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USHLI: Making
a Difference

December 29 Weekly Update
In This Issue
2009 in Review
USHLI National Pre-Conference Registration Continues
Deadline for Room Reservations Nears
New Census Website
USHLI and Hispanic-Business Media Partnership
Thought Of The Week
USHLI National Conference

Sheraton Chicago
Hotel & Towers
Chicago, IL
February 17-20, 2010

Hotel Reservation Deadline
February 5, 2010
Pre-Conference Registration Deadline
January 29, 2010
Past Issues
USHLI Major Sponsors

2009 in Review 

USHLI is an organization that is driven by an extraordinary sense of mission and community that invariably triumphs over economic realities so, despite the recession and budget reductions, USHLI had a great year in 2009.  The following is a brief summary of our accomplishments.

2009 in ReviewResearch: USHLI published 50 state-by-state reports on Latino demographics and a special report on "The Emerging Presence of Ethnic/Racial Minorities in Congressional Elections."

National Conference: The conference attended by over 6,000 present and future leaders representing over 500 cities and 1,000 community-based organizations in 40 states and attracted over 30 sponsors.

Career and College Recruitment Fairs: Fairs were held in Chicago, Cleveland, Hammond (IN), Newark (NJ) and Brownwood (TX) and attended by over 5,000 students, teachers, and counselors.

Regional Student Leadership Conferences: Regional conferences were held in Newark (NJ), Chicago, Kansas City, Spokane (WA), and Orlando (FL) and attended by over 1,000 student leaders representing colleges and universities in more than 20 states.

Grassroots Leadership: USHLI organized 2 bilateral leadership programs for grassroots community leaders and city, county and school officials in 2 cities in Nebraska, which were attended by 158 white collar, blue collar and no collar workers and local public officials.

Collegiate Leadership: USHLI organized four bilateral training programs for 120 Latino student leaders, faculty, staff and administration representing 4 colleges and universities in 4 states.
Corporate Leadership Initiative: USHLI inaugurated a new dimension to its impressive array of leadership development programs with a training program for BP employees in Houston and another in Chicago.

Candidate Training and Campaign Management School: USHLI conducted training schools in Cleveland, OH, and Chicago, IL.

21st Century Leaders Internship Program: Internships ranging from 10-30 weeks were awarded to 32 high school and college students that included civic participation, research and public policy studies.

Scholarships: The Dr. Juan Andrade Scholarship for Young Hispanic Leaders was awarded to 50 students, bringing the number of scholarships awarded to date to 355 and totaling $353,500.
Civic Participation:
USHLI registered 12,000 new voters including 2,066 newly naturalized citizens.

USHLI National Pre-Conference Registration Continues

USHLI Logo and Header

Participants planning to attend the USHLI 28th National USHLI Conference, which will be heavy on social activism, are urged to take advantage of our FINAL Pre-Conference Registration deadline and register by January 29, 2010.  The full rate will be charged after January 29.  The conference will be held February 17-20, 2010, at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Tower.  Over 6,000 present and future leaders representing 40 states are expected to attend.  With a major focus on health care, the 2010 Census, and comprehensive immigration reform, our theme is "Adelante!: The Time is Now!"

Click here to access a tentative agenda and to register online.

Deadline for Room Reservations Nears

Sheraton 2010Don't be left out in the cold or in over-flow.  The USHLI room block at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers for our National Conference will be held only until February 5, 2010.  Book your reservation(s) immediately by calling (312) 329-7000.

If you are denied a reservation, FOR WHATEVER REASON, take down the name of the person with whom you are speaking, the reason for the denial, and contact USHLI at 1-800-959-5151 for further assistance. 
New Census Website!

USHLI Logo and HeaderThe U.S. Bureau of the Census recently announced its new website for national partners.  The site provides answers to FAQs, explains the 10 questions that will be in the 2010 Census, dispels myths, includes dates to remember, and much more. 

To access the new website, visit  Please forward this information to colleagues on your list serv as well as family, friends and neighbors.  The Census is now in your hands.
USHLI and Hispanic-Business Media Partnership
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Thought for the Week
"Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be." 

                                                                          - Grandma Moses