E&E Exhibit Solutions Idea Express Newsletter header
July 2012
Head & Shoulders Above the Crowd
E&E Exhibit Solutions offers Rotating Hanging Sign for Trade Shows

E&E Exhibit Solutions offers a variety of custom designed hanging signs. Check out our website for more information about how custom designed hanging signs elevate your tradeshow visibility.


Ask Our Experts


What percentage of my event budget should I dedicate to actual trade show booths?


The industry average to purchase individual custom designed exhibits range between $75 - $100/sq ft. 


Your event budget allocation will vary, but according to EXHIBITOR Magazine, here's how the average trade show budget breaks down:

  • Space = 33%
  • Trade Show Booths & Graphics (construction/refurbishment) = 18%*
  • Travel & Expenses = 18%
  • Show Services (electricity, cleaning, drayage, I&D) = 12%
  • Shipping = 9%
  • Promotion = 8%
  • Miscellaneous = 2%

 In addition, you can estimate your total event budget by multiplying the cost of your space by three. For example, the average floor space costs $21 per square foot. So, for a 20x20 floor space rental expect to pay around $8,400. The budget for that event would be $25,200.


*This figure is the display cost per show, not the total investment to purchase trade show displays and trade show graphics. When you purchase a display, you obviously plan to use it multiple times to get the most out of your investment.To determine the display cost per show, you'll need to estimate how many years you will use the display and how many shows you will go to each year. The average lifetime of a display is five years. For graphics, the average lifetime is one year. Your display and graphic replacement needs may vary depending on how many shows you plan to attend. The more shows you go to, the sooner you may need to purchase new trade show booths.


For the answers to more frequently asked questions or to talk to one of our Tradeshow Consultants, call


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This month E&E Exhibit Solutions offers you three innovative ways to separate your tradeshow booth from the competition.


Think you know the answer? Here's a hint - it involves a bird, a square and a tube. Stumped?

Social Media

Twitter, Four Square and YouTube




Social media, the growing phenomena that has captured the attention of the world - is your next greatest tool for driving traffic to your tradeshow booth. Let's look at how some businesses have successfully connected with their target audience and increased the number of prospects visiting their tradeshow booth:


 The Twitter Hashtag (#) method of organizing the up-to-the-minute conversation about your company and the convention allows you to communicate with your target audience. Here are just a few tips:


Weeks before the event, create a unique hashtag title and every time you mention the upcoming convention and your company's participation - make sure to include the hashtag. (ex. #exhibitsusaPHX)


  • Tweet about your booth number and placement within the convention hall.
  • Leave hints about your show discounts and offer special incentives to your Twitter followers.
  • Create excitement by asking who will attend and asking for a retweet of your message.
  • Tweet about the special programs that will occur during the convention; will the Batmobile be there? Are the Monkees making a come back during the lunch hour? With each message, include your unique hashtag.
  • During the event, send out messages that include your booth number and offer hourly contests, incentives, discounts, etc. to drive traffic to your tradeshow booth.
  • Invite attendees to tweet their comments about the event and your company.
  • Take pictures of your tradeshow booth, large format graphics and attendees visiting your exhibit and include them in your messages .

Four Square is a destination social networking site that allows visitors to "check in" when they arrive at a location. Businesses can create destination Four Square pages, which work great for your business location; however, you can also create a Four Square brand page.  Create a brand page with information about your company, the location of the convention center, the date of the event and your tradeshow booth number.


Invite participants to visit your booth by offering incentives for Four Square participants.


"The first person to say the word 'peppermint' in our tradeshow booth receives a 25% discount of their purchase."


If your tradeshow exhibit will be over several days, communicate a different product or service focus for each day so that participants will be encouraged to visit your tradeshow booth multiple times over the course of the event.


Each time a participant signs in; they can leave a comment about your business and even include a picture!


YouTube.Once participants are in your booth, capture their visit on your Flip cam or other video recording device.


Existing customers that visit your booth may be willing to provide a brief (30 seconds to one minute) video testimony about your services and/or products. Always ask permission and have them sign a simple photo release form that allows you to use their testimonial.


Honest, unscripted video testimonials are a great way to build brand awareness and credibility. These casually produced videos will also help promote your participation in a similar tradeshow event in the future.


Upload the photo to your YouTube channel, Facebook page, Twitter feed or website.


Social media is used by more people in the United States and around the world than any other form of communication. Why not tap into its power to promote your brand and your tradeshow participation?


Have you used Twitter or another social site to increase tradeshow traffic. We'd love to hear your story. Leave your story on our Facebook page or email us at info@exhibitsusa.com

News from E&E Exhibit Solutions

E&E Exhibit Solutions | 1365 W Auto Dr | Tempe, AZ 85284 | (800)709-6935