Changing The Story
Akasha's Change Your Story News
September 4th Full Moon Pisces
September 2009

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In This Issue
Pisces Full Moon
Bruce Springsteen's Message
leaning over Hello,

I hope you are having a wonderful full moon. 
I have been spending time with our rosemary bush in our spiral herb garden.  It is about four feet high and big around.  Currently, it is full of purple flowers and it's scent fills the air at night.  One of my favorite teas is rosemary.  You just pinch a sprig off and let it steep for about five minutes.  It is a good memory booster.  It tastes wonderful with lavender cookies or ginger bread.  A fun fall tea.
The big news is I am conducting a free one hour teleseminar on Wednesday, September 9th, 2009 at 5:00 pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time.  That would be 8:00 pm on the east coast.  It will be a more detailed explanation of most of the astrological happenings from now into 2010.  I hope you can make it.  I will be recording it.
Please send any specific questions you want me to answer during the teleseminar to Changing The Story, a minimum of 24 hours ahead of time.  I welcome general specific questions and will not be answering those involving personal charts. 
To access the teleseminar, Wednesday, September 9th,

call (712) 432-1600.  The password is 473915#.  Please be aware that this is a regular long distance call.  Depending on your phone service, you may be charged per minute for this call.

Pacific Tiime is 5:00 pm
Mountain Time is 6:00pm
Central Time is 7:00pm
Eastern Time is 8:00pm

September 4th Pisces Full Moon

Moon in Pisces

Pisces is of the ocean.  Consequently a full moon in this sign means a tendency for huge emotions.  The normal container that holds your emotions is gone on holiday.  Imagine that you are used to swimming in a pool or a lake.  How would it feel to suddenly find your self swimming in the ocean?  It can be overwhelming or it can be liberating.  For people with Pisces moon these next few days are exhilarating.
Luckily, at this time, the Sun is in earth based Virgo.  A nice grounding sign.  Virgo brings the structure that you need to attain healing or integration of the big emotions inspired by this moon. 
Take Heart, We Will Be In The Eye Of The Tornado That Can Take Us To Oz
Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, power and wealth, finally stations direct on September 11th.  It is a slow moving planet, so for most of the month of September it will be holding still before it starts moving forward again.  This creates a portal of energetic possibility in our personal lives and in the life of our community, society and species.  Pluto energy is alchemical.  It can turn metal into gold and transform ashes into a phoenix. 
Take advantage of Pluto's energy this month.  Strive to dream your biggest dreams.  There is a transverse wave of energy that can take us over the rainbow.  Did you know that this is the 70th anniversary of the Wizard of Oz?  For one night at 7:00pm all over the United States they are showing the film in select theatres.  This is happening on Wednesday the 23rd, the day after the autumn equinox.  This is no accident.  Films are our myths; our storytelling.  They remind us about the process of change.  Go see it if you can and let it inspire you.  Here is the link,
Wizard of Oz Screenings

Saturn opposing Uranus   60's Synergy
So here is the sitch.  I love this kind of synergy.  Back in the mid 60's, Saturn (status quo/tradition) was in Pisces and Uranus (change/rebellion) opposed it in Virgo.  Now we have the reverse; Saturn in Virgo and Uranus opposing in Pisces.  Virgo is about grounding spirit into matter and Pisces is about spiritual transcendence.  So all of the 50's ideals that were blasted apart by Saturn in oceanic Pisces, now has a chance to be revisited and restructured while it is in service and community oriented Virgo.  The energies of back then, civil rights, health, the structure of our society, etc are currently at the next level on the spiral of change.  There is still a hefty challenge from the unnatural corporations, but now rebellious Uranus is in connection with the divine via Pisces.
The 3rd exact opposition between the two is happening on September 15th.  There are two more after this.  The first time was the day we elected Obama as president.  The second time was his inauguration.  This one is the make or break through onto the other side.  Keep moving forward whatever you do. 
Also please do extra extra protection magic and prayers of safety for Obama and his family during this time. 
Another planetary happening this month, that makes me groan, is Mercury going retrograde again.  It moves backward September 6th through September 29th.  The whole month.  Make sure you double check and confirm your schedules and give yourself extra time to get anywhere.  Mercury will be in Libra, which rules relationships, and also in Virgo, health and practicality, so please cut your friends and lovers a lot of slack this month.  Misunderstandings will come very easily at this time.  Actively resist needing to find blame.  Speak your truth with the caveat that you may not be understood. 

Bruce Springsteen's Message
I had a dream, where I was sung to by Bruce Springsteen.  I don't listen often to his music, just the odd song on the radio now and then.  So, imagine my surprise when Bruce came up and stared me straight in the eyes and sang to me.  He told me in no uncertain terms that I needed to write to people about boosting their immune system in preparation for the fall and winter.  I laughed upon waking up, but in the dream he was quite serious.  Why Bruce, I don't know, but this article is dedicated to him.
Taking conscious steps to boost your immune system is important at this time of year.  Actually, anytime there is a shift in the season, whether it's summer to fall, or winter to spring, etc. your immune system can become compromised.  Be aware, that you can boost your immune system via all levels of life:  physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  There are the obvious things, drink plenty of water, get adequate sleep, eat whole foods and vegetables, esp. greens, up intake of Vitamin C, exercise aerobically 30 minutes a day, and laugh often every day.  Here are some other ways.
Vitamin D
As the hours of daylight lesson, it is very important to increase your time out in the sun, without sunscreen.  Numerous studies show that Vitamin D is one of the best preventatives of flu and pneumonia.  It is also necessary for bones to absorb calcium hence preventing osteoporoses, supports liver, thyroid and memory, and keeps you happy.  Obviously, you don't want to spend hours without sunscreen, but you do need to spend a minimum of 20 minutes in the sun to get adequate Vitamin D.  There are lamps that mimic the sun, but if you use them, treat them as if they are the sun, protect your eyes and limit your time.
Dr. John Cannell wrote:  "Today, most humans only make about a thousand units of vitamin D a day from sun exposure; many people, such as the elderly or African Americans, make much less than that. How much did humans normally make? A single, twenty-minute, full body exposure to summer sun will trigger the delivery of 20,000 units of vitamin D into the circulation of most people within 48 hours... Compare that to the 100 units you get from a glass of milk, or the several hundred daily units the U.S. government recommend as "Adequate Intake."  After years of research, his theory is that influenza is a symptom of vitamin D deficiency, hence the seasonality of it. 
Here is the link to the full article:  Dr John Cannell's article

Foot Baths and Hot Pots
Foot baths are great for the lungs, whether using it as a tonic to keep your lungs healthy or to relieve congestion.  All you need are two tubs deep and wide enough to fit both feet into.  Fill one tub with enough cold water to cover the feet and put to one side.  Fill the second tub up with hot water.  You can add Epsom salts, sea salt and/or crushed garlic for added detox effect.  Essential oils of thyme, lavender, eucalyptus or peppermint among others are also helpful, but use only 1-2 drops, depending on how much water you have to dilute it.  Start with your feet in the hot tub for as long as it stays warmish hot.  Then end by putting your feet in the cold water for 1-3 minutes.  You don't want to stay too long in the cold; avoid getting chilled.  The cold is to stimulate the blood flow throughout your body.  Then dry the feet and give them a good moisturizing foot rub.  If you have circulation or heart problems please consult your doctor before doing this. 
A hot pot is a smallish pot of boiled water, with eucalyptus, peppermint, olbas or thieves oil put in it.  You can also boil a sage, thyme and mint herb ball in cheesecloth.  Throw a large towel over your head and breathe in the steam for 5 to 10 minutes.  Be careful not to burn your nostril membranes on the steam.  In the beginning I'll start higher up and as it cools off get closer to the pot.  Also be careful not to burn your arms or hands on the pot as well.  This is good for maintaining the health of your sinuses, clearing clogged breathing passages, and soothing your lungs.  Essential oils are extremely powerful so only use 2-3 drops. 
To do an overall detox of your body from daily exposure to pollution and metals or flying on a plane, taking a bath of equal parts baking soda and sea salt, at least 1 � cups each in a claw foot bathtub, will do the trick.  Make sure it is as hot as your body can stand and stay in for a minimum of 20 minutes.  Again, if you have heart or circulatory problems or are pregnant consult your doctor first.
Seaweed is great for the immune system.  It is loaded with iodine for healthy thyroid, has tons of minerals, regulates hormones, and improves the health of your hair.  Some seaweeds also have the habit of bonding with radiation and metals and takes them right out of your body.  Before and after you are scheduled to get x-rays or fly on an airplane, eat lots of kombu, sea palm or wakame and it will help you get rid of it.  Spirulina and chlorella also aide in boosting your immune system and detoxing the body.
Avoid eating sugar and sweets as much as possible as they repress the immune system. 
Here are some more ways your immune system will benefit from other avenues of sustainability. 
Taking five minutes to just sit and be.  No thinking, no doing.  Kind of like a time-out parents give their kids when they are over the top.  If you have a room with no window, sitting in the dark really helps, or in your garden or by your favorite tree, plant, or flower.
That nap the teacher forced you to take in kindergarten?  Just as good for adults.  Teenagers and women in menopause need naps more than others because of the hormonal flux that is happening in their bodies.  It should be no longer than 20 minutes.  If a nap pushes your buttons, I know many people that call it "taking a siesta".  When I worked at jobs where I had to be there from eight to six I'd find a stairwell, empty office, hallway where no one went, tucked myself under my desk and basically just got horizontal for 5 minutes on my breaks. I didn't so much need to sleep as just close my eyes and rest my head a bit.  It helped my productivity immensely. 
The famous inner smile meditation is extremely healthy for the body and soul.  Here is a link to a detailed version:, and here is a link to a short one with smiling animals:

The inner smile helps you develop love for your self even if you don't feel it at the beginning.  In these times we are bombarded from all sides with subliminal messages of people hating us for who we are and we hating ourselves for not being what we want ourselves to be.  Take a close look at the construction of our bodies, our minds, our energy field, our complex emotions.  We, us humans, are amazing works of art.  I have a repetitive use injury from weeding too long in our garden.  I have been studying how the mechanics of the arm, wrist and hand move, touch and create...I am in awe.  .
Stay away from or minimize your time with people, places, and activities that drain you.  Prioritize the ones that are upbeat, invigorating and nurturing. 
Take vacations from the news, violent stories and reality shows. 
If you can, get regular acupuncture bodywork, and massage treatments. 
Dance, yoga, and marital arts are helpful.
Spontaneity, adventure, fun, and laughter are all boosters.
And, of course, listen to Bruce Springsteen...
Contact Info

[email protected]

to mark your calendar for Wednesday, September 9th, for my first teleseminar.  (712) 432-1600  passcode 473915#.  Please be aware that this is a regular long distance call, that you may charged for.  You can use a phone card to access this number.

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