Quanser - Captivate More Students
Volume 5
September 2008
In This Issue
From the Editor
Make Your Control Lab More Exciting!
Teaching Gets Easier: Course Project in a Curriculum
Show me the Money!
Feature Story - University Consortium on Instructional Shake Tables
Out of this World
From the Editor

Dear Reader

Welcome to Quanser's September issue of eNEWS. We aim to keep Deans, Department Heads, Professors, Partners and Distributors updated on the latest academic initiatives in engineering.

As we start a new school year, curriculum, research tools and funding are top of mind for many engineering professors. Quanser can help you with all that.

In this issue, learn how you can save time and enhance your engineering program for undergraduate or graduate students. Choose from 70 hands-on solutions for engineering labs to ensure your students are prepared for the challenges of the real world. We also share some insights about funding and show you yet another out-of-this-world solution from our engineers!

Zuzana Fabusova
eNEWS Editor
Make Your Control Lab More Exciting!

Quanser Wiimote ChallengeA WiiMote Challenge? Doesn't sound like something you would expect at a conference! That's what seemed to captivate most delegates at UK ACC Control 2008, held this September in Manchester, UK. Trying to swing up an inverted pendulum using WiiMote was a challenge for the professors, demonstrating how easily Quanser's educational tools can captivate engineering students. Check out the prize winner and see how you can add more excitement to your teaching and research lab!
Teaching Gets Easier: Course Project in a Curriculum

Omni Bundle with CurriculumAlmost all 70 challenges Quanser offers come with the curriculum to save you time. Now you can save even more time getting ready for your course - the newly released Omni Bundle for teaching robotics and haptics at undergraduate and graduate levels has it all! The Course project included in the curriculum captivates and motivates your students with a game - not playing it, but developing it. Through creating a 1D or 2D Haptic game, students reinforce what they learned in your course. Watch a short video to see the Omni in action!
Show me the Money!

Quanser Funding TipsConsidering applying for funding to build or expand your control lab? There are three things you should know! Watch for the October issue of eNEWS to learn how the Prairie View A&M University, Texas built a state-of-the-art teaching and research laboratory with the help of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) funding.

In Your Own Words
University of Reading logo

"...it was so easy to build a new experiment just by adding a new module to an existing setup. I was impressed by the flexibility offered by Quanser."
Dr. Victor Becerra, University of Reading, United Kingdom
Learn more about Quanser
Feature Story
 University Consortium on Instructional Shake Tables

Quanser Customer Story - UCIST

Learn how you can enhance civil engineering programs with earthquake simulators and see them shaking!

Out of this World

Quanser Project with Canadian Space Agency

Read how Simulink™ and QuaRC� enable future space robotics development.

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We are listening
Tell us what you want to see in future eNEWS issues! Share your stories, tips and ideas with us at  editor@quanser.com
Zuzana Fabusova
eNEWS Editor
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