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Inspiring REAL Brain Development For All Young Children
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braininsights is dedicated to creating a broad awareness and understanding of the importance of early brain development.
Issue: #12

November, 2010


Thanks for reading what I am calling the GRAND Issue of the braininsights newsletter. It is a GRAND issue for two reasons. The first reason is to share all of the grand things that are happening in relation to creating awareness of early brain development. Secondly, I am making a very special "Grand Giving" offer in honor of my new special and very healthy Granddaughter... Ava Elisabeth!

Because you are dedicated to children, I am trilled to share numerous resources, links, and announcements for your benefit. Through traveling to other states and connecting with numerous people, it is exciting to see all that is being done to support and promote the optimal development of children.

Hopefully you are having a GRAND day and will enjoy all of the news I have to share with you!

Deborah McNelis
Owner and Creator of braininsights
Did you know....?

..... the quality of the relationship an infant has with their primary caregiver has a direct impact on the physical development of the brain.

....... Even though the brain is making trillions of connections as an infant and toddler, it takes years throughout childhood and adolescence to organize it into a mature adult brain.

....... Research demonstrates that nature helps the brain relax and restore itself after experiencing stress or negative emotions.

Tell everyone you know!!

GRAND NEWS... and Information You Can Use!

It is so exciting to see the growing interest in early brain development. The amount of research, promotions and information is continuously increasing! So, in place of an article this month I am simply sharing a sample of the wealth of resources and links that I have become aware of and want to share with you!

For this month I am focusing on links on the topic of attachment. I have also included a link for a new book, in which I had the opportunity to read an advanced copy.

Additionally I am sharing a variety valuable blogs and websites. You will see  that wonderful things are happening to contribute toward make a difference for young children.
I sincerely hope you enjoy all of this information!

Anyone that has heard me present knows how I emphasize the critical importance of attachment.  This is an essential aspect of optimal brain development. As I often point out, it not only affects social/emotional development, behavior, and relationships, it also has an impact on cognitive development and self regualation.  Following are valuable resources I have become aware of on this critically essential topic.

Research on Results of Secure Attachment

Advanced Parenting

The Attached Family

Are You There For Me?

The Developing and Learning Brain

Book: Baby Brain Rules

The Gurian Institute

Dr. Dan Siegel

Imagination Soup

If you are aware of additional resources that you find beneficial please forward them to me and I will share with braininsights readers! 

If you are a parent or a professional working with children and families, you can get activity ideas on how to easily incorporate loving interactions into a daily routine and learn how it all benefits brain development by visiting for The Brain Development Series.

Your organization or workplace will also benefit from learning more about the brain. To arrange a presentation
 that fits your needs, contact Deborah at


* I'm excited to let you know about the National Recognition of braininsights!
This article was in M Magazine in September
Brain Power

Scholastic Parent & Child spotlighted the brain packet
Toy Man Seal Of Approval as a
 "Hot Pick" in the October issue.
The Toy Man recognized braininsights with a Seal of
Approval in addition to several awards!  See the reports from evaluators here!

Love Your Baby - Recognition Report
More To Do While I'm Two - Recognition Report

*The SPANISH version of The Brain Development Activity Packet Series comes out in November! 

* braininsights activity packets are now available at Learning Shop locations through out Wisconsin!

* You can receive daily Brain Facts delivered directly to your email inbox.  Sign up here to receive updates from the braininsights blog.

Early Childhood Brain Insights Blog* The are new features on the Early Childhood Brain Insights Blog.  A resource list is now available if you would like to find out more about brain development or specific areas of brain development.  If you have a question about one of the brain facts or other area of brain development, leave a comment or email me and your question may be answered in the next blog post!

* PRE- SALE Now!  Naturally Developing Brains is the newest brain activity packet. It provides activities to use with pre-schoolers and information on the benefits of nature for the brain. Proceeds go toward nature pre-school efforts. Your program can also use these as a fund raiser while promoting nature learning!

* Free Webinar: Brain Insights For Early Educators Stimulating Brain Development In Your Program.
This workshop presents what children wish all adults knew about how they learn. As early childhood educators, we know 85% of a baby's brain development will happen after birth. We also know that what we do in the classroom  and what parents do at home can make a profound difference on healthy brain development. With the realizations you gain through this presentation, you will understand how easy and fun it can be to encourage brain development in your program throughout the day. You will also get ideas about how to partner with parents to nurture learning at home. Join me to begin brainstorming about how brain development can easily fit into your busy early learning program.

For more information or to register click HERE.


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Research shows the brain benefits from giving. Longevity has been linked to people helping others!

braininsights is giving to you & making it possible for you to give!

For each set of The Brain Development Series ordered in November, an additional FREE packet will be sent to the program, agency, or school of your choice!

The packet will be sent in your name!

Enjoy Giving!!


Offer Expires:  November 30, 2010