Watching for God's Transactions in Your Time of Necessity

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Watching for God's Transactions in Your Time of Necessity


Recently we have written about Blind Spots that we can experience when we are over focused on everyday concerns and worries. Immediately following that writing, numerous people called or email us and stated they literally experienced a 'blind spot' in their life.


We are excited to share this month that the opposite is true as well. This means that suddenly 'transactions' that were unexpected can appear before your very eyes. We want to encourage everyone to begin to open your eyes and pay attention for a miraculous transaction that you need during your time(s) of necessity. Trust me it is a scriptural!!


The very representation of CHRISTmas represents an unbelievable transaction that happened before the worlds eyes. The very treasure of a Savior, Christ the Lord appeared to the world through the signs of Star in the sky, and a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes born in a manger. The sign was the indicator of the greatest treasure the world has ever known, the birth of Jesus. The issues of the world prior to Christ's birth were not much different than they are today; it was a great time, or season of necessity. This is why an Angel of the Lord appeared at Christ's birth and said "Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, Christ the Lord."   Luke 2:10-12:


The treasure (Jesus) came for the World to see - even though some people may feel that the treasure was hidden.  The truth remains that many people choose not to see the signs or the treasure (Jesus) through His transformational power as He grew and ministered to the world; and still does. Nonetheless, the treasure was for whole world and was right at their feet during the season of their necessity.


This spiritual bulletin is meant as a reminder of the treasures God has given toward us during time(s) of necessity. However, you will need to watch for the transactions and make sure you do not miss the treasures, gifts, and miracles right at your feet.


This Bulletin includes:

  • Hidden treasures in secret places
  • Unclaimed treasures
  • My personal story of watching for hidden treasures
  • Turning the crooked paths straight - the revised Bernie Madoff Story
  • Summary

Hidden Treasures in Secret Places

Hidden Treasure
Hidden Treasure

 "And I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you would know that I, the Lord which calls you by your name, and the God of Isreal." Isaiah 45:3


The above passage was written specifically for God's servant Cyrus. Cyrus was being given a promise of God that his former crooked paths would be made straight, and that the bars that have held him back during his lifetime, would now be broken (Isaiah 45:2).   This passage is a powerful reminder of God's desire to help each of us. However the qualifier or pre-requisite is that we must believe, and be on the look-out for the transactions that have been prepared and waiting for us. In fact, during the age that Cyrus lived, whenever treasures were obtained, some of them would be hidden in secret places, only to be dug up and reclaimed during times of necessity.


This concept gives 'saving for a rainy day' a whole new meaning; considering it is God Himself who steps in on our behalf and brings forth transactions (treasures) right before our very eyes. Because God is no respecter of people; meaning that He is desirous to treat you and I just like Cyrus, we can all get creative and start imaging that God understands our personal time of necessity and desires us to claim our promises and victory over our necessity. In other words, God has personally saved up for a rainy day on our behalf!  However, we must pay close attention for God's planned transactions. Even though God promised Cyrus the treasures, He foretells Cyrus that they will be hidden in secret areas, or in darkness. In other words he was stating that Cyrus must pay close attention to the transactions and look at things differently. He was given great promises of a turn-around, but also to look for the transactions of God in places he normally would not see them.


Cyrus was an ordinary person much like you and I. I am sure that he had many of the same issues and struggles and journeyed down some of the same crooked and hard pathways in life that you and I do. However, it was his time for things to change! I would imagine that Cyrus had a hard time adjusting his world view. In essence Cyrus was being asked by God to change his world view from a victim to a victor. It is easy to fall into a victim mentality and only see things through a victim's worldview. It was God desire for Cyrus, and each of us to start seeing God's treasures through the eyes of a victor not a victim.


Unclaimed Wealth


You may be thinking that Biblical stories or events do not personally pertain to you. However, listen to the following information on the modern day unclaimed treasures from a different perspective.


"Federal and State agencies have realized that the U.S. unclaimed or lost money is growing in volume with each passing day. The unclaimed databases are swelling with unclaimed money as new and lost money is being added at a much faster rate. While larger states, like California and New York, have a combined unclaimed money vault of almost $16 billion, almost all other states have been reporting unclaimed funds additions to their treasuries at a unprecedented pace.

Apart from the State and Federal treasuries, many of the major banks are disclosing that the volume of unclaimed
Bankbalances have been growing at a rapid pace. A recent Press Release stated former Washington Mutual bank customers have about half a million dollars in unclaimed money in Wisconsin alone, waiting to be claimed."


This type of reality along with God's promises, are an awesome combination. This does not mean we should be looking for money, as that would show our hope is only in money. The greatest treasures are those of relationship, knowledge, wisdom, and most of all God Himself. However if we would start to believe and see our treasures in the Kingdom of God, the money aspect will naturally follow. "Seek you first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33.


Our Personal Example


About two years ago, Pam and I had a few times of necessity, and we were complaining a little bit about how much we have given out in time, relationship, energy, money, etc. (I am sure you can relate). Immediately upon complaining, we heard the Voice of the Lord through His Word, as well as a time-of -prayer, say 'Mike and Pam, there is more at your feet, than you have ever given or sent out. Stop complaining and pay close attention to my transactions.' For months we were reminded that the definition of God's treasure is not our definition for treasure. This reminder allowed Pam and I to look differently upon the treasures He had planned for us for so many years.  Pam and I can attest that 2010 has been our greatest year of unveiling God's treasures, and seeing His promises fulfilled through us, for His glory. We can assure you that the treasures are powerful, pleasant, and inspiring. However, the manifestation of the treasure may be different than what you had envisioned! No wonder so many of us spend years missing our treasures in our time of necessity.  We can now fully absorb the verse found in Ephesians 1:18 that states "The eyes of your understanding be enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches (treasures) of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."   


Pam and I hope that you are ready to see and understand what your inheritance is via the treasures (riches) that God has prepared for you.

Turning the crooked paths straight

the Revised Bernie Madoff Story


In 2008 Bernie Madoff was found guilty of leading the world's largest Ponzi scheme. It is estimated that he swindled over $21,000,000,000 (billion) in investments. He led himself and many down a crooked path of investment that literally destroyed families and individuals. In fact, in December, 2010 one of his sons committed suicide, following the residue of suffering in a long trail of misfortune.


However, the tables of treasures are turning and the crooked paths are being made straight. On December 16, 2010 a widow of a philanthropist in Palm Beach Florida agreed to give the families of the victims of the Madoff Ponzi scheme $7.2M dollars. This means that approximately 1/3 of the loss is being reclaimed and will go directly to the victims who will now become victors!!  This turn of events is due to the generosity of an honest investor of Madoff's scheme.  2010 has witnessed un-precedential stories of reconnections and re-found inheritances.  The key message in this story is that if we only focus on the victims we will never see the hidden victories that have the potential to turn the events around. By finding one victor in this circumstance, the victims can be helped. Our eyes must start seeing the transactions of promise, hope, and victory. Should they find two more victors, possibly 100% of the misfortunate can be reclaimed.


We believe that the enemy (named Satan) has shamed himself and many other people many times worse than Bernie Madoff.  The great news is that God is ready, willing, and able to manifest His glorious redemptive story. He is doing it first and foremost through His Son Jesus Christ, but also in tangible means through His promises, treasures, and gifts that were always meant as an inheritance to the saints.  However, His saints must start looking and believing for the transactions from the throne room. It is no wonder we are told to come boldly before the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help us in our time of necessity. (Hebrews 12:16)


Faith can literally move our necessity towards God's victory, as faith is the only currency used or transacted in heaven! 


Merry Christmas

Pam and I trust that within days, just as we had calls and emails from those who testified of the blind spots; we will receive calls and emails with stories of reclaimed treasures or inheritances. These treasures or inheritances will include salvation, rededications, reconnected relationships, lost opportunities, and missed placed resources. Should you treat God and His treasures first, rest assured your other necessities will be exceeded beyond what you could have imagined.


This Christmas Season Pam and I pray that your eyes will be enlightened and you will see glimpses of what God promised in I Cor 2:9. "Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." 


This verse along with Isaiah 45:2-3 is living proof that the treasures that God has prepared for us are every bit as real as Cyrus' treasures.  Read 1 Corinthians 2:10 to find out how you can see these things that God has prepared for us.  There are few gifts more enjoyable than to see the very things you could not see before.


Merry Christmas,


In Christ's Love


Mike and Pam Mathews

 My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.  Psalm 45:1 (NKJV)

For the time will come when all the earth will be filled, as the waters fill the sea, with an awareness of the glory of the LORD. Habakkuk 2:14