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Volume 6
October 2008

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In This Issue
Editor's Note
Teaching and Research Tools: Advantages of Robotics Curriculum and Open Source Devices
New Developments in Aerospace Research: Teaming up Unmanned Vehicles
Industry Spotlight: Practice Makes Perfect
Feature Story - Prairie View A&M University
Editor's Note

Dear Reader

Welcome to Quanser's October issue of eNEWS. We aim to keep Deans, Department Heads, Professors, Partners and Distributors updated on the latest academic initiatives in engineering.

In this issue, we focus on great tools for teaching robotics and aerospace. In the area of reseach we'll highlight the latest trends in haptics and unmannded aviation systems. Last month we showed you where to find the money, in this issue we'll share how Prairie View A&M University won a generous grant by merging their teaching and research engineering labs.

Zuzana Fabusova, eNEWS Editor
Teaching and Research Tools
Advantages of Robotics Curriculum and Open Source Devices

Quanser Curriculum for RoboticsHow much time have you spent planning a lab to teach robotics? Probably a lot. We know - we have done it too! Now you can save time using our newiest curriculum and expose your students to concepts such as forward/inverse kinematic modelling, trajectory planning and force generating. Curriculum consists of separate workbooks for instructors and students and is included with the Omni bundle. Request a quote or more info!

Our open architecture design is one of the major advantages professors see in Quanser's robotics solutions. This means you can turn commercially available robots, such as CataLyst, Omni. iRobot Roomba into your teaching and research solutions. Watch a short video on the Robotic Arm Project from Harvard's Dr. Wood and his students! The full story was published in IEEE's Robotics & Automation Magazine.
New Developments in Aerospace Research
Teaming up Unmanned Vehicles

Quanser Unmanned Aerial VehiclesDid you know that in North America, undergrads with an Aerospace Engineering degree have increased by 137% 1999-2007*? Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is one of the areas that makes aerospace so exciting. Our engineering team is now focusing on autonomy and teaming of UAV systems. Read about their latest robust, portable, multi-agent cooperative control and rapid prototyping environment for an unmanned aircraft. Check our Blog for updates from the field!
*Source: ASEE
Industry Spotlight
Practice Makes Perfect

Quanser Needle Insertion SimulatorCan you imagine a blind surgeon? Well, that's how they can feel performing some laparoscopic  procedures. When inserting a needle, they cannot see where it travels and rely on the 'feel' only tissues. Thanks to haptics, a much needed training tool is available now allowing surgeons to practise needle insertion procedures in a safe environment. Read more about the Needle Insertion Simulator developed in cooperation with University Health Network!

In Your Own Words
University of Toronto Logo
"...the other good thing about the [Quanser's] curriculum is that it's so easy to modify. Once you have all the basic things like mathematical models and parameters of the system, then adapting them and customizing them to your needs becomes all very easy. It's basically cut and paste."

Dr.Manfredi Maggiore, University of Toronto, Canada


Feature Story

Prairie View A&M University

Prairie View A&M University Logo

Learn how a grant from the U.S. Department of Defence helped build a top-notch lab for teaching and research.

Coming up in November's eNEWS
Find out why upgrade from WinCon to QuaRC�!
QuaRC SW Package
Upcoming Events
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