TwinkleGrammers SURVEY SAYS ...
Since I talked about nails (okay, vanities) in Today's Message, it got me to wondering a bunch of things about YOUR nail and hand "beautifications," or lack thereof.
Weigh in with your opinions, and your success and disaster stories. Your answers could WIN YOU A FREE BOOK! Even if your answers are dumb and uncreative, you still might win a random survey-taker drawing--IF you were first a TwinkleGram subscriber. Others coming to the survey who are not subscribers show up on my list as "anonymous," so I have no way to notify THEM. Spread the word: SUBSCRIBE!
You did if you are:
mkrueger (MN) doylesville (WA) smyer (TX)
If you see YOU, please email me your snail mail address with TWINKLEGRAM WINNER in the subject line.
As many of you know, I go "hide" at The Farm in MN to write. This year, I bungee corded a beautiful etched gourd, complete with bird entrance, around a porch poll. The last two years, I enjoyed its decorative beauty indoors, but I always wondered, "Will a bird actually nest in it?"
I can't tell you how excited I was when I first noticed hints of activity, then heard the tiny peeping from within. But I never saw the parents.
Then, frenzied feeding activity began, both parents exhausting themselves to keep up with their three demanding babies. With a lot of patience and my Flipcam (LOVE that thing!) I was able to capture some amazing footage. Please click the picture above, and make sure you read the details I posted on YouTube. There are two videos. ENJOY!
BTW, that above still is captured from the video. The Flipcam software makes it SO EASY!
Dear TwinkleGrammer,
Thank you for your patience. It's been a loooooong time (last April, I believe) since last we visited. Life has handed me an overflowing plate as of late. Like my grandmother used to say, The hurrier I go, the behinder I get. Perhaps you know the feeling? School wasn't even out, and now it's back in session.
WHERE DID THE SUMMER GO?! What is HAPPENING to the pace of my life? Where did that stomach come from, the one sitting in my lap?! (Whoops. I was talking to myself there.)
In my authorly life, lots of exciting events swirl around me. DIVINE APPOINTMENTS releases next month (the 2nd in the Snowglobe Connections series--please check my website calendar to see if I'll be near you), and the third book is due to my editor next month--YIKES! I will not panic. I will not panic. I MEAN it! In the midst of my NOT PANICKING, a visit with my neighbor (friends are pure grace) got me to thinking about something that simply DEMANDED a TwinkleGram ponder. I hope you enjoy Today's Message, can relate, and chime in on the survey. Who ELSE is going to ask you about these important things life hands us, and then actually read everything you say in the survey?! (Seriously, I do. Those of you who've been with me awhile know I sometimes even award BOOKS to those with the best answers.) Peace and grins, Charlene  |
Today's Message
 Since I can remember being, I've been a nail biter. Serious nail biter, way down to the quick.
I recall numerous grammar school attempts to stop. I even asked my mom to buy some of that bitter
stuff. But it didn't work. Neither did a manicure, although it was nice
for the few nanoseconds it lasted on my tiny little stubs of fingernails.
I blame part of this bad habit on my bad fingernails. They are weak. They split, peel, tear and break. (Those of you with swell hard nails, take a moment to give thanks.) When I do look down and notice the starts of
growth, it doesn't take long before something goes wrong with it. My teeth gradually find their way to the "issue"
to nibble off the "something wrong," and next thing I know, biting.
I go through phases with the biting. I bite for months, maybe years, then I don't
bite. When I don't bite, I also don't
know WHY. Nail growth seems to
mysteriously appear when I am relaxed, not anxious. At least that's how it seems.
Forty-one years ago on my wedding day, I longed for one of
those beautiful hand-on-hand pictures. (I've
written about this before.) My dad and
brother served as photographers; I bought some press-on nails. By the time we were ready for that Perfect
Picture, all nails had popped off but two: those
on my right index and middle finger. I
arranged my hand atop George's so that those two perfect nails were displayed. My brother stood too far away and didn't use the zoom. What we got was a shot of two headless
bodies, and my fingers shooting the peace symbol on top of George's hand.
Fast-forward a decade or so of more nail biting. Read More
It's almost HERE!
WHAT? DIVINE APPOINTMENTS, the 2nd Book in the Snowglobe Connections series releases 9/21. DO I FIRST NEED TO HAVE READ Stray Affections, the first in the series? NO! IS THERE A READER GUIDE IN THE BOOK? YES! CAN I READ SOME EARLY REVIEWS? YES! Right here!
WOULD CHARLENE LIKE TO DO A SKYPE-IN WITH YOUR BOOK CLUB? YES! CAN I CLICK ON THAT ABOVE COVER TO GO STRAIGHT TO AMAZON? YES! CAN I GO STRAIGHT TO CBD, read a new and exciting Q&A with Charlene, then buy it from there? YES! WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO GET A COPY? Come to one of her book signings, buy from that INDIE BOOK STORE, then have her sign it! IS CHARLENE BOOK TOURING SOON? YES! Please go to her website calendar page and see where/when she'll be, both in stores and online. MIGHT I ALREADY HAVE WON A COPY? YES! Check the list on the left!  Maybe they'd like to come to one of my signings! |
Thank you, everyone, for Twinkling with me. I hope to launch a Words to Help You Twinkle blog soon, so stay tuned! Of course I've been saying that for awhile now, and I won't do so until after I turn in my manuscript. (My editor might be reading this. :>))