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Your First Wealth Is HealthVolume 3
Number 4
Tulips in a row
I love this time of year!  The tree leaves on the boulevard are bursting out in their chartreusey splendor.  Dandelions are spreading their yellow cheerful blossoms everywhere.  And the tulips - so abundant and beautiful this spring - are bringing smiles to all who gaze at their beauty.

The early blooms of spring have enticed huge bumblebees to our yard.  I find bees quite fascinating.  Dan and I saw a documentary a few months ago called "Queen of the Sun - What Are the Bees Telling Us?"  Read on to get the low down on colony collapse disorder and what you can do to benefit the bees in your neighborhood.

Now that it's spring and there are plenty of gardening and outdoor activities to enjoy, you'll want to keep your energy up - especially in the afternoon.  If you experience the dreaded afternoon slump you'll want to find out how you can change your breakfast for energy.

The recipe of the month is as simple as drinking sunshine. 
In This Issue
Bees. . .Queen of the Sun
The Secret to Avoiding the Dreaded Afternoon Slump
Recipe of the Month
Bees. . .Queen of the Sun

What Are the Bees Telling Us?


Queen of the Sun
Indeed, what are the bees telling us?  There have been many stories over the last couple of years about Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) where large numbers of bees seemingly just disappear.

Well, there are actually good reasons why they disappear. Almonds are one of the reasons.  California has planted 710,000 acres of almonds according to the 2009 Almond Board Almanac, and they need to be pollinated in February.  The problem is that there are no other nectar sources to sustain the bees until the almond trees are in bloom, so the bees are shipped in from across the country.  The shipped-in bees are raised in a feedlot-style of beekeeping.  In this scenario, the bees are loaded on to semi truck trailers, transported across country, exposed to bees (and their diseases) from across the world, fed high fructose corn syrup to "jump start" them, and then they pollinate a mono crop.  None of this is natural for a bee.  They hibernate in the winter, so this cross-country trip is very stressful for the bees.  It's not surprising that many of them die or disappear.

Another reason for the decline in bees are insecticides and pesticides.  Bees do not have any enzymes that can break down the widespread toxins to which they are exposed.  Lack of habitat due to our urban sprawl with large expanses of grass lawn also contribute to their decline.

I would highly recommend viewing Queen of the Sun.  Here's what the marketing postcard I got a hold of says about the film:
"QUEEN OF THE SUN:  What Are the Bees Telling Us?  is a profound, alternative look at the global bee crisis from the director of THE REAL DIRT ON FARMER JOHN.  Juxtaposing the catastrophic disappearance of bees with the mysterious world of the beehive, this engaging and ultimately uplifting film weaves an unusual and dramatic story of the heartfelt struggles of beekeepers, scientists and philosophers from around the world including Michael Pollan, Gunther Hauk and Vandana Shiva.  Together they reveal both the problems and the solutions in renewing a culture in balance with nature."

Click here for Ten Things You Can Do To Help Bees.

We are fortunate here in the Twin Cities to have a dedicated bee keeper name Brian Fredericksen of Ames Farm.  Brian produces incredible singe-source raw honey from his 600 or so hives across the state.  Each jar of honey is labeled according to its hive number and location.  I've tasted pretty much all of his honey - from Elderberry, Dandelion, Golden Rod, and Basswood - and can recommend them all.  His honeys are available at most co-ops, Kowalski stores, in the Midtown Global Market, and you can find Brian himself at the Minneapolis Farmer's Market.

Check out The Taste of Here, a great article about Brian and Ames Honey, by Dara Moskowitz back when she was with the City Pages.

The Secret to Avoiding the
Dreaded Afternoon Slump
Yin Yang Symbol
The key to maintaining your energy in the afternoon is to include high-quality protein with your breakfast.  All too often breakfast consists of carbohydrates on top of carbohydrates or worse yet no breakfast at all.  It's important to balance the carbohydrates with a good sized portion of protein.  I'll often have leftover meat from the previous night's dinner or Dan will cook up some of his homemade breakfast sausage for me.  

Paul Ratte, ND suggests that you switch your breakfast and dinner.  Eat your biggest meal (that includes protein) for breakfast and have a smaller, lighter dinner.  Paul has school-aged boys, and he makes sure that they have a protein-filled breakfast to help them concentrate and keep their energy up all day at school.  He is known to fire up his grill in the morning. . . 
Recipe of the Month
Lemon Love for your Liver

Lemon and Juicer The liver is the organ responsible for the detoxification of our bodies, so it is a bit of a misnomer to say that you are going to cleanse your liver.  What you can do, however, is to give your liver great cleaning products.

Have you ever noticed that many over-the-counter cleaning products contain lemon?  Fresh-squeezed lemon juice is a great way to start the day, and your liver will thank you for it.

Fresh-squeezed lemon juice in 3/4 cup of slightly warm water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach will benefit you three times over:

1) it aids your liver in its cleansing aspects
2) it boosts your immune system
3) it alkalizes your blood

Cruciferous vegetables such as kale, collards, broccoli, cabbage, and kohlrabi are also great cleaning products for your liver.

Note:  We found the handy lemon juicer pictured above at Cooks of Crocus Hill
 As Always. . .Bloodroot
Your First Wealth Is Health,

Katherine Krumwiede, L.Ac.
Diamond Stone Oriental Medicine, Inc.
612 872 9133

Quote of
the Month


"Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind."


James Russell Lowell 

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