LW! e-Newsletter
  July 5, 2012

"Love Your Landmarks"   

All Year Long! 


For the past three years -- starting in 2010 -- LW! has spent the month of February showing our love for the Upper West Side's much-loved landmarks...


...Who's to say we can't show our love for landmarks all year long?!


With the Landmarks Preservation Commission's recent designation of the Riverside-West End Historic District Extension I (at public meeting of June 26, 2012), the family of West Side landmarks continues to grow.  That's something to celebrate; Do it with "Love Your Landmarks"!

While you're picnicking in the park, bike riding along the Hudson, or sipping a cold drink at your favorite sidewalk cafe -- take this moment to tell everyone, "I Love this Landmark!" Join us as we call out the landmarks that make the Upper West Side so lovable! All it takes is a digital camera and your own inspiration

Head to the LW! blog now to see which buildings and sites people shared in 2010 and 2011!


So what's a "landmark"?

"Landmark" can mean different things to different people.  It could mean the Dakota Apartments, an Upper West Side icon and Individual Landmark.  Or, it might be something more personal: your family's favorite restaurant, the street corner where you pick up your newspaper every morning, your child's playground or park, or even the elementary school you attended.

If it's a landmark to you, we want to know!


Join in this love-filled landmarks fest!  It's this easy: 

      (1)  Download and print an "I [heart] this landmark" sign*.  Both black and white or color are
            perfectly fine!

      (2)  Visit your landmarks and take a picture of you with your "I Love this Landmark" sign.

      (3)  Email your photos to LANDMARK WEST!.  Make sure to tell us what about the building or
            site is special to you.  Also, please include the address or location of the building when

            *If you have any trouble or aren't able to print a sign, no worries!  A photo of you and
             the object of your architectural affection is still welcomed!   


What happens to your photo?

Your photos--take as many as you can!--will be added to the LW! blog.  There, other West Siders and landmark enthusiasts will see what buildings and places have special meaning to us all. 

Get Out There And "Love Your Landmarks!"

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