The Get In Touch Foundation logo

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
~Maya Angelou


August 2010
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
2010 Women of Strength
NASN Conference
Welcome Tia Campbell!
GIT News
Milford Radio
Vineyard Vines� Daisy Tote
8 for August...
Quick Links
The Get In Touch
Girls' Program
Daisy Wheel�
Get In Touch Girls' Program video shoot
Click here to give our Daisy Wheel� a spin!

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School Nurses or
Health Educators
click here to sign up
for the
Get In Touch
Girls' Program
& Daisy Wheel�.

Get In Touch Girls' Program video shoot
Click the pic to watch our


Hello ,

Our website has a brand new look! 

If you haven't already seen it, click on the pic above and learn a little more about all we are doing to "change the world one girl at a time!"

The Get In Touch Girls' Program & Daisy Wheel breast health initiative is in 34 states, Washington DC and 13 countries!

Our goal is to be in all 50 states by the end of 2010!!

Be sure to check out the map - *if you don't see YOUR state, it's time to "Get In Touch" with us and GIT your school on board so we can "pink" up the entire United States!

Hope Lives!
  GIT Your Gown On!
Mary Ann Wasil Nilan
Executive Director & Founder,  
Breast Cancer Kickin' Survivor & Health Activist

*Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Oregon, West Virginia, Wyoming

~ Upcoming Events ~

October 10, 2010
6th Annual "Pretty In Pink" Brunch & "Women of Strength" Award
Milford, CT

October 15, 2010
National "GIT Your Pink On!" Day

November 6, 2010
Virginia Association of School Nurses Conference
Williamsburg, VA

The Get In Touch Foundation
is proud to announce our
 2010 "Women of Strength" 
Barb & Dolores

Dr. Barbara Ward,
Surgical Oncologist, Greenwich Hospital, Greenwich, CT
Dolores A. Ward,
44 Year Breast Cancer Survivor and Mother of Dr. Barbara Ward

The women will be honored at the 6th Annual "Pretty In Pink" Brunch
on Sunday, October 10 at Great River Golf Club in Milford, CT

MA & Wyoming Nurses in Chicago National Association of School Nurses logo Susette & MA in Chicago

In the US, School Nurses are on the front line of health care for our children.

It was an honor to attend the 42nd National Association of School Nurses
Annual Conference in late June in Chicago. 

I met up with some old friends from the Overseas School Health Nurses Association and met new friends from Nebraska to Virginia, Wyoming to Maine!

And YES, that is Juliet Capulet at Navy Pier with her very own Daisy Wheel!

OSHNA nurses in Chicago  MA & Anita Lieftinck in Chicago  Maine/VA & MA in Chicago

MA & VA nurses in Chicago  Kate from Nebraska in Chicago  Juliet at Navy Pier
Tia Campbell
The Get In Touch Foundation is proud to welcome Tia Campbell
as a member of our Consulting Board of Directors. 
Tia is pictured here being inducted as the
National Association of School Nurses Vice-President
at last month's Annual Conference. 
To read more about Tia
, click here.
Extra! Extra! Read all about it...

NY Liberty Inspiring Women logo
NY LIberty on the court
KUDOS to the WNBA's New York Liberty and Hallmark Channel for honoring Get In Touch Founder Mary Ann Wasil Nilan, along with 18 other "Women Who Inspire" at Madison Square Garden on July 27th!  The New York Liberty and Get In Touch are excited about a partnership and event planned for Spring 2011!  Stay tuned..

MA & Tracey MSG
KUDOS to "us" as we welcome our newly appointed National Events Coordinator, Tracey Saab!  Here is Tracey at Madison Square Garden with Mary Ann at the "Women Who Inspire" Event.  If you'd like to learn more about Tracey, click here.

KUDOS to the University of Hartford's inaugural class of GETSET!  (Girls Exploring Technology, Science, and Engineering for Tomorrow.)  I was thrilled to have been invited to speak at a session entitled "Inventors, Dreamers & Entrepreneurs" - here I am pictured with some of the young ladies that are our future...HOPE LIVES!

Ally Katzz flyer
KUDOS to AllyKatzz Tween Girls Summit, coming up this October in New York City!  Click on the pic to find out more about this summit for "cool & confident girls" who know how to "speak up" and be heard!

Find us on Facebook
Help us reach 1,000 FANS!
milford radio beach logo

GIT Founder Mary Ann Wasil Nilan
will be the guest this Wednesday, August 4th
on MILFORDRADIO.COM - be sure to tune in at 8pm...
"GIT Your Milford Radio On!"

GIT your Vineyard Vines� Daisy Tote here...

Get In Touch Girls' Program video shoot
(click on the pic)
8 books to inspire you for August...

1.     A Year by the Sea by Joan Anderson

2.     The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan

3.     The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

4.     The Joy In Loving by Mother Teresa

5.     Amazing Peace by Maya Angelou

6.     The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama

7.     The Shack by William P. Young

8.     The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch


                                        message in a bottle on beach

                                                      ...the final weeks of summer vacation!

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