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January 14 - 15, 2011St. Petersburg, FL_______Energy Medicine and Yoga VacationJanuary 20 - 23, 2011Nassau, The Bahamas_______New!Energies of Love Evening ClassMarch 24, 2011Miami, FL_______ 9-Day Caribbean Cruise with 5-Day Basic Energy Medicine TrainingMarch 25 - April 3, 2011Miami, FL and Caribbean Ocean_______ Energy Medicine Weekend Workshop
April 8 - 10, 2011 Kripalu Center Stockbridge, Mass. _______ Eden Energy Medicine Certification ProgramMay 5 - 9, 2011 Phoenix, AZ or In Your Area _______Energy Medicine Weekend WorkshopJune 5, 2011 London, England _______ 5-Day Basic Energy Medicine Training
June 10 - 15, 2011 United Kingdom _______ Energy Medicine Weekend Workshop September 9-11, 2011 The Omega Institute Rhinebeck, NY _______ Energy Psychology Weekend Workshop Sept. 11-16, 2011 The Omega Institute Rhinebeck, NY _______ Donna Eden's Advanced Energy Medicine Class October 6-9, 2011 Hard Rock Hotel San Diego, CA _______

Unable to attend a class with Donna?
Take an Energy Medicine for Women, EM101-104 or EEM Certification Regional Education Program class from a Certified Practitioner.

Cruise the Caribbean with Donna
Enjoy 9-Days of the beautiful Caribbean while covering the full content of a 5-Day Basic Energy Medicine Training!March 25 - April 3 Departs from Miami, FL
Don't Delay, Sign Up Today! _______
Follow Eden Energy Medicine Programs

Read our Blog
 | David & Donna at the Charles Dickens Christmas Faire, San Francisco, Dec. 2008 |
This 2010 edition of our e-Letter closes the year with two case histories, one illustrating deep work with a 73-year-old woman suffering from long-standing panic disorder and one a light-hearted approach to a resistant condition, utilizing the recently invented "Feline Patty Cake Procedure." See how beef jerky paved the way for Energy Medicine to reach our soldiers in Afghanistan and find out what Donna looked like as a little girl.
It's not too late to give a holiday gift of energy medicine with a book or DVD program using the 30% discount coupon below, and it is a perfect time to give a gift that keeps on giving by helping sponsor a student with a donation to the EEM Certification Program Scholarship Fund.
With the winter solstice approaching, we move into the season of Bladder meridian, which governs not just the bladder but the entire nervous system. Learn some simple techniques to help this meridian serve you at its best, and your synapses will thank you.
Happy holidays,
Donna & David
Wishing you a Happy Holiday and Blessed New Year!

Jeff, Titanya, David, Donna, Tiernan, Dondi & Roger Halloween Party at the Certification Program 2010
Case History: Panic Disorder
One of Donna's long-time practitioners recently worked with an elderly client who had come to her with a long list of ailments and concerns. She began her work with a brief consultation and intuitive assessment, following up a year later with energy testing and routine energy medicine session techniques. The work in session and the practice undertaken by the client at home ultimately brought tremendous relief to long standing conditions.
Gopita Katharine Manning is an energy medicine practitioner in southern California. In 2009 she met with Shawn Swain, a 73-year-old woman, during a brief consultation at a workshop. Shawn told Gopita at that time she suffered from panic disorder. Read on ...
Energy Medicine in Afghanistan
 Titanya's partner, Jeff Richards, is a gourmet chef who makes possibly the best, most natural beef jerky in the world. www.JeffsGourmetJerky.com Jeff has been sending packages as his personal gift to our soldiers overseas. Now others have been contributing so he could send more. One of them who thanked him got into some dialogue with Jeff about Donna's work and expressed interest. We sent a copy of Donna's book. We just received this photo, which warmed our hearts.
The Feline Patty Cake Procedure Spleen Meridian Won't Respond
Sometimes a person's  energy is simply stuck and interventions that should work don't work. This was the dilemma for CP Faculty member Eva Gold during an emergency Skype Session with one of her clients. See the creative way she evokes, in the space of a moment, the person's Radiant Circuits to get the energies moving again. She also offers a variation of the Three Thumps that seems to significantly enhance speed and endurance during physical exercise. Read more and watch the video
InnerResources Interview with Donna The 6th of 8 Installments
The following excerpt is from an interview conducted by Jana Messing with Donna Eden for the Spring 2010 issue of InnerResources.  Story continued from previous editions of the energy e-letter. View new photos in this installment!!Jana: With such a huge and open heart, how do you deal with the suffering of the world today? Donna : Oh, that's a very big one! There's more than one answer of course, but one of the big answers is I feel the suffering in the world.. Even if I am powerless to change it, I feel others' suffering like it was mine. There is strength in feeling at one with everybody, but if we disconnect from those who are suffering, we disconnect from our own humanity and all of humanity. Read More ...
The Energy Medicine Institute EEM-CP Scholarship
It has been an amazing five years of the Eden Energy Medicine Certificaiton Program. In February 2011 the fifth class will graduate. As a result, there will be 130 new Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners who can be listed on our website, ready to help others heal themselves. It is the unfolding of our dream.  | EEM-CP Class |
Many of these students would not be in the CP without help from our friends who support Eden Energy Medicine. Your donation helps deserving students continue their studies of Eden Energy Medicine and help raise the vibration of the planet one person at a time. Because of you, 13 students were able to attend the certification program on a scholarship. These students are there because of the generosity of others - and are they ever grateful!
Thank you so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!! Donna Eden's Energy Medicine has completely transformed my life. This will make it possible for me to continue on with my studies. This is my life work. Everything that has come before has prepared me for this. I am more grateful than I can express. Peace and Blessings to everyone involved! RL
Read additional scholarship testimonials
We are hoping that, at this time of holiday giving, you will consider a donation to the EEM-CP Scholarship Fund as a way to continue to help our students study Eden Energy Medicine. Remember, 100% of what is donated to the EEMCP Scholarship Fund will go directly to help deserving students receive partial tuition assistance for the Certification Program. The Energy Medicine Institute is an IRS 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, so contributions are tax-deductible. Our thanks go out to all of you who contribute to the EEM-CP Scholarship Fund.
To donate online, visit the EMI website or call Leslie Adams at 541-488-8501. |
Energy Tip: Working with Bladder Meridian
 | Bladder meridian (pg. 119)
Bladder meridian is a yang energy meridian that governs the nervous system. When something is off in the nervous system, it is reflected in Bladder meridian. Working with Bladder meridian helps the nerves learn how to be.
Bladder meridian is always involved in arthritis and in oversensitivity. The Bladder meridian goes down the back (pg. 104), so back problems may involve Bladder meridian. However weak upper abdominals, which are governed by Small Intestine meridian, can cause back problems when there isn't enough strength between the front and the back. There's a playoff between Small Intestine meridian and Bladder meridian. Work on both Bladder meridian and Small Intestine meridian for back problems.
For back problems: The Bladder meridian goes down the back (pg. 119) and is often involved with bladder and Small Intestine meridian (see July Energy Tip). Tracing and strengthening Bladder meridian and Small Intestine meridian can help back problems.
For "shot nerves": To aid mental and emotional exhaustion, sedate Bladder meridian (pg. 135). References are to Donna's book Energy Medicine, 2008 Tarcher. |