Did you know that E&E Exhibit Solutions works with clients in 45 U.S. States and 15 countries? We partner with all kinds of companies, big and small, and from many different industries including aerospace, technology and health care. We are also adept at working with advertising agencies to complement their offerings and provide professional trade show display services.
Read on to find out how partnering with E&E benefits both the ad agency and its clients.
E&E Aids Ad Agencies with Trade Show Marketing
How ad agencies add value to their services by promoting trade shows to their clients
 By Daniel Chaddock, President of E&E Exhibit Solutions Over the past 16 years since opening a trade show display company, I have encountered many ad agency owners who look at trade shows as something that takes up a significant portion of their clients' marketing budgets--and subsequently takes away from the agency's profitability. Ad agencies have either walked away from the trade show business as too complex or have attempted to help their clients and opened a Pandora's box of trouble that equals little in revenue for the agency. Yet, one cannot deny the importance of trade shows in the marketing mix. Businesses spend upwards of 30 percent of their marketing budgets on trade show displays, accessories, graphics and participation, for which the ad agency previously received no compensation. This leaves agencies asking, "How do we help a client with its entire marketing strategy, including trade shows, without losing money?"
DesignLine Displays Versatile Custom Modular Exhibits for Trade Shows and Corporate Events
DesignLine kits allow you to blend display components, add on to existing exhibit displays and create the perfect trade show booth or event display: - Each kit features new design ideas for fast and easy customization
- Easily interchangeable graphic panels make DesignLine kits perfect for ever-changing seasonal marketing promotions or putting new and emerging product lines in the spotlight
- DesignLine kits are compact and portable saving time and money for set-up, shipping and storage
- Select from complete integrated displays or enhancement kits that allow you to build onto a display you already own
- Lifetime guarantee against manufacturing and material defects makes an investment in DesignLine displays even more attractive
Learn more about and view our ideas for:
Attend EXHIBITOR2011
Are you attending this year's EXHIBITOR show? More of your trade show marketing colleagues might be. Conference management reports that pre-registration for EXHIBITOR2011 is up 12 percent from this time last year. "This is a strong economic indicator for our industry," says Carol Fojtik, Managing Director. "Corporate buyers are increasing their investment in their trade show and corporate event marketing programs." Held every March in Las Vegas, EXHIBITOR SHOW is the leading educational conference and exhibition for trade show and event marketing professionals worldwide. The week-long conference draws more than 5,000 attendees. EXHIBITOR2011 The Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas March 27-31, 2010 View schedule of educational sessionsBecome a Certified Trade Show Marketer