Bus Tour Testimonials
"The bus tour program was a positive experience for me because it allowed my students to get a different perspective on watersheds. The program also allowed the students to interact with forests in new ways."
"Our bus tour to the Ashokan was an amazing bus ride to the source of New York City drinking water. Only Ms. Frizzle herself could have made the trip more magical. We will be returning year after year as it enhances our student appreciation for the watershed that nurtures them and their city."
"The Bus Tour Program is essential to educating New York City students about the role our upstate neighbors play in keeping our NYC water supply clean. Most of them have no idea as to what goes on outside of their apartment buildings. This is a great way to get children involved in nature."
"Every year, I am excited and dreading the long bus ride to Ward Pound Ridge Reservation from Brooklyn. And every year, I am newly grateful at the chance to take my students and their parents to this beautiful natural setting. The air is different, there are few other people, no buildings, and everything is new to the children. Each year, letting the trout go is a deeply moving experience and thinking about the stream leading to our faucets is awesome. I wouldn't give these days up for anything. Thank you."
The Russian Federal Forestry Agency is inviting youth age 16-20 to submit projects to the 9th annual Junior Forest Contest in Moscow September 11-14 on topics they are involved with (such as forest science and silviculture, wildlife ecology, plant ecology, etc.) and compete with other students in an international competition to be held in Russia.
International Programs (IP) is willing to sponsor travel for 1-2 candidates, and the Russian Federal Forestry Agency has offered to cover all in-country costs.
DETAILS (word .doc)
The Watershed Agricultural Council's Forestry Program offers grants (up to $3,000) to organize and conduct watershed/forestry related field trips to the NYC water supply watersheds. Applications are due by July 15, 2012.
These grants are open to any organization, community group, professional association, 4-12th grade classroom or other entity within New York City (NYC) or the upstate watershed regions (Catskill/Delaware and Croton).
 | PS 154 studying macroinverterbrates
at Clearpool Education Center
"Because we are an elementary school located in Brooklyn, NY, for most of the year I was limited to using the Internet and my personal knowledge as instructional resources in our study of trout and their habitat. The Watershed Forestry Bus Tour Program allowed my students to travel out of the city and into the upstate watershed where the children engaged in a unique, hands-on experience releasing our trout and studying the water quality of a river where trout thrive. As wonderful as modern technology is, it doesn't compare to the first-hand experience my children had at the Clearpool Education Center." Erik Havlik, Assistant Principal, PS 154K and Bus Tour participant in 2012.
If you are interested in planning a project to learn about NYC water and the working landscapes that protect that water quality every day, please visit the Watershed Forestry Bus Tour web page or contact Jessica Olenych of Common Ground Educational Consulting at (845) 586-1600. Applications are due July 15, 2012. APPLICATION (Word format)APPLICATION (PDF format) |
Staten Island teacher Patricia (Pat) Lockhart, of P.S. 57 - The Hubert Humphrey School - is a well known name throughout the Watershed Agricultural Council's (WAC) education programs. Pat attended the Watershed Forestry Institute for Teachers (WFIT) in 2002 and has since gone on to participate in both the Bus Tour Grants Program (four-time grantee) and the upstate-downstate partnership program Green Connections (five years running). Pat's continued commitment to watershed education in her classroom and beyond has given her "model participant" status amongst the partners and funders who oversee the WAC education programs.
On May 30th, The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), announced the 2011-2012 Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators. Pat Lockhart was one of 18 teachers nationwide to receive this award. The award recognizes outstanding kindergarten through grade 12 teachers who employ innovative approaches to environmental education and use the environment as a context for student learning. Pat has successfully integrated environmental education into other classes that are not science-based, such as math, art and social studies. Due to Pat's efforts The Hubert Humphrey School has received numerous awards and grants. Her students often make presentations to the school, community and elected officials and they consistently score above their grade level. Pat's efforts to address local and environmental health concerns can be seen near her school at Eibs Pond Park where students work to keep the park clean and monitor the quality of the pond.
The Watershed Agricultural Council congratulates Pat on her award and thank her for her continued support and efforts to make watershed education an important part of her curriculum.
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The Reservoir is brought to you by the Watershed Agricultural Council. The Watershed Agricultural Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to promote the economic viability of agriculture and forestry, the protection of water quality, and the conservation of working landscapes through strong local leadership and sustainable public-private partnerships. The WAC is supported by the U.S. Forest Service, New York City Environmental Protection, U.S.D.A and other sources. The Watershed Agricultural Council is an equal opportunity employer and provider.