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This month Mike Holmes and I are curating an exhibition to take place at the SNAG conference in Seattle from 26 - 29 May 2011. We have invited all of the current AJF member galleries to submit images of work that fits into the theme of the show, which is Geography. We have gotten a great response and the show is shaping up to be really beautiful and provocative. I should also mention that AJF will design a trip schedule around the SNAG conference and that you will hear about that in the new year. You will also have the opportunity to meet the internationally respected writers for our book who will take part in the conference and our trip.

We have just added a new member to our board. I would like to welcome Linda Peshkin from Scottsdale, Arizona. Her first engagement with AJF was on the trip to London. She then joined the Membership committee and has proven to be a talented and enthusiastic member of our group. We welcome her, along with her marketing skills and the new energy and insight that she will bring to us.

The board decided that we have become such an active organization that we needed to hire an assistant to help handle all the work and so we recently hired Nancy Yoneyama. Nancy is from San Francisco and has experience with non-profits and as a personal assistant. She will begin part time work at the beginning of November and will help out with bookkeeping, membership, and communications and generally lend a hand wherever we need it. Welcome to this wild and wacky world, Nancy.

The AJF Grant to intuitions for exhibitions and/or catalogs of contemporary jewelry is on track and will be announced soon. All the applications are in.

We will begin our 2011 membership drive at SOFA Chicago and this year we have commissioned American jeweler Arthur Hash to make a pin for us as a membership benefit. If you renew your membership for next year at the show you will be among the first to receive it. AJF plans to make this the first of many pins that signify membership and will therefore become collectible items. We also only have 150 of these so join early. We expect our membership levels to increase above that number next year.

Enjoy the fall colors. Think about finding your way to the closest gallery and purchasing something to celebrate the changing of the seasons. It will help keep art jewelry alive.

Susan Cummins

AJF Chair

In the November newsletter we are proud to present Gabriel Craig's essay 'Austerity Measures', in which he explores the influence of contemporary world events on art jewelry. Jillian Moore writes about Mia Habib's experience of launching of a pop-up jewelry store in Brooklyn. Jillian also interviews well known jewelers, the 2Roses, John and Corlis Rose. Susan Cummins remembers collector and jewelry wearer George Saxe. This month we have a number of exhibition reviews. There are two reviews by Damian Skinner, one looking at Facere Gallery's annual Signs of Life publication combining art jewelry and contemporary writers, and the other Taboo Gallery's Words and Letters exhibition. Ward Schrijver covers the Shari Pierce exhibition and installation at Galerie Rob Koudijs in Amsterdam. Barbara Smith reviews the first US exhibition from Viennese jeweler Petra Zimmerman at Ornamentum. And Andrea Wagner talks about her exhibition at Galerie Noel Guyomarc'h in Montreal. Pace yourself because we also continue our extensive coverage of recent jewelry graduates with AJF's School's Out series. There is a lot more so plop down into a comfortable chair and enjoy this month's reporting by the Art Jewelry Forum. AJF would like to thank all of our dedicated writers for their untiring effort. And to our terrific AJF members, thanks for reading!

Mike Holmes


by Gabriel Craig

The full title of this essay might be Austerity measures: Current events creating context. I want to explore the odd phenomenon of how current world events can determine the interpretation and context of visual art, with particular attention to art jewelry. Click to read more.

poppin upPOPPING UP

by Jillian Moore
One trend that has grown with the current downturn in the economy is the pop-up store. These temporary outlets present an opportunity for both makers and collectors to experience work in a flexible space that requires very little financial investment, and hopefully even less pretension. Click to read more. 

by Jillian Moore
Like many of my internet acquaintances, I had the privilege of finally meeting John and Corliss Rose at last year's SNAG Conference in Houston. They are as warm, generous, and irreverent in person as I had hoped. They are also some of the hardest working art jewelry makers I know.  Click to read more.
by Susan Cummins
George Saxe, the well-known glass collector and promoter of contemporary craft died peacefully in Palo Alto, California, on 28 July 2010. The truth is that he collected many kinds of craft, not just glass, and curiously one of his collecting habits involved lapel pins. He not only collected and wore them but he was famous for cajoling every man he met into following his lead.  Click to read more.
sister actSISTER ARTS
by Damian Skinner
Painting and poetry should be like two just and friendly neighbours, neither of whom indeed is allowed to take unseemly liberties in the heart of the other's domain, but who exercise mutual forbearance on the borders, and effect a peaceful settlement for all the petty encroachments ...Click to read more.
to whom it may concernTO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN
by Damian Skinner
The 'word and image' problem, as W.J.T. Mitchell describes it, has become a big deal in contemporary culture. As a phrase, it covers a lot of ground: it identifies the fundamental task of art history, to describe images in words, translate one kind of communication into another... Click to read more.
most wantedMOST WANTED
by Ward Schrijver
During the recent Shari Pierce exhibition (10 July - 4 September 2010) few passers-by would have guessed that the almost empty space of AJF member Galerie Rob Koudijs in Amsterdam was dedicated to showing contemporary jewelry.  Monu- mental textile objects were on display along one wall, and at the other end of the gallery was ...  Click to read more.
by Barbara Smith
Ornamentum's current exhibition, History Repeating II, presents a collection of recent jewelry from Viennese jeweler Petra Zimmerman. This is Zimmerman's first solo exhibition in the United States.  The jewelry of Petra Zimmerman is a reflection on the overlap between art jewelry and fashion.  Click to read more.
by Andrea Wagner
AJF member Galerie Noel Guyomarc'h is currently holding an exhibition of new work by Andrea Wagner called The Architect Who Faced His Jardin Int�rieur. (If you happen to be in Montreal, the show finishes on the 24th October 2010; otherwise to visit the gallery website, click here.) AJF is pleased to be able to publish these notes on her new work... Click to read more.
what's she buildingWHAT'S SHE BUILDING IN THERE?
by Jillian Moore
There's something happening over at Crafthaus that you may not be aware of. While it's inarguable that Crafthaus has become the social networking hub for makers, fans, and advocates of fine craft, most outside of the Crafthaus circle may not know that it's also a great venue for any interested party to organize group exhibitions online. Click to read more. 


by Kristin Lora

Well, it started off as a quiet enough week . . . primarily enjoying the view from my home in Santa Fe. Then by Tuesday the hoards started to arrive - the gallery owners, visiting artists and collectors. But it wasn't only SOFA West going on this busy week. The world-famous Folk Art market brought over 25,000 visitors to a town with a population of approximately 80,000.  Click to read more.


by Jennifer Cross Gans
What do Sherman Alexie, Scott Momaday and the Native Music Rocks have in common? For the first time they were busy lecturing ahead of the 89th Indian Market in Santa Fe (21- 22 August) - attended by a good sample of folk who think highly of Native American literature and music. Click to read more. 

Mallory WestonSCHOOL'S OUT XIV
AJF is very pleased to bring you the fourteenth in a series of posts showcasing the work of graduate contemporary jewelry students from leading schools around the world. Our fourteenth entry in the AJF honor roll for 2010 is University of the Arts, located in Philadelphia, United States. Click to read more. 
Schools out xvSCHOOL'S OUT XV 
AJF is very pleased to bring you the fifteenth in a series of posts showcasing the work of graduate contemporary jewelry students from leading schools around the world. Our fifteenth entry in the AJF honor roll for 2010 is Kent State University, located in Ohio, United States. Click to read more. 
schools out xviSCHOOL'S OUT XVI 
AJF is very pleased to bring you the sixteenth in a series of posts showcasing the work of graduate contemporary jewelry students from leading schools around the world. Our sixteenth entry in the AJF honor roll for 2010 is the University of North Texas, located in Denton, Texas, United States.  Click to read more. 

schools out xviiSCHOOLS OUT XVII

AJF is very pleased to bring you the seventeenth in a series of posts showcasing the work of graduate contemporary jewelry students from leading schools around the world. Our seventeenth entry in the AJF honor roll for 2010 is SCAD, located in Savannah, Georgia, United States. Click to see more.