TopGreetings!  wishing you a wonderful day.... 
Thought For The Day
 Thursday 15 March 2012

We love those who
make us laugh.

Alpacas Kiss
   Julius Caesar Stabbed to Death                   |
"On This Day" - 44BC

Week Ending 16th March 2012

Published Mon-Fri by

Articles & Community News
This issue -  The Lttle Prince and the flower - See foot of page..

Cancer Council Fundraiser- Saturday 24 March - 8.00pm+


Taking place on Saturday March 24th, The Eastern Hotel will be opening its doors to the newly refurbished Ruby Lounge to raise much needed funds for the Cancer Council of New South Wales.


Guests will arrive to a modern and stylish venue to enjoy a night of great entertainment, canap�s & cocktails.


We have been fortunate enough in having some great entertainers from Comedian Joel Ozborn, to live musicians Kongofunk , DJ Kikz and Kosta Beats as well as DJs donate their time for this great cause and ensuring this will be an event not to be missed


In order to maximize our fundraising efforts we will also be auctioning off some great packages donated by some of our generous friends within Westfield Bondi Junction and beyond.


The night's chic emphasis will be to create some much needed awareness and funds for this worthwhile cause as I'm sure in some way we have all been touched from someone facing the crippling battle with cancer.


When:                   Saturday 24th March, 2012


Where:                 The Eastern, 500 Oxford St, Bondi Junction


Time:                    Doors open 8pm


Tickets:                Presold $10, more on the door subject to availability


To attend just turn up or call Saskia on 02 9387 7828 to book in advance.


For more about NSW Cancer Council Click Here

Quirky Quips by David Cummings


I have just come back from the future.

You have no idea how many blades they have in their razors.


On Top of The World - Thursday 29th March


On Top of The WorldAnnie Doyle and Amanda Jones are challenging themselves to reach the summit of Mt Everest and Annie will become the first Maori woman to have ever achieved this feat!


By donating on their behalf, you'll also be supporting an organisation in need. Annie is the Chief Financial Officer of Sunnyfield, a not-for-profit disability services organisation that needs your help.


 There are many ways you can be a part of this incredible adventure by donating in one of the following ways:


Sponsor a 'cent-a-metre'. It's more than 8,800 metres from the bottom to the peak of Mt Everest. A sponsorship of one cent for every metre climbed is a total of $88. You can sponsor Annie and Amanda on their climb down the mountain too - to a total of $176.


Make a donation. You can contribute as much as you like - every bit helps! When you donate, you can also leave a message of support for Annie and Amanda before they go


To find out more Click Here


More from The Mouthes of Babes


Judging from the feedback. plenty of people loved what children had to say earlier this year.


So here are a few more "mind-bending" thoughts:-


  * Mum, do you know how to realise ~ Lanaya, 4


  * I can't eat vegetables because my taste bugs haven't grown up yet ~ Olivia, 5


    * A family is a group of people connected together by love and they
     can also be related ~ Isabelle, 12


  * When your dad is mad and asks "Do I look stupid"?, don't answer ~
     Heather, 16


  * I need to put shorts on for playing with boys, because boys are very
     runny ~ Alexa, 6


  * If you want a kitten, start by asking for a horse ~ Naomi, 15


Want to see what they said last time? Click Here


Keep It Simple Sir 


For more on the KISS principle Click Here


Bangers & Cash 2012 - Starts 1st March
Bangers & Cash 2012Cystic Fibrosis Victoria is the only health and research support services organisation providing comprehensive services Victoria-wide to:-
Promote awareness, carrier screening & early detection; provide support services and programs to those living with CF; advocate and lobby on behalf of individuals and the CF community as a whole; and support both medical and social research.

It is simple to become a part of this sizzlin' hot event! Simply hold a BBQ with your friends and family or even at your workplace with all proceeds going directly to Cystic Fibrosis Victoria!


This year we have made it even easier for you to support us. In just minutes you can build your own web-page and approach your friends, family and work colleagues  for a donation.


Each donation is recorded on your page along with any message of support from your donors. So get a head start and make sure you create an online fundraising page today!


There will be a prize for the fundraiser who raises the most money for CFV so start organising your fundraiser today.


To register or simply find out more Click Here


Still Going Strong

George Burns  

Maybe our alloted span is three score years and ten and maybe life doesn't start till we're forty, but some people seem not to be bound by these limitations.


Here are a few hardy souls who made major contributions and who were still going strong well past their alloted span:-


Aged 80 - George Burns, American comedian, won an Oscar for The Sunshine Boys, becoming the oldsest person to win an Oscar.


Aged 81 - Benjamin Franklin, statesman and scientist, helped frame the American Constitution.


Aged 82 - Winston Churchill published the first part of his four-volume A History of English Speaking Peoples.


Aged 84 - Claude Monet completed one of is greatest works, a series of murals for the orangery beside his water lily pond at Giverny, France


Aged 86 - Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman to qualify as a doctor in the USA, was, in 1907, still practising as a gynaecologist


Aged 88 - Pablo Casals, the great Spanish Cellist, continued to give concerts around the world.


Aged 89 - Albert Schweitzer, French missionary doctor, was still in charge of the hospital he established in Gabon, West Africa.


Still this is nothing compared with Methuselah and a host of others from Persia, China, Japan and indeed, the Bible. To take a look Click Here


Supported Causes


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This Month's Picture

"Kissing" Alpacas:

The Andes of
South America.

Courtesy of
National Geographic



Looking for ways to
raise funds for your favourite Good Cause?

For help contact us on

Have Your Say

Do you have thoughts,   stories, images, opinions or future events that you would like to share?


Then have your say by emailing [email protected]


We really would appreciate your

input and look

forward to






















































































































The Story of the Little Prince - By Antoine de Saint-Exupery


From last week...


Little Prince 39

"You move me to pity- you are so weak on this Earth made of granite," the snake said. "I can help you, some day, if you grow too homesick for your own planet. I can-"


"Oh! I understand you very well," said the little prince. "But why do you always speak in riddles?"


"I solve them all," said the snake.


And they were both silent.




The little prince crossed the desert and met with only one flower. It was a flower with three petals, a flower of no account at all.


"Good morning," said the little prince.


"Good morning," said the flower.


"Where are the men?" the little prince asked, politely.


The flower had once seen a caravan passing.


"Men?" she echoed. "I think there are six or seven of them in existence. I saw them, several years ago. But one never knows where to find them. The wind blows them away. They have no roots, and that makes their life very difficult."


"Goodbye," said the little prince.


"Goodbye," said the flower.


After that, the little prince climbed a high mountain. The only mountains he had ever known were the three volcanoes, which came up to his knees. And he used the extinct volcano as a footstool. "From a mountain as high as this one," he said to himself, "I shall be able to see the whole planet at one glance, and all the people. . . "


But he saw nothing, save peaks of rock that were sharpened like needles.


"Good morning," he said courteously.

Little Prince 40 

"Good morning-Good morning-Good morning," answered the echo.


"Who are you?" said the little prince.


"Who are you-Who are you-Who are you?" answered the echo.


"Be my friends. I am all alone," he said.


"I am all alone-all alone-all alone," answered the echo.


"What a queer planet!" he thought. "It is altogether dry, and altogether pointed, and altogether harsh and forbidding. And the people have no imagination. They repeat whatever one says to them. . .On my planet I had a flower; she always was the first to speak. . . "


To be continued...


About Us

Thought For The Day is an initiative of Yes Let's Help It is published Monday to Friday 52 weeks a year and allows readers to keep up to date with community events and also support their chosen Charities & Good Causes.
