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Dear TwinkleGrammer,

It's official:  DIVINE APPOINTMENTS released September 21, two days before my 65th birthday.  What a week of celebration!  Medicare AND a new book.  WA-HOO!

This is just a short reminder to let you know I'm book touring right now, and engaging in lots of fun online stuff too.  A fairly complete listing of everything can be found here, although I'm still updating and catching a few new opportunities.  You'll note some of the online posts are evergreen, in that you can still find them, even though the date is past.

I hope to meet some of you at store events (come grab a free gift and a hug), or sense your presence online.  Thank you to all who celebrate with me!

If you read the book, please drop me a line and let me know what you think. .  If you'd just like to send a cheery note to this officially "old enough for all senior discounts, not just some" woman, I can use all the energy I can collect, so please do that too!

Peace and grins,
Charlene Ann Baumbich, Queen Twinkler
What They Say
Divine Appointments CoverIf you're looking for an encouraging book in tough economic times, this is it!
                                     ~The Bookstore


Charlene Baumbich's latest story will be much loved by those enjoying midlife, with characters in their 40s and 50s, still working on what is important in life just like most of us, regardless of age :)


In a delightful coming-of-age story at 47, I found Josie to be a feisty character with a tough shell in need of cracking. The mystical snow globe is an added speculative twist that tickles the imagination. With characters including a melodramatic wannabe writer, one cheerful encourager, and a "bleeding-heart" hero, I thoroughly enjoyed Divine Appointments. Snuggled up with a warm throw and a cup of hot tea, Novel Journey and I recommend it for a great Fall read.           
                                   ~Ane Mulligan, Editor, Novel Journey
Divine Appointments: A Novel
by Charlene Baumbich by WaterBrook Press
Kindle Edition ~ Release Date: 2010-09-21
List Price:

Buy Now
DIVINE APPOINTMENTS is available in all formats (above link for Kindle, but also leads to paperback).  My favorite way for you to buy:  your local independent book store!