Your Guide to Farm Fresh ...can now be found at local farms, farmers' markets, retailers and food businesses throughout the region. New this year in the Pure Catskills Guide to Farm Fresh Products? Market icons help you readily identify which Pure Catskills members make what. Portraits by Sullivan County photographer Andy Ryan capture dairy farmers on location. And specialty producer lists let you easily digest the offerings for beef (page 48), botanicals (page 52), U-picks (page 59), and wool products (page 64). Share your thoughts about the latest edition of the Guide on the Pure Catskills Facebook Page. 
Forestry Bus Tour Grants Available
 | tudents from P.S. 154 study
macro-invertebrates at Clearpool Education Center
The Council's Forestry Program offers grants (up to $3,000) to organize and conduct watershed/forestry related field trips to the NYC water supply watersheds. Applications are due by July 15, 2012. These grants are open to any organization, community group, professional association, 4-12th grade classroom or other entity within New York City (NYC) or the upstate watershed regions (Catskill/Delaware and Croton).
"Because we are an elementary school located in Brooklyn, NY, for most of the year I was limited to using the Internet and my personal knowledge as instructional resources in our study of trout and their habitat. The Watershed Forestry Bus Tour Program allowed my students to travel out of the city and into the upstate watershed where the children engaged in a unique, hands-on experience releasing our trout and studying the water quality of a river where trout thrive. As wonderful as modern technology is, it doesn't compare to the first-hand experience my children had at the Clearpool Education Center," noted Erik Havlik, Assistant Principal at P.S. 154K and Bus Tour participant in 2012. (For more teacher testimonials, see the latest issue of The Reservoir.)
If you are interested in planning a project to learn about NYC water and the working landscapes that protect that water quality every day, visit the Watershed Forestry Bus Tour web page or contact Jessica Olenych of Common Ground Educational Consulting at (845) 586-1600. 
Watershed Education All-Stars
Like-Minds Meet on the 16th
In the field at a Catskills CRAFT farm tour
On Monday, July 16th, the Catskills CRAFT group will meet from 5 to 7 p.m. at Stony Creek Farmstead in Walton, NY. The Marsiglio family has been growing pasture-raised meat and eggs, organic vegetables, and since 2005 and will share their experience with farm living, CSAs, farm stays and group tours. Potluck to follow. For more details, read this Catskills CRAFT press release or call Sonia Janiszewski at (914) 720-1020. Catskills CRAFT, or Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training, is an educational networking group for beginning farmers and is made possible with leadership support from Catskills region beginning farmers, financial support from Farmhearts, and administrative support from the Watershed Agricultural Council. 
Clean Sweep Online
 The 16th annual farm and household hazardous waste clean-up day is back, September 7 and 8, with a new twist. Register easily online now through August 31. Have your list of items handy, pick a date and time for drop-off, and answer a handful of questions, and you're good to go. This Clean Sweep tip sheet lists what items to bring to Clean Sweep and what items to drop off any time at the Walton Solid Waste Facility beforehand. If you prefer to sign-up the old fashioned way, register by phone between August 20-30, Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at (607) 865-6474; or email CleanSweepDelaware@gmail.com to share your list of items; you'll be assigned a day and time on which to show up. Clean Sweep 2012 is collaboration among the Watershed Agricultural Council, Delaware County Department of Public Works, CCE-Delaware and key funders DEP and NYS DEC.
Of Interest

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Help protect farmland, forests and clean drinking water by adding the Conservation Easement Stewardship Fund to your list of annual charitable investments. |
NEW DAY & TIME: Watershed Wake-up Call Every Friday at 7:15 a.m. WIOX Community Radio 91.3FM
July 12
Sheep & Goat Producer Group Dairy Tour
Sharon Springs
July 5
Easement Program Committee
No Meeting
July 7
Rondout Valley Growers Assn. Barn Dance
July 8, 22
Solar Sundays at Apple Pond Farm
Callicoon Center
July 14
Catskill Mountainkeeper BarnFest
July 16
Catskills CRAFT Farm Tour: Raising Mixed Livestock
July 16-17
NYS Agricultural Society Summer Meeting at Maple Shade Farm & Regional Farm Tours
July 19-22
Lumberjack Festival Deposit
July 24
India Foresters Watershed Tour
Frost Valley
July 26
CCE Delaware County Dairy Tour
July 28
Catskill Forest Festival
Many more events, events and workshops listed on the Pure Catskills home page and on the Council's event pages for agriculture and forestry.
Pure Catskills
You & Your Watershed
Need a speaker for your next event, workshop or conference? Let us provide an expert staffer to present on topics related to agriculture, forestry, conservation easements, water quality, farm to market, communications and the Council's community impact. To learn more, contact our Communications Department at (607) 865-7090, ext. 226.
Your privacy is important to us; therefore, we will not sell, rent, or give your name or email address to anyone. And, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of every WAC eNews.
The Watershed Agricultural Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the economic viability of agriculture and forestry through the protection of water quality and the promotion of land conservation in the New York City Watershed region. The WAC is funded by The New York City Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service and other federal, foundation and private sources. The WAC is an equal opportunity provider and employer.