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The One-Year Clinical Practicum starts in August!
LAST CHANCE! To sign up for this year's One-Year Clinical Practicum
(This is "Year Three" of the EEM Certification Program, open to all Graduates of the Basic Two-Year EEM-CP.) |
__________ Donna to Appear on Lifetime Television's The Balancing Act
Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology Workshops July
16-18 Palm Springs, CA ______
Quantum Healing Teleseminar July 22 Telephone & Internet ______
Introduction to Energy Medicine Workshop July 29 Palo Alto, CA ______
Energy Medicine: A Hands-On Introduction July 30 - Aug 1 Big Sur, CA ______
Energy Medicine with Donna Eden August 2 Shell Beach, CA ______
Energy Medicine: A Hands-On Experience August 4 Santa Barbara, CA ______
The Balancing Act August 9 7 am ET/PT Lifetime Television ______
Introduction to Energy Psychology August 13 - 15 Rhinebeck, NY ______
Belly Dance Goddess Weekend August 13 - 15 Rhinebeck, NY ______
5-Day Basic Energy Medicine Training August 15 - 20 Rhinebeck, NY ______
Energies of Life September 10 - 11 Minneapolis, MN ______
5-Day Basic Energy Medicine Training September 23 - 28 San Diego, CA ______
Energy Medicine: A Hands-On Experience October 1 Jackson Hole, WY ______
9-Day Caribbean Cruise March 25 - April 3, 2011 Caribbean Ocean ______
5-Day Basic Energy Medicine Training June 10 - 15, 2011 United Kingdom ______________
Unable to come to a class with Donna?
Take a class from an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner close to where you live!
Click here for Classes |
The Crown Pull Helps Abdominals
Energy Medicine pg. 88-90  |
Dear ,
This issue was particularly fun for us to pull together. David gets
to tell about "A Day in the Life of Donna"; we share a
skeptic's thought process as he ponders whether Donna is "a crazy
old woman" or "a 'genuisly' sexy healer"; we get to brag
about the impact our visit to Norway had on the country's complementary
health care movement; report on our upcoming West Coast tour including
Palo Alto, Esalen, Shell Beach, Santa Barbara, San Diego, culminating in
Donna's last 5-Day Basic Energy Medicine Training in the U.S. And
much more.
Last month in Florida, we shared the stage with the wonderful Dee
Wallace, the mom in ET.
May the Force be with you! Or was that "Phone
Home?" In any case, sending you our love and
Donna & David
A Day in the Life of Donna Eden InnerResources Magazine recently produced a special issue called
"The Spirit of Donna Eden's Energy Medicine" which included
reflections about Donna contributed by students, family, and
friends. David submitted a piece called "A Day in the Life of
Donna Eden" which provides a moving glimpse into Donna's
professional life as well as a profoundly challenging case she
encountered that day. We have also included a follow-up four months
later from the practitioners who took over the case. The case is
stunning and highly informative, and it serves as this month's case
history. Read the Article
Ride the Wave! Join a class on our "California Tour"
Click on the event name for details, registration, and fliers.

"Are Donna Eden Workshops a Scam?"
That is the title of a blog posted on the web which we found to be hilarious and also poignant in its own special way. We know nothing about the
author beyond what he says in the article. Read about a Skeptic's Experiences.
FREE Teleseminar! Quantum Healing, Consciousness, and Soul Teleseminar
Listen on the telephone or the internet!
Thursday, July 22nd 9 pm EST / 6 pm PDT Be sure to catch this FREE Teleseminar with host Shifra Hendrie. The series is filled with mind-opening, soul-expanding perspectives from Donna Eden and other experts in the healing field like Melanie Smith, Pat Carrington, and many more. Sign up now and receive FREE gifts from Donna as well as from the other speakers! |
Norway Training Leaves Lasting Impression Audun Myskja, MD, is the leading proponent of Energy Medicine in
Norway. He has hundreds of students in his school, and we were
honored last May to provide a 4-day intensive seminar to 150 of his most
advanced students and practitioners. In planning the class, David
had mentioned that it felt like an historic event was emerging, with
Donna and Audun both there to bounce ideas off one another in front of
such a sophisticated audience. David recently received this note from Dr. Myskja and asked him if we
could share it with you. We found it deeply gratifying.
"Now the days have passed after the workshop, and I truly feel that
the term 'historic' was no hyperbole. The workshop represented a
watershed for a new profession emerging, with latent professional talents
coming out of hiding. Having you and Donna here in person was a bit like
Thomas feeling the nailmarks in Jesus` hand (pardon the clumsy analogy):
This is real, this is happening - it is not just my inner fantasies. It
is not just a book. It is a serious profession. It is happening all
over the world. We are not a small group of strange people in a
small outpost! We are the future!
"This is how I can best describe the aftermath of the workshop. Not
an ecstatic, beatific response, but more like trust, strength, and
decisiveness. We want to go for this! This is it! And I do
feel that it so befell that the exact people who are at the core of the
energy medicine impulse here were the ones who came. Some are already
professionals in the field, doing important work, some are springing into
bloom, some of them finding their way into the workshop knowing little or
nothing in advance, but they knew they were in the right place at the
right time."
Energy Tip: Working With Small Intestine Meridian
Last issue, we focused on the Heart Meridian. As we journey through summer, we are focusing on the Meridians that resonate with the season. In this issue, we are focusing on the Small Intestine Meridian.
Small Intestine meridian's job is to absorb. It
decides whether it is going to keep what's being digested or get rid of it. At
its best, it discerns quickly. If you're having problems with small intestine,
you may not be able to discern quickly. Hip problems can be caused by weak lower
abdominals. Back problems can be caused by weak upper abdominals. Exercise: If your digestive tract is sluggish, massage and flush Small Intestine Neurolymphatics
(pg. 96 & 97) on the inside of the thighs and all along the bottom of the
rib cage. This helps bowels move. Exercise: To get the whole digestive
system moving trace Small Intestine Meridian (pg. 115 & 118) and Stomach Meridian (pg. 123-124). Exercise: Strengthen abdominals by tracing Small Intestine Meridian (pg. 115 & 118) and doing the Crown Pull (pg. 88-90). Exercise: To improve knee problems and weak legs trace Small Intestine Meridian (pg. 115 & 118) then
hold the Gall Bladder Neurovasculars behind the knee (pg. 290). Note: page numbers correlate with the book Energy Medicine (Tarchar/Penguin, 2008)