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December Newsletter:  
News, Views, and Updates

Join the ADAO "Light a Candle" Community 


The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) welcomes you to our new "Light a Candle" community. As we honor our loved ones fighting Candleasbestos-related diseases or in loving memory of those who have lost their courageous battles, there are few symbols that offer more comfort than a candle blazing in the dark. We invite you to light a candle and reflect, remember, and renew your inner strength. We cannot ignore our pain and grief, but we can find comfort in our memories and love. The message you write after you light your candle may serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration to someone in your shoes halfway around the globe.

Your candle will remain lit for 48 hours, so please light a candle today and feel free to return to light other candles of hope and courage. 

Join Our Mailing List
In This Issue
ADAO "Light a Candle" Community
7th Annual Asbestos Awareness Conference
Canada - Stop mining and exporting asbestos
Social Media Revolution
"Education Starts at Home"
ACOR Flame of Hope Tradition
GBAN: Communication - Collabration - Action
APHA and Sponsorship Thank You
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Inside ADAOLinda DC 3


Solidarity is Our Greatest Asset

Dear ADAO Family,
ADAO has seen dramatic growth this year. As 2010 comes to a close, we realize that our accomplishments would not have been possible without the generous support and hard work of our global family, volunteers, and donors, to whom we are deeply grateful. Donations of time, money, and love have had a tremendous impact on our ability to increase asbestos awareness, advocacy, and community support, and we thank you wholeheartedly.  We especially want to thank our 2010 Conference Sponsors for supporting our amazing year. In the coming year, your participation remains as important as ever. In 2010, our ADAO Volunteers received Presidential Volunteer Service Awards for their tireless efforts. Actions such as sharing our new Facebook page with friends, spreading the word via social media, advocating to ban asbestos, participating in tributes to loved ones, and - when possible - donating to the cause will all have a tremendous impact on our ability to educate more people, advocate for the ban of asbestos, and support our international community. 


We would like you and yours to be the first to know about our recently launched "Light a Candle" website, an opportunity to honor loved ones who have lost or are currently fighting their courageous battle with asbestos-related disease. 


As we excitedly look forward to 2011 and our 7th Annual Asbestos Awareness Conference, we hope that you will be a part of our continued success in the New Year. On behalf of everyone at ADAO, I wish each of you a very happy holiday season and a 2011 full of joy.  In unity, Linda Reinstein


                  April 1 - 3, 2011
                         Atlanta, Georgia
              Register Today!
"Asbestos: Impact on Public Health, Environment, and the Economy"

The 7th Annual Asbestos Awareness Conference will be held in Atlanta, GA and promises to be ADAO's best conference yet.  It will bring together leading international experts to discuss occupational and non-occupational exposure issues, detection and treatment advances, environmental and economic impact, and national and global policy. This conference is made possible with the support of the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute.


For information about 2011 Conference Corporate Sponsorship opportunites:

Please contact Linda Reinsten

For more information about the conference, please visit:  

2011 AAC Speakers12.1.2010 Press Release

Marilyn's Family Tribute Blog


For questions about the conference: 

Please contact Bonnie or Caitlin at [email protected].

2011 Asbestos Awareness Conference Co-Chairs

Canada - Stop mining and exporting asbestos to AsiaStop Canada


December was an amazing month for global advocacy as the Solidarity Delegation from Asia to Qu�bec went to Canada for numerous meetings and press conferences to share the human and tragic side to exporting asbestos - disease and death.


There are many press releases, news articles and blogs on various websites shouting the same message to Canada - Stop mining and exporting asbestos to Asia.


Invest 3 minutes you can help to save lives. Please take action today and read the Global Ban Asbestos Network (GBAN) SOCIAL MEDIA ACTION ALERT "Help stop the Jeffrey mine." 

Social MediaThe Social Media Revolution


ADAO continues to expand its presence in the social media space. Our new ADAO Facebook page has terrific new features and "Voices on the Wall" connects asbestos victims around the world.  Social media is dynamic, incredibly effective, and has been instrumental in facilitating communication, collaboration, and action across the globe. In fact, the asbestos industry just reported they are increasing social media communications to debunk our ban asbestos efforts.  Yes, they still claim Chrysotile is the 'safe' form of asbestos -- even in the face of experts like the Collegium Ramazzini who continue to call of global ban of asbestos.


ADAO is pleased to introduce our new house graphic, "Education Starts at Home",  which helps identify where asbestos may be in your home, school or office.


Take time and read Andrew Schneider's powerful "A Killer in the Attic"

four-part series on an asbestos-tainted insulation called Zonolite, a killer that lurks in the attics and walls of millions of homes. Educate yourself on the fact that, "for years the government has known that the attics and walls of as many as 35 million homes and businesses are insulated with Zonolite, which contains lethal asbestos-tainted vermiculite. Some medical authorities believe that people are still dying because of it."

The Association of Cancer Online Resources (ACOR) Tradition:
Acor Candle

Please join us in honoring our loved ones on December 28th and January 4th. We will light a candle from 7:00 pm until 8:00 pm local time.  Theoretically, with membership spread around the world, we will have candles lit for the entire 24 hours.


2010 Warriors List


To add your loved one's name to our 2010 list, please email [email protected] 

New additions or edits deadline: 12.20.2010

GBAN: Communication - Collabration - Action     G-BAN

Associacao Brasileira dos Expostos ao Amianto (ABREA) and ADAO's Global Ban Asbestos Network (GBAN), a social media community, has Charter Members from 17 countries as of Phase I and continues to growAs an internet portal, GBAN is pleased to connect and share digital information and asbestos educational resources through varied outlets including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more. Join us - it only takes one click.  Learn more from our 11.15.2010 Press Release.

ADAO would like to thank our 2010 sponsors and individuals for their generous donations, as we were able to videotape the presentations for our ADAO Asbestos Video Library

2010 ADAO APHA Conference Presentation Materials

ADAO New Website 
Follow us at our Facebook page and through  Twitter, Facebook, RSS Feed, blogging and more. ADAO's website includes a variety of information such as online video library and educational resources.  Missed a newsletter? See the archives.