. Judy Mendelson on the marriage of their son Elie to Reina Eisner.
Mr. Elie Mendelson on his marraige to Reina Eisner.
Rabbi Daniel and Rebbitzen Judi Wasserman on the engagement of their son, Aryeh to Shoshana Blechner of Boston.
Mazal Tov to the entire Levene/Wasserman family and Blank/Blechner families. Refuah Shleima
Mrs. Marcia Zlochower
Masha bas Sarah Itka
Would you like to share something with the Hillel Academy family? If so, please email us at
Around Town
Bnei Akiva has some news regarding upcoming events: Snif, this week, will meet at the new Israeli-style time - 5:00 pm till Havdalah, at Shaare Torah! 5th-8th grade bowling will occur at Forward Lanes on Sunday, February 13th at 1:00 pm.
Zach Shabbaton will occur in Detroit the weekend of March 5th. In-Pittsburgh Shabbaton will be Shabbat, March 12th. Please contact us at pittbneiakiva@gmail.com to RSVP and for more info.
All woman and girls are invited to Leah Kohanbash's Shabbos Kallah at 3:30 at Shalom and Leah's house, 5654 Hobart Street.
Attention Boys! The Father & Son Program at the Kollel continues at our new time starting Jan. 29th, 2011 at 7:30 p.m-8:15p.m. Mark your calendars - Melava Malka Feb. 19th! Please contact Rabbi Morgan at the Kollel 412-421-5030 or Mitch Maizlech mdm@usa.net. See you then for exciting learning, pizza & great prizes!
February 11-12, Shaare Torah will host a weekend of song to celebrate the beginning of the month of Adar 1 and the commencing of the season of "Marbim B'Simcha" and Purim. The weekend will feature Yeshiva University's newest a cappella singing sensation - The Y-Studs. For more information click "Y Studs in Pittsburgh" or email shaaretora@aol.com
Interested in attending Shira Day Camp this summer?
If so, click "camp" for an application.
Box Tops Flyer
Click "here" for information regarding Box Tops.
Hillel's Got You Covered
It's a cold wintery Pittsburgh day, but thankfully you're wearing a brand new Hillel Academy Winter Hat. This fine piece of cold weather gear will protect you from the elements, while ensuring that you're seasonally stylish and always equipped for an instant "Hillel Gear Spotted Here." Want to learn more? Email Reb Shaw at dshaw@hillelpgh.org.
Who Wants an Awesome Kippah?
Have you seen the new Hillel Academy
If you want one talk to Reb Shaw.
Support Middle School Basketball
New hoody sweatshirts available!
Go Heat!
Next middle school game: 2/7/11 @ Pittsburgh Urban Christan School at 4:00 pm.
Special Scholarships Available
The Central Scholarship and Loan Referral Service (CSLRS) of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh has scholarships available.
Reminder that the deadline is February 8, 2011.
Mordy Brown Catering
Every Thursday night, Mordy Brown Catering will be selling pizza for $16.00 a pie. $1.00 of each sale will be donated to Hillel Academy. Help support our school! Click here for a menu and more details.
Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh Administration and Staff
Mr. Daniel J. Kraut Chief Executive Officer dkraut@hillelpgh.org
Rabbi Avrumi Sacks Principal and Education Director asacks@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Elky Langer Assistant Principal GHS elanger@hillelpgh.org
Rabbi Sam Weinberg Assistant Principal BHS sweinberg@hillelpgh.org
Rabbi Dov Nimchinsky Judaic Studies Coordinator Elementary/Middle School
Mrs. Deborah Oz-Halbritter General Studies Coordinator Elementary/Middle School doz@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Yikara Levari Administrator and Student Activities Coordinator ylevari@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Phyllis Harris Director of Support Services pharris@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Selma Aronson Executive Administrator saronson@hillelpgh.org
Ms. Hadar Glazer Administrative Assistant hglazer@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Adina Shayowitz Administrative Assistant ashayowitz@hillelpgh.org
Ms. Sarah Hartman Finance Manager finmgr@hillelpgh.org
Mr. Adam Reinherz Director of Community Relations areinherz@hillelpgh.org
Dvar Torah
Moshe Grossberg - 8th Grade
"Put the poles in the rings on the side of the Aron to carry it." (Shemot 25:14)
The gemara in Sukka says that the Aron (ark) would carry those who carried it. Even though the Aron carries the Levi'im, this only occurred when the Levi'im performed the physical act of carrying the Aron. The Yetzapen Leshirim Toshia explains that the Aron is compared to the Torah. We see that when we are careful about keeping Torah and mitzvos, the Torah guards us. When we keep the Torah, the Torah keeps us. Here too, the Torah, like the Aron only "carries" us once we are "worn out," once we are exhausted from a full day of keeping the Torah and performing mitzvos, the Torah then takes over and helps us complete the day. Hillel teaches us to fill our day with Torah and mitzvos so that at the end of the day the Torah will carry us so we can continue doing mitzvos until the end of the day!
Good Shabbos!
5th Grade Girls Begin Purim Preparations
Mrs. Brookman - lbrookman@hillelpgh.org
This week, we began preparing for our unit on Purim. After introducing students to the concept of mishehichnas Adar marbim besimcha (when the month of Adar comes we increase our joyousness), we began creating masks. This activity helped us get into the spirit of Purim. Tikva Goldstein explained, "When I think of masks, I think of Purim." Following this activity, our unit on Purim will include an in-depth look at Megillat Esther, learning about the halachot (laws) and minhagim (customs) of Purim, and the completion of another project.
No masks can hide the great learning that occurs at Hillel Academy.
Funky Functions with Mr. Kingman
Mr. Kingman - skingman@hillelpgh.org
While studying functions, graphs, and rules, we asked a question: How does a bottle's curviness affect the rate that water rises within it? In order to determine this, we tested several bottles, each with different curves. We also made an input and output table to chart our findings. The students had a great time as we discovered some interesting features of bottles with curves. Yael Itskowitz said, "It was fun, but we need more curvacious bottles."
"Who knew funky functions could be so fun?"
Full Faculty Meeting Enjoyed by All
Mr. Reinherz - areinherz@hillelpgh.org
This past Wednesday evening, Hillel Academy faculty enjoyed their first post-break meeting. The meeting began with a welcoming address by Principal and Educational Director, Rabbi Sacks, in which he outlined current educational issues and trends. Girls High School Principal, Mrs. Langer, followed with a promise that more effort would be committed to professional development for Hillel Academy teachers. Following her comments, the staff divided into six groups. Within these groups, staff members utilized prompts and charted various methods for improvement at Hillel Academy. At the conclusion of this activity, the groups shared their thoughts with each other. In addition to the meeting, the staff enjoyed delicious pizza and salad prepared by Mordy Brown Catering. Thank you to all who facilitated this great meeting.
Yummy Birds Nests
Reb Shaw - dshaw@hillelpgh.org
Ever want to eat a birds nest? Well neither did the fourth graders, until they saw what we were making for Shabbos Shira. Thanks to Morah Traci Levine, we made our birds nests out of Chinese noodles and melted chocolate. Each student used chocolate covered noodles to create the nest. After the nest cooled, each student placed jelly beans (which represented eggs) inside the nest. Finally, the high school girls helped make Origami birds. The nests looked amazing! During the construction of the nests, Morah Traci explained the significance of Shabbos Shira. She also handed out a Dvar Torah to be read at the Shabbos table. "We can't wait for more edible Parsha projects from Morah Traci. They tasted really good," said Zelig Langer. "I enjoyed making them," exclaimed Leora Kelsey.
At Hillel Academy a nurturing education is a nourishing education.
Hillel Heat Experience Win Streak
Rabbi Weinberg - sweinberg@hillelpgh.org
At about 9:00 PM eastern standard time, Wednesday evening, the Hillel Heat varsity basketball team won their first game in 56 attempts. I am so proud of everyone on the team for never giving up and playing their hearts out. It would have been very easy for the guys to stop caring, not practice, or switch to an easier league. Instead, they believed in themselves. A special thanks to Coach Earnest for putting so much of his time, energy, and heart into our boys.
The monkey is off our back, let the new streak begin!
The Heat is On!
Production Update
Ms. Levine - tlevine@hillelpgh.org
Students from the Girls High School are working hard to prepare for the upcoming production. With practices taking place every night, and also over the weekends, this is sure to be a great show. Some highlights of practices include Choir Karaoke rewards, free dance, and improv for drama. On Tuesday night, there was a meeting of the great minds to discuss lighting, sound, and scenery. After discussing these issues, the team created an excellent plan for making this show Hillel's top production yet. However, we need your help. Please click on "playbill" and "props/costumes" to see how you can help. Can't wait to see you all (women only) at the show March 15th. Don't forget there will be a kid friendly show on March 16th. Tickets are on sale now. Call the office (412-521-8131) today. We're off to see the Wizard!
Interview with Mrs. Finder
In an attempt to diversify his music listening experience, Reb Shaw recently began listening to WQED-FM 89.3, Pittsburgh's home of classical music. Entranced by its elaborate musical ornamentation, Reb Shaw instantly gravitated to Baroque music. His affinity for its functional tonality quickly developed into a virtual obsession with the entire Baroque period. According to various accounts, Reb Shaw was seen over winter break walking on Forbes Avenue dressed in a curly white wig and outfit resembling the style of a seventeenth century composer. In an effort to learn all things Baroque, Reb Shaw sat down with Mrs. Finder, Hillel Academy's English literature mastermind. While he did not remove the wig for the interview, he did use the words "delighted" and "Here Ye" twenty-two times. For the benefit of our readers, excerpts of the interview have been reproduced below (with a modernization of Reb Shaw's vernacular).
Reb Shaw: How long have you been working at Hillel Academy?
Mrs. Finder: I have been working at Hillel Academy as the high school English teacher for the past seven years. However, prior to becoming the English teacher, I substituted at Hillel for two years. In total, I have been working here for nine years.
Reb Shaw: Why is Hillel Academy the greatest school in the world?
Mrs. Finder: The top three reasons that make Hillel Academy the greatest school in the world are first the small class sizes that allow teachers to help their students learn more effectively. Second, I just love the students! They are curious, intelligent, conscientious, eager to learn, and fun. Finally, where else could you get a copy of the Hillel Happenings?
Reb Shaw: Over break you traveled to Costa Rica. The weather here is phenomenal. Why would you go?
Mrs. Finder: At first glance I know it might look like I went to Costa Rica because the average daily temperature is between 82-84 degrees and very sunny. But the truth is, I went so I could hike through the rain forest and see monkeys in their natural habitat. It was on my bucket list. If you don't know what a bucket list is, ask the 8th grade boys.
Reb Shaw: This year, with the help of Rabbi Sacks, Hillel Academy's English Department is being headed by you and Mrs. Tipton. What do you envision for the future of English studies at Hillel Academy?
Mrs. Finder: I love working with Mrs. Tipton! With continued dedication, I see greater cohesiveness in the English curriculum K-12, and more emphasis on improving writing skills.
Reb Shaw: If I gave you a ticket to the Super Bowl what would you do with it?
Mrs. Finder: Okay... so this whole football frenzy is kind of lost on me. However, my husband loves the Steelers. Ergo, he gets the ticket.
Reb Shaw: This past summer you were gracious enough to work with me on my writing skills, can you tell if they have improved?
Mrs. Finder: That was a win-win situation. I think both of our writing skills improved. Bouncing ideas off of another person and writing and rewriting something with two sets of eyes is the perfect way to improve. Plus, the coffee was good and the company was great!
Reb Shaw: Squirrel Hill Trivia (because our readers love this stuff): How many times does Beechwood Blvd intersect Beechwood Blvd?
Mrs. Finder: Honestly, who designed that road? I have lived in Pittsburgh for almost 31 years and just recently I think I finally figured out all the intricacies of Beechwood Blvd. Therefore, I might be able to answer the question. It happens once - on the way to the Waterfront.
Reb Shaw: Winter weather quandary: After coming inside my house, whenever I take off my boots I inadvertently step in a wet spot on the carpet (either from my own boots or someone else's). I am sure you can relate. How do I avoid the dreaded wet-sock-after-boot-removal syndrome?
Mrs. Finder: I think this is a common winter weather problem with an easy solution. Always leave a pair of slippers right next to where you take off your boots. Or, you could just stay inside until the snow melts.
Reb Shaw: What would it take for you to answer these questions in rhyming pairs of iambic pentameter lines?
Mrs. Finder: It might be possible with extra time, But the evening is late; it's hard to rhyme.
Reb Shaw: I'm getting bored of Oprah's Book Club. When are you starting yours?
Mrs. Finder: Some of Oprah's choices are really fine, From making my own club, I will decline.
Mrs. Finder is seen retrieving piping hot water from Hillel Academy's futuristic urn.
Hillel Gear Spotted Here
Before Winter Break, we asked our readers to submit their best Hillel Gear Spotted Here photographs for a chance to win a $10 gift certificate to a Pittsburgh kosher eatery. We received numerous submissions, from winter break travelers who captured both their domestic and foreign journeys. After a rigorous selection process, we have chosen a winner. Congratulations to Isaac and Yaacov Brown. In the midst of the night, these fearless young men braved the arctic Iowan winter for a chance at glory. Now, victorious (and frozen) they return to Hillel Academy, still wearing their noble Hillel sweatshirts. Thank you again to everyone who submitted entries in our competition. We will feature your photographs in upcoming issues of the Hillel Happenings.
Iowa is now the land of corn and awesome Hillel sweatshirts.
Hey Hillel Happenings readers, we all know that Hillel nation extends well beyond Squirrel Hill. So here's our chance to prove it. Send a picture of yourself in Hillel gear (uniform, t-shirt, etc.) to hillelhappenings@hillelpgh.org, and each week we'll select the best picture for inclusion in the Hillel Happenings.
Hillel Pop Culture Grid
Reb Shaw - dshaw@hillelpgh.org
After a long winter break, I got a chance to catch up with the eighth grade boys at Hillel Academy. These talmidim (students) provided some great answers for this week's grid. Enjoy!
Students in the Mix
What did you do over winter break?
Prediction for the Super Bowl
| What masechta or sefer (tractate or book) will you be learning during halftime of the Super Bowl? |
Moshe Grossberg
Took Farhars (oral entry exams)
Steelers will win
Jordy Kraut
I went to Baltimore and Cleveland
Steelers will win in overtime
Megilla with the Artscroll of course
Reuven Pfeffer
I went to Seven Springs and Silver Spring, MD.
Steelers by 3
Simcha Rosenstein
I went to Boston, Lakewood and Scranton
I am going to go with the Sports Illustrated for Kid's prediction, 33-27.
Baba Maisus
Yaakov Posin
Went camping in Kooser State Park
Steelers 27-24
Steelers Digest
Daniel Nimchinsky
Thanks to Reb Shaw and the generous donors at Duquesne University, I went to the Dukes game
The Steelers will win
Probably reviewing Pesachim with my father
Readers, we want to hear from you. Is there a question that you want answered? Email hillelhappenings@hillelpgh.org. |