Optimal Health Network Logo
Ten Days To Optimal Health Program
December 25, 2011
In This Issue:
Vitamin D:
Potent Cold and
Flu Prevention Strategy
Brain Health and the Blood-Brain Barrier
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Our December Sale is a 6-day coupon sale running Monday, December 26th, through Saturday, December 31st. The sale runs 24 hours per day Central Time. Use the current coupon at the bottom of this newsletter for 15% off your entire shopping cart order.

This coupon sale applies only to orders placed online.
Live Chat with Kristina AmelongPlease join us each Wednesday at 12 noon CT. Starting
December 28th we will offer a weekly live chat!

Do you have questions about taking enemas, colon hydrotherapy, buying enema equipment, trying a spring colon cleanse for the first time, or about heart health? A live chat is a valuable opportunity to ask Certified Colon Hydrotherapist Kristina Amelong all these questions and more. You can also share your colon cleanse experiences, your dietary experimentations, and your health struggles and successes with the larger community.

Quick Links:
New OHN Product:

Vitamin D Therapy Tanning Systems For Home Use

vitamin D tanning

Evidence is mounting in support of vitamin D as a potent cold and flu prevention strategy. Optimizing your vitamin D levels through regular sun exposure is preferred, as it imparts health benefits beyond what you can get from oral vitamin D supplements.

The Vitamin D Council reports: "Sun tanning equipment's UVB light is an excellent source of vitamin D."

Vitamin D deficiency is a key factor in adverse health conditions, including cancer and certain autoimmune diseases.

For these reasons, the Optimal Health Center now offers a safe, Dr. Mercola-approved, vitamin D-producing, UVB tanning bed for sale on our website.  

Further reading:

YOU! Test Your Vitamin D Levels, PLEASE!

Cancer Mortality Rates Compared to UVB Doses

Am I Vitamin D Deficient?

Low Levels of Vitamin D Tied to Numerous Health Ailments, Studies Find

The Mayo Clinic on Vitamin D

Dr. Mercola on Vitamin D
Brain Health and the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB)

Keeping your brain healthy is a key to quality of life in your later years! For instance, Alzheimer's disease now afflicts 5.4 million people in the United States -- double the number in 1980 and up from 4.5 million in 2009 -- and the number of people with Alzheimer's is expected to reach 16 million by 2050.

Dementia, a common result of Alzheimer's disease, also occurs in people who do not have the disease. Estimates from data analyzed in 2005 "suggest a global dementia prevalence of 24.3 million, with 4.6 million new cases of dementia every year. The number of people affected will double every 20 years to 81.1 million by 2040." (Wikipedia)

Alzheimer's and other dementias: world map

Plenty can be done to slow or eliminate the risks of both Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. A key factor in these diseases is the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier (BBB).

Blood-brain barrier: Aging and microvascular disease - systematic review and meta-analysis

Is Breakdown of the Blood-Brain Barrier Responsible for Lacunar Stroke, Leukoaraiosis, and Dementia?

The BBB has several important functions:
  1. Protects the brain from foreign substances in the blood that may injure the brain
  2. Protects the brain from hormones and neurotransmitters in the rest of the body
  3. Maintains a constant environment for the brain
With stress, hormonal imbalances, chronic inflammation, and diseases like high blood pressure and adrenal fatigue, the blood-brain barrier becomes compromised and pathogens, especially viruses, and heavy metals are known to find their way into the brain. Food sensitivities and chronic gastrointestinal infections create inflammation in the barrier, thereby weakening it.

To determine if you have adrenal fatigue, use our Adrenal Stress Index Test.

To determine if you have chronic gastrointestinal infections, use our Gastrointestinal Health Panels.

To determine if you have hormonal imbalances (both women and men), use our Hormone Panel Saliva Tests.

To help your body to restore the integrity of a "leaky" BBB, you can use essential oils. Therapeutic grade essential oils may restore the integrity of a "leaky" blood-brain barrier along with neutralizing toxins and killing pathogens that have crossed over the barrier.


All essential oils cross the blood-brain barrier but the sesquiterpene classification of essential oils is best known for affecting brain function.

Sesquiterpenes are known for their ability to oxygenate and erase damaged DNA in the brain. They are powerful anti-inflammatory agents, antiseptic, cooling, anti-allergic, analgesic, antispasmodic, and slightly antibacterial. Because of their strong effect on the brain, these oils effectively calm and balance emotions.


To identify the best oils to positively influence your brain, use Essential Oil Body Feedback. First press or massage the upper shoulder or neck area, looking for tender trigger points or tight muscles. The second step is to take a deep breath of an essential oil and after you exhale, again press the tender or tight areas. If the tension and tightness is reduced, then the essential oil will positively impact brain function. If tension and tightness remains the same or is worse, then that essential oil will not positively impact brain function and may actually make you feel worse.


It is important to apply essential oils to the base of the neck or around the hairline to affect brain function. Applying oils along the spine also allows them to enter the brain through the cerebral-spinal fluid. Diffusing essential oils also helps brain function because small molecules are accessing the brain through the sinuses. If you take the oils internally or apply them to your feet, you will not achieve the same effects.


Essential oils with the highest concentrations of


  1. Vetiver
  2. Spikenard
  3. Sandalwood
  4. Black Pepper
  5. Patchouli
  6. Myrrh
  7. Ginger
  8. Cedarwood
  9. Celery Seed
  10. Frankincense

For assistance with Essential Oil Body Feedback, testing, or any other support, please call or e-mail the Optimal Health Center.

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Here is a sampling of what we are doing.


From our fans:

"Keep up the good work. Food/nutrition initiatives are one of the few areas of human endeavor where sovereignty from below has made any headway in this republic in the 40+ years I've been paying attention."

"As a colon therapist I just LOVE you guys! I send LOTS of clients to this site... Thank you for making my job easier!"

Like us on FacebookAmelia Van Dusen
"Kaffee-Einl�ufe haben mir geholfen, zu �berwinden unertr�glichen Zahnschmerzen, f�r die keine Zahn�rzte oder �rzte eine Entlastung bieten k�nnte. Die Optimal Health Network sind die einzigen in den USA, dass erstklassige Produkte und Informationen �ber nat�rliche Gesundheit Doppelpunkt, die Ihnen eine wunderbare Gef�hl des Wohlbefindens zu bieten. Vielen Dank OHN."

Translation: "Coffee enemas have helped me overcome unbearable toothaches for which no dentists or doctors could offer any relief. The Optimal Health Network are the only ones in the USA that offer first-class products and information about natural colon health which will give you a wonderful sense of well-being. Thank you, OHN."


From us, the Optimal Health Network:

Want to eat gluten-free?

Essential Oils for Colon Health, Immunity Support for Winter, and more


From a fan:

"There is nothing better than 3 drops peppermint, 3-4 drops
lavender oil in a coffee series to make you feel totally refreshed and revitalized for several hours."


Like us on FacebookFrom us, the Optimal Health Network:

Call us this week at 608-242-0200 to set up a free Vitamin D Therapy Bed appointment! Just mention that you saw it on Facebook!

Coffee Enema Health Benefits

OHN on Facebook 


New Alternative Health Resources for You!


The Optimal Health Network is increasing its presence in social media with short educational videos for you on various topics related to health. Please view them and share them with your own networks to spread the word. If you have ideas you would like to see us talk about, please share those ideas with us.

Brand New Video! Enema Coffee from Guatemala!

How to Make Essential Oil Suppositories

Women's Hormonal Health

Optimizing Digestive Health

alternative health videos

Educational Health

Videos by OHN

The REAL Tonic

A Runner's

Tired All the Time?

Men's Health

7-Day Cleanse

Constipation Cures

Echinacea for Immune and Gut Support

Additionally, we now have a Facebook Fan Page that has features similar to a website. Your first step is to like the page. From there, you have access to our entire YouTube channel, our Optimal Health Network blog, our Twitter page, all of our health products, and educational materials such as our book, Ten Days to Optimal Health, and our downloadable videos, Small Volume Enema and Large Volume Enema.

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December 26 through
December 31  
Newsletter subscribers can take advantage of our 15% OFF EVERYTHING SALE to stock up on needed items or to try something new.

This coupon sale applies only
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Be sure to enter the coupon number above in the coupon code box in your shopping cart when you place your order online.

15% Off Subscriber Sale: GOOD ALL DAY CT 12/26/2011- 12/31/2011