Pie Contest at Annual Meeting

Please review The Church of St. Michael & St. George's weekly newsletter to
keep abreast of our events. Visit our online calendar for event

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Let us know....
If you or someone close to you has had a change in circumstances [in the hospital, moved to a nursing home, etc.] please call the church at 314.721.1502, so we can keep CSMSG in your life.

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Call us at 314.721.1502 or e-mail laurie@csmsg.org

The Church of St. Michael & St. George

6345 Wydown Blvd.
PO Box 11887
Clayton, MO 63105
314.721.1502 p
314.721.4670 f

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"Living Christ In This World"
January 10-January 16, 2011
This Week's Banner:
We need your talents for the January 30th Annual Meeting lunch. Chili, soups or pies are greatly appreciated. Please contact Laurie at 314.721.1502 or Laurie@csmsg.org and let her know what you can bring. Thanks very much!
Sunday Adult Education

 The Rector's Forum
10:30 AM  Taylor Room
The Rev. Andrew John Archie will discuss "Themes in Exodus."

Faith & Life Forum In Its Second Year
10:30 AM    Sverdrup Room
John Tyler
Worn out by the holiday hassle? Want a little peace and quiet? We began a new series on January 9 titled "Prayers for a Privileged People" based on a book with the same title that can be purchased in the Canterbury Bookstore. Come meet with us for this contemplative series where we will offer and discuss prayers related to the joys and concerns of daily life. Click this link for a description of the exciting topics to be discussed throughout the year.
Faith & Life information
Preaching Rota
January 16    The Rev. Andrew John Archie
January 23      The Rev. Jedediah Wynn Fox
January 30      The Rev. Andrew John Archie
 This Sunday

Lunsford Schock
Silver Cross for Lunsford Schock
Lunsford Schock has served as a youth usher since 2006. This Sunday he will be awarded the Silver Cross for his commitment to this important ministry. Join us in thanking Lunsford for giving his time and talent to our parish. (Picture taken when Lunsford was 12 years old).
Growing In Generosity
Stewardship Campaign 2011

Growing in Generosity logoAs of Friday, January 7 we have received 392 pledges for a total of $1,732,323.

Stewardship is what we do with the gifts God has given us. As you
consider your pledge to St. Michael and St. George, please know that
what you share will ensure that our parish will prosper and grow.

Just as God uses rain to nurture his creation, he uses money and resources to grow and nurture His churches.

Growing in Generosity Stewardship testimonials
This Week

Tuesday, January 11

6 PM    Great Hall
Steak & Stories
Our speaker will be Joe Yancy, the new Executive Director for Places for People. Places for People has recently established a home at 5235 Page, an architecturally-significant building and the former Blind Girls' Home. It will help fill an important role in the housing gap for people living with severe and persistent mental illness. Yancy recognizes the significant challenges currently faced by mental health agencies and will share his insights with us.
Yancy is brought to us by The St Michael's Houses Outreach Ministry, which has made a three-year commitment to support Places for People in their efforts at 5235 Page.

Sandwich making

Saturday, January 15
Sandwich Making

10 AM       Taylor Rm
Sandwich Making will take place January 15. All parishioners are invited and encouraged to join the St. Michael's Hunger Ministry on the third Saturday of each month from 10:00-11:00 AM in the Taylor Room to make sandwiches for the Gateway Homeless Center's clients.

Monday, January 17
Faith@Work-Men's Luncheon
11:45 AM    Sverdrup Rm
Faith@Work will meet Monday, January 17, in the Sverdrup Room from 11:45 AM-1:00 PM. We begin with NOONDAY PRAYER and a "B.L.T.- Blessed Little Thought" by Fr. Jed. Lunch and Open Discussion follow. The cost is $7 for lunch. Please contact Michael Hanrahan (314.518.3086, mikehanrahan01@gmail.com) by Monday, January 17, 10 AM to rsvp.
Upcoming Events

"Mark" your calenders

Monday Nights
6:30 PM   Library
Fr. Jed continues to lead an in-depth study of the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 3, on Mondays, at 6:30 PM. The Bible Study is currently in recess until January 24. All are welcome.


Pere Marquette lodge
Mark Your Calendars Now!
Sign-ups for the Men's Retreat continue and spaces are beginning to fill up. The retreat begins on January 21 at noon and ends at 2 PM on the 22nd. Our guest speaker will be the Rev. Jered Weber-Johnson, Assistant Rector at St. Alban's Parish in Washington, DC. The cost of the retreat is $150 for double occupancy and $175 for single occupancy. To reserve a spot, please contact Debbie Fenner, debbie@csmsg.org, or call 314.721.1502. For more information: Retreat information and registration form

Sunday, January 30
Annual Meeting

Last years chili cook-off following the annual meeting

Please note the schedule for January 30.
  •   8:00 AM    Holy Eucharist
  •   9:15 AM    Choral Eucharist followed by the Annual Meeting
  •   5:30 PM    Holy Eucharist 
A chili cook-off and pie contest will follow the Annual Meeting.
Don't miss it!

 Chili cookoff at the annual meeting
Put on Your Aprons!
after 9:15 AM liturgy        Great Hall
We need chili and pies, please. The luncheon following the January 30th Annual Meeting is a delicious event, made possible by our parishioners.
Please let Laurie know if you can bring a pot of chili, soup or a pie.
Laurie@csmsg.org or 314.721.1502. Many thanks!

Friday, April 1
Nicaraguan Dinner Auction
Watch for more information in the mail!
Adult Education

treeWomen's Retreat
The 2011 Women's Retreat "Oaks of Righteousness" will be held at the Mercy Center on March 4-5, 2011. The spiritual leader will be Meg Rice, from Houston, Texas. She is a multi-generational Episcopalian who has been a Bible Study leader and teacher for over 15 years. Our desired results for the retreat will focus on:
  • Learning and/or affirming silent prayer practices that draw us closer to God and enable us to listen to Him, and cope with our daily lives
  • Discovering tools and resources to maintain a prayer practice, at any level, after the retreat
For more information, contact Debbie Fenner at debbie@csmsg.org.
Women's Retreat Brochure

Get Confirmed
Adult Confirmation Classes will be starting Sunday, February 6. If you are interested in being confirmed in the Episcopal Church, or want to know more about what that means, please contact Fr. Fox, jfox@csmsg.org, or call the office at 314.721.1502.
Church school in St. George's Chapel
Church School Happenings
For the next few weeks, the Church School parents are invited on
specific Sundays to attend chapel with their children. 
  • Preschool I and II       January 16
  • PreKindergarten          January 23
  • Kindergarten               February 6
  • 1st Grade                    February 27
  • 2nd Grade                   February 20
  • 3rd Grade                    February 13
  • 4/5th Grades               January 16 and 23
During February, the Kindergarten-Third Grades will be sharing what they have learned: The Wedding at Cana, the story of Moses, Jesus' Early Years, and Jesus Walking on Water. Please mark the above dates in your calendars so that you don't miss a wonderful experience.
Seniors at last year's mission trip to Trout Lodge
Thank you to all parents who sent their child on the HS RETREAT  this past weekend and, most especially, thank you to our wonderful chaperones!! 
The Middle School retreat will be Saturday/Sunday, January 22/23. Sign-up now by e-mailing youth@csmsg.org. Cost is $150; scholarships are available by contacting Marty. Adult drivers/chaperones are needed (and the YM pays your registration fee!) Volunteer by e-mailing the above address. All parents should confirm that their child is attending, and remember, we would LOVE for your child's friends to come with us!
Wednesday Night Bible Study will resume THIS Wednesday, January 12 at 6:30 PM in the Armstrong Room! You may come at 5:30 PM to challenge Isaac at the Wii!
YM Leadership Team will meet this Friday, January 14 from 12:30-2:00 PM in the Sverdrup Room. Please RSVP to interns@csmsg.org.
2011 High School Mission Trip deposits are due NOW.
A $100 deposit will confirm participation on the HS mission trip next summer. If you have not yet paid, please do so now by mailing a check to Marty at church, or dropping one off at the receptionist's desk. Our trip is filling up and slots will be confirmed for those who submit this deposit first. If you need scholarship monies, please contact Marty at youth@csmsg.org. All rising 8th-12th graders are eligible to go on this trip! The dates of the trip to Sturgis, South Dakota are Friday, July 8-Sunday, July 17. Cost is $750.
Canterbury Bookstore
Canterbury Bookstore offers many items perfect for Christmas gifts.

Canterbury Bookstore's Sale Days are here!

Take advantage of the great savings through January 30. All calendars are 60% off, Christmas ornaments 50% off, Christmas jewelry 50% off, Christmas books 20% off, Nativities 40% off, all icons 20% off, wall crosses 40% off, neckties 20% off, Advent calendars 50% off, Advent devotionals 20% off and there's even more! Come and see... We are sorry that no discount can be taken on: Special orders, Colonial Candles, Imprints, and gift certificates. Free gift wrap is available and Canterbury Bookstore does not collect sales tax.

Bookstore Hours
Book of the Month
Featured Books
2011 Vestry Nominees
The following parishioners have been nominated for the next vestry term:
Marianna DealMarianna Deal
  • Member since 1994, attending since 1991
  • Sunday School teacher for 10+ years
  • Past member of Sunday School Steering Committee
  • Member of The St. Michael School Board
  • Vice-Chair of next year's Stewardship Campaign
I think we have a great opportunity to share God's word and love, by sharing the unique offering that we have at St. Michael & St. George.

Telling our story and sharing our experience will help us to grow as a parish, and grow the community of Christ.
Jim Holbrook
  • Jim Holbrook 'cradle' Episcopalian
  • member here since 1984 when Meredith and I moved to St. Louis
  • all three children baptized and confirmed here (Louis was an acolyte, Mary was a Sunday School assistant, Lizzy is a Sunday School assistant)
  •  Chair of St. Michael's Houses, Faith In Action
  •  serve breakfast at the homeless shelter (occasionally)
  •  previously on the Vestry
  •  was the Junior Warden
  •  served on the Finance Committee
  •  served on the Rector Search Committee
  •  led the Every Member Canvass (a couple of times)
I am personally and deeply moved by the wonderfully 'traditional' way in which we worship God at our church. 

I would love to see our church full of enthusiastic parishioners, fulfilled in their spiritual journeys, led by an enthusiastic clergy and staff.
Jan JacobiJan Jacobi
  • Member of the parish for 27 years
  • Served two terms on The St. Michael's Houses Board  
  • Served two terms on The St. Michael School Board
  • Ushered for 10 years
My dream is that we build an endowment to support the life and work of the parish.

I care most about the relationships that make our parish special. It's an eclectic congregation and I deeply value the friendships I've made as a parishioner.
Mark Klamer
  • Mark KlamerServed as Junior Warden on the Vestry
  • Leading effort to enhance and expand the Page Garden Columbarium
  • Serving fourth year on Youth Leadership Team
  • Chaperone for youth mission trip and several youth retreats
  • Taught Sunday School for three years

In serving as Junior Warden, my main focus has been the expansion and enhancement of the Page Garden.  (Yes, I am to blame for the lockers in the cloister hallway!) I hope that we can continue to integrate our loving care for those who are interred into the life of the parish.

My other great passion has been the youth ministry. Having the opportunity to see our youth grow in their faith is a great blessing.

Jeff Miller, Jr.

Jeff Miller
  • Baptized, confirmed and married in our church
  • Served on the Vestry (two terms)
  • Headed up an annual stewardship program  
  • Deeply involved in developing the Nicaragua outreach ministry and have made the mission trip a number of times, most recently with my daughter, Margot.
  • Part of the team that developed the evangelism pillar of our strategic plan and am currently working to implement the plan.
My dream for our church is to be THE leading Episcopal church in America.         
 Lily Ott 
  • Member at CSMSG since I was born Lily Ott
  • Taught Sunday school
  • Served on the Church School Steering Committee
  • Involved with the New Parents Guild, delivering our newest parishioners blessed baby blankets.
  • Recently hosted a "Mom's Night Out" at my home to welcome and get to know newer members of the church.
Our parish is a strong community of people, and it is important to keep this community growing by reaching out to new members while maintaining the rich tradition that CSMSG provides.
Columbarium Update

Check the progress of the Page Garden columbarium project from the Ellenwood entrance! The columbarium is being rehabilitated and expanded to add an additional 164 niches. While construction is ongoing, urns are being stored in individual lockers in the cloister walk. Weather permitting, construction should be done by mid-late spring.

valentine clip artSave the Date
St. Michael's Houses
Valentines Day Dinner Dance
Saturday, February 12
6:30 PM to 10:30 PM

Bring your sweetheart to the Great Hall for a romantic evening of dinner, live music and dancing! For more information, contact Sam Sked at SSked@Watlow.com. Proceeds go to benefit the St. Michael's Houses Places on Page project and the Youth Ministry High School Mission Trip.

Valentine's Day Invitation
Bulletin Board
The Servers' Guild
The Servers' Guild provides a unique opportunity for students from 6th through 12th grades to participate in the Sunday liturgies and gain a deeper appreciation for our traditions and style of worship. If you would like to join a group of young people who are dedicated to enhancing the worship experience at The Church of St. Michael & St. George, contact Catherine Salmon at

Altar Guild
We invite you to deepen your spiritual life and connection to the liturgy by becoming a member of the Altar Guild. This ministry is dedicated to the service of God by lovingly preparing the altars. Many hands are needed, weekdays and Sundays, to care for the linens, candles and silver. Contact Betsy Panke: 314.993.6487 or

CSMSG Pre-primary enrollment
We are currently accepting applications for our parish's two pre-primary programs: 16-24 months on Thursday and Friday mornings from 8:30-11:30 AM and 2-3 years on Monday through Wednesday mornings from 8:30-11:30 AM.  We are also offering a five-morning schedule for both classes. Our programs are taught by degreed teachers and have proven quite successful since their inception. For more information, call Carol at 314.721.1502.
Babies in the nursery
Smiles needed!
Want to volunteer one Su
nday a month? The Greeter position is just right for you. Contact Laurie Brown at Laurie@csmsg.org or 314.721.1502.

Valet Parking
Valet service by Midwest Parking will be available on Sunday mornings for elderly parishioners and those with special needs. This valuable service is being pr
ovided by an anonymous benefactor. Thank you for this very generous gift!