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Springfield Township Newsletter 

Mid April - May 2009
Volume 1, Issue 2

Welcome to the second edition of Springfield Township E-news. We hope that you like receiving Township information by e-mail. By e-mail, we are now able to stay in touch and present important information to you in a more timely and less expensive manner.

As always, we value your thoughts, ideas, opinions and participation. We encourage you to visit the Township's website, email us your questions and engage yourself in the betterment of the community. 
Joseph Honerlaw       Tom Bryan     Gwen McFarlin
Trustee                     Trustee          Trustee
Police Levy
Police Open House
Neighborhood Concerns Taken Seriously
Cardiac Equipment Donation
Summer Camps Offered
Brush Drop Off
Winton Road Update
The Mom Prom
Community Garage Sale
Police Levy - Issue 3
police2Keeping Springfield Township a safe place to live, raise a  family and operate a business has always been a priority for Trustees, the Police Department and residents alike. Recognizing this importance, the Springfield Township Police Department has undergone extensive measures to ensure we have a police force of the highest caliber that provides effective and efficient safety services for the community. Their efforts and dedication have earned the department the status of being Nationally Accredited.  Less than 10% of Police Departments nationally have been successful in earning and maintaining the distinction of accreditation.

The SpringfieldTownship Police Department operates under funds secured through the passage of levies by residents. The last Police levy, passed in 2001, was projected to last until 2006. Surpassing these expectations by three additional years is almost unheard of in most communities, let alone one of our size.

Our Department has taken every step necessary so those dollars you provide stretch as far as they can go. The funds generated by the 2001 levy are no longer sufficient to operate. With 80% of their department budget allocated to its workforce, the Police Department could lose eight officer positions, unless the necessary funds are secured through the passage of Issue 3 on May 5, 2009.  

Issue 3 is a 2.5 mil levy that, if passed, can only be used for police purposes. The levy would cost $6.18 per month per $100,000 assessed home value. If passed, this levy would guarantee four new officers to replace the positions that are currently vacant in the Department and prevent further lay-offs.

What will be the cost if Issue 3 does not pass? With a shortage of personnel, our police department would be forced to eliminate several specialized units that have been critical in reducing crime and apprehending criminals coming into our Township. The IMPACT Team, for example, focuses on criminal suppression and apprehension. Their results have received national attention by the U.S. Department of Justice, recognizing their quality investigations and the conviction of offenders.  Another specialized unit is the Township's School Resource Officers Program which every day, provides a mentor for our children and assists school officials with some of the challenges they face in educating our children. Beyond these select specialized units, The Explorers Program, Kids Police Academy and Citizens Police Academies could face elimination in 2010.

There is more information regarding Issue 3 on the Township's website. For more information on Issue 3, Click Here
To watch the Waycross Channel Video Presentation, Click Here
(Please be patient, this page takes a few seconds to open.)
If you have a question regarding Issue 3, please send an e-mail here
Award Recipients
Mom Prom Flyer
Please join us in congratulating Lt. Randy Miller for being selected Burn Prevention Educator of the Year by Shriners Hospital for Children. The award recognizes the quality of the Township's fire prevention programs and Lt. Miller's leadership. Along with being an exceptional firefighter and paramedic, Lt. Miller runs the Fire Department's Annual Open House, Kids Fire Academy, CERT and Campus Fire Safety programs in an effort to promote fire safety at a young age. Last year, his efforts were recognized by Gold Star Chili at the 2008 Firehouse of the Year Award Reception. Congratulations! View Article

sean McBrideCongratulations to Sean McBride, 2008 Officer of the Year award recipient. Mr. McBride was selected by the department's nominating committee based on his performance on duty and off. He began with the Springfield Township Police Department in 2001 at the age of fifteen as an Explorer. The Explorer Post is a partnership program with the Boy Scouts of America and Springfield Township.Through the Explorer Post he was able to rise through the ranks until he was named Chief. Sean pursued law enforcement further, trained at the academy and was hired on as a full-time Cadet with the Springfield Township Police Department in 2005. Four years later, Officer McBride consistently leads his shift in productivity, has become the top shift producer and regularly volunteers his time to serve as an advisor for the Explorers Post. View Article

Township Administrator Michael Hinnenkamp has been named Public Administrator of the Year by the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the American Society of Public Administration.  Mike received the Individual Contributor Award which recognizes individuals whose job performance has demonstrated sustained creativity, resourcefulness, and dedication. Individuals in this category are chosen because they have made significant contributions to public service through their professional specialty and achievement of their organization's goals and objectives. Mr. Hinnenkamp has been employed as the Administrator of the Township since December of 1995. He has served in leadership positions with the Center for Local Government, the Hamilton County First Suburbs Consortium, and the Greater Cincinnati Local Government Managers Association.
Police Department Open House

Saturday, May 2, 2009

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

police poster

Take a behind-the-scenes look at the Springfield Township Police Department at the Open House on Saturday, May 2, 2009.

Located at 1130 Compton Road, the Springfield Township Police Department will be open to the public from 10:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m. for guided tours, scheduled demonstrations, vehicle exhibits, officer meet and greets and entertainment for the entire family.

Schedule of Events

10:00 a.m                Honor Guard Opening Ceremony
10:15 - 2:00 p.m.     Police Department Tours
                               Child Fingerprinting
                               Police Vehicles On Display
                               Weapons and Equipment Displays
                               Free Soft Drinks & Hot Dogs

11:30 p.m.               K-9 Demonstration

1:00 p.m.                Taser, Pepperball & Beanbag Demonstrations

For more information on the Police Department Open House,
Call 729-1300

Concerns Taken Seriously
In March of 2008, Township Trustees signed Resolution 25-2009
which outlined five steps to lobby change in the Housing Choice Voucher Program, otherwise referred to as "Section 8". See Resolution Here The actions addressed in the resolution are not designed to eliminate the program or disregard the need for assistance to many families and senior adults. The resolution is, however, an active effort to relieve neighborhoods of landlords that do not follow up on their properties and tenants who participate in criminal activities, abusing the privileges given with accepting financial assistance.

Successes to Report:
� Township Administrator Michael Hinnenkamp met with representatives of Congressman Steve Driehaus, as well as several members of the CMHA Board, to discuss the concerns of pockets of Section 8 voucher holders in certain neighborhoods. The concerns were heard and understood. As a first step, CMHA will conduct a "rent reasonable" study for rental properties in Springfield Township. Expectations are that the study will support removing Springfield Township from the 110% rent premium status.

The Springfield Township Police Department has set up a system to cross reference every new arrest with CMHA. Approximately twenty-five voucher recipients have been evicted and have lost voucher privileges since February, 2009.

Property maintenance violations are also under this enforcement process to cross reference violations with CMHA. Landlords will loose their listing with CMHA for multiple violations.

� The Assistant Township Administrator is conducting a cost / benefits analysis to determine the feasibility of a rental inspection program in the Township. This would make landlords more accountable for  exterior, as well as interior, conditions of their property. An inspection program may cause landlords to be more selective in choosing renters.
Tri-Health Donates Life Saving Cardiac Equipment To Township's Fire Department
EKG EquipmentThe Springfield Township Fire Department just received a gift that could drastically increase heart attack survivability and post-attack quality of life. The donation of six cardiac monitor / defibrillator transmitters for ambulance and first response vehicles were donated by Tri-Health, the community partnership of Good Samaritan Hospital, Bethesda North Hospital and Bethesda Medical Center at Arrow Springs. Only Fire Departments that have paramedic units were eligible for the equipment. The new transmitters will digitally send a patient's EKG (electrocardiogram) data directly to the emergency room, physicians, cardiologists and other healthcare professionals within 15 seconds.

"This is what we have been striving to achieve for years," Fire Chief Rob Leininger stated through a big smile after the word of the donation was received. Leininger went further to explain that Springfield Township was one of the first fire departments in Hamilton County to purchase six Life Pack 12 monitors / defibrillators to conduct EKGs. "We were on the cutting edge in pre-hospital cardiac care with our diagnostic capabilities." The technology, however, delayed the process of properly relaying a heart attack to the hospital.  With the new equipment, the diagnostics will be sent from the ambulance in route to the hospital, analyzed immediately and a plan will already be in place once the patient arrives. Mark Elam, RN, BSN, CEN from Tri-Health, explains "The hospital will know exactly how to respond to the patient coming in the door. This new equipment will avoid duplicating efforts and save minutes, if not hours of critical time."  The efficiency of the new transmitters reduces the time it takes to open blocked arteries via balloon catheterization - known as balloon time - which has proven critical in minimizing damage to the heart muscle and increasing the patient's chances of survival.

The Township's Fire Department is now awaiting the "go ahead" from area hospitals. Once the hospital receivers are installed and the software is thoroughly tested, ambulances in Springfield Township will be best equipped to handle life threatening heart attacks.
Summer Camps
skyhawksJune 15-19 "Mini-Hawks" Recreation Camp       NEW!
(Ages 5-7)   9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon      $99
More Information        Register Now

June 15-19 "Tiny-Hawks Mommy & Me"            NEW!
(Ages 3-4)   12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.     $45
More Information        Register Now

June 15 - 20 "Kids' Police Academy"
(Ages 8 - 13)  9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.                  FREE!
Residents Only, 20 Maximum
                            More Information & Download Registration

June 23 - 27     "Kids Fire Academy"
(Ages 8 - 12)   T-Sa 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon                                  FREE!   Residents Only, 16 Maximum
More Information & Registration Details 

June 27 "Special Fire Academy"
(Children with special needs & parent)  2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.             FREE!
Residents Only, 16 Maximum
More Information & Registration Details 

July 13-17  "Skyhawks" Recreation Camp                                     NEW!
(Ages 6-12)  9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.      $119
More Information          Register Now

July 13 - 17 "Junior Fire Academy"                                       
(Ages 8 - 12)   M-TH 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. F 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.         FREE!   Residents Only, 16 Maximum
More Information & Registration Details

Springfield Township On Facebook

facebook logoResidents and business owners are encouraged to join Springfield Township's new facebook account. Meet your fellow neighbors, chat about current events, open discussion topics and post your pictures!
Electric Aggregtion in the Township
A low fixed rate for electric supply has been established for members of the Township's aggregation program. Eligible residents and small businesses should have received a notice in the mail if they would find a savings by this new program. By purchasing electric as a group  through Dominion Retail, a fixed rate of 6.88 cents per kWh was secured for a duration of 18 months. The first billing month will begin in June and will run through January 2011. Read More

Brush Drop-Off Scheduled
The Springfield Township Service Department will host a one-day brush drop off in conjunction with the Great American Cleanup on Saturday, April 25, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  During designated hours, brush can be taken to the Service Department, located at 952 Compton Road. Brush and tree branches must be cut into lengths of 6 feet or less and can be no larger than 12 inches in diameter. Branches with thorns have to be tied in bundles with twine. Lumber, plastics, rock or other non-vegetative material will not be accepted. Proof of residency will be required. Read More

Winton Road Construction Update
constructionWinton Road Construction ...
Will it EVER end?
This is a question that anyone who has traveled on Winton Road in the past year has asked themselves.  We sometimes question that as well and share your frustration with the traffic delays that accompany road construction.  We understand that you may not have all of the information about the project and therefore, we have put together four things for you to think about while stuck in traffic.

1.    Take some pleasure in knowing that it should all be over in the fall.  We know that is still several months of headache, but the Hamilton County Engineer's Office, which is the agency responsible for the management of the project, has indicated that they expect construction on Winton to be wrapped up by the fall of this year.

2.    The project is probably taking so long because it is more complicated than it may appear. This is true. In fact, if you think about all of the underground utility issues associated with water and sewer lines, coordinating utility pole relocations with Duke and Cincinnati Bell, the many driveways to homes and businesses, and trying to maintain traffic for the 35,000 cars a day that travel on Winton Road, it is amazing that they were able to keep the road open at all.

3.    Township residents are benefiting from the construction. The widening of the road and intersections will improve traffic flow and make Winton much safer in the future. The purpose of the streetscape is to be a catalyst for private investment and create a "sense of place." The streetscape project is an investment into the economic vitality of our community, which has already resulted in more than $16 million worth of private investments into properties along the Winton Road corridor such as Panera Bread, Chipotle, Brentwood Shopping Center renovations, Kroger, Walgreen's, and Cincinnati Financial, which has begun renovations to the former Kroger store.

4.    Your Township officials are doing everything they can to expedite the completion of the construction project.  This is true.  We have met with representatives of the Hamilton County Engineer's Office and expressed our concerns and issues, which represent your frustrations.  To this end, we suggested that the County create a website in order to provide the public with current construction related information that will enable you to be aware of the construction schedule and find alternate routes if necessary.  We will send a link to that website once it is completed. As always, we do appreciate hearing about any issues you have.  We are here to work on your behalf and will continue to share your concerns and frustrations with the County Engineer's Office regarding this project.  We understand that the traffic situation is disruptive to our daily routines, which is why we will continue to work with the County Engineer's Office to do everything possible to lessen that disruption.

Grants for Road Projects

Improving aging roads with limited funds is an ongoing dilemma many cities and Townships face. Springfield Township Trustees continue to apply for state and federal grants as a way to leverage money for our needed road resurfacing projects. Each grant program is different and varies in its qualification requirements, ultimately determining which streets may qualify for funding. With each passing year, the number of communities applying for these types of grants increase as the available grant funds decrease.

Through the complicated process of locating projects to match grant requirements, we are pleased to report major successes. Within the past two years, Springfield Township has received $250,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for road projects in the Township.  Additionally, this year the Township was awarded two grants worth a total of $1,009,375 through the State Capital Improvement Program.

Most recently, the Township applied for $6.2 million in Stimulus money as the federal government called for "shovel ready" projects. It was determined by the State that all road projects will be administered through the OKI Transportation Improvement Program. However, we were made aware that under this program local streets do not qualify and the Trustees, therefore, are not expecting any Stimulus funding to aid the Township in repairing its more than 400 streets.

Applying for grants has been an excellent resource for the Township. Although it does not meet the extensive infrastructure needs we have as a whole, many of the projects that have been done would not have been possible without our Trustee's diligence in applying and receiving grant assistance.
The Mom Prom
Saturday, May 23, 2009
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Ages 3 - 13 With Adult

Moms can enjoy a special evening with their little guys! The night's theme will be "Out of this World". (Grandmothers, Aunts, Caregivers are all welcome to bring their special little boy(s)!) The room will be decorated with a space theme. The formal dance will be highlighted with pizza, a keepsake photograph, a make-your-own sundae bar and a special trinket for all of our attending astronauts. This will be an evening of unforgettable fun for moms and sons both!
Tickets:    Ticket sales will end when the maximum (200) is sold out, or by May 18, whichever is sooner. Tickets will not be sold at the door.

Residents: $25 per couple, Additional sons for $6 each

Non-residents: $28 per couple, Additional sons for $6.

*Visa and Master Card payments can be accepted with a 3% fee.

Assigned Tables:    Would you like to sit with your friends? Let us know! Tables can be reserved for groups.  Our tables seat 10.

Registration:     * Mail check or money order to Springfield Township, C/O Mom Prom Dance Tickets, 9150 Winton Road, 45231   Include registration form (Download registration form online)

�    Call 522-1410 for credit card payments - A 3% credit card fee applies (Can be called in or e-mailed)
Community Garage Sale

Community Garage Sale
The Grove Banquet Hall
Saturday, June 13, 2009
9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m.

They say that one man's trash is another's treasure and on Saturday, June 13, it's a treasure hunt like none other. With 31 individual indoor booths and 19 outdoor booths, you are sure to find something great. The sale will open at 9:00a.m. The parking lot will not be available to shoppers until 8:30 a.m. Please, no early birds.
Residents are invited to purchase a booth space, ranging in price from $5 to $15 to sell their unneeded items. These spaces are on sale, while they last in advance only.

This is a rain or shine event!
For More Information Click Here
Rental Space
banquet hall
Planning to have a party or family get-together this summer, but don't quite have enough space?  Why not rent a party space at the Springfield Township Senior/Community Center or Grove Banquet Hall.  We have rooms for a capacity of 40 to 350 guests.  For more information, check out the Township's website, call 522-1154 or email tschneider@springfieldtwp.org

Funds from the room rentals support the operations of the Springfield Township Senior Center.  You can have a wonderful party while supporting a wonderful asset for our community!
Quick Links

Cloe Becker Bridge Tournament
Friday - May 8th at 10:00 a.m.  
Cost is $30 per couple.  Registration is limited to the first 40 couples - you must arrange for your own partner.  Sign-up forms are available at the Senior Center front desk.  You must be a member of the senior center to participate.  Annual membership dues are $15 for residents and $20 for non-residents.  For more information, call 522-1154 or email tschneider@springfieldtwp.org.

Ohio Military Band

Community Concert

Thursday, August 6

7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

On the Deck of the
Springfield Township Senior Center

History of Cincinnati Brewing

At The Senior Center
The history of beer brewing in Cincinnati will be the topic of discussion on Wednesday, June 24, beginning at 1:00 p.m. at the Springfield Township Senior/Community Center, 9158 Winton Road, located behind the Springfield Township Administration Complex.

"Foam Sweet Foam" will be presented by Jim Bruckmann, a docent with the Cincinnati Heritage Museum since 1987.  Mr. Bruckmann is also a descendent of the Cumminsville-Bruckmann Brewery, which was in business from 1856 to 1949.  Following the presentation, participants can enjoy a little "foam" themselves with a root beer float.  This program is being sponsored by Stonebridge at Winton Woods Senior Community.

This program is free of charge to members of the Springfield Township Senior Center.  Cost for non-members is $10 for Springfield Township residents and $15 for non-residents.  Those who wish to purchase a membership to the senior center will have the seminar charges waived.

Registrations will be taken up to the day of the program. Register at the Springfield Township Senior and Community Center or by calling 522-1154. Credit card payments will be accepted with a 3% surcharge.  Normal operating hours are Tuesday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Friday 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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Many residents are not signed up to receive e-news from the Township. Pass this email along to your neighbors and encourage them to register for news and event updates.

If you are interested in volunteering for special events, let us know! Email your name, address, phone number and areas of interest.