Happy New Year, Everyone!
First of all, congratulations to Coach Art Briles, Robert Griffin III, Athletic Director Ian McCaw, and all the Baylor Bear Football coaches, staff and players for a great football season. It's especially gratifying that many of these people are quick to thank God rather than to take all of the credit for themselves.
For those of you receiving this newsletter for the first time, it's probably because we connected on Facebook recently. If you don't enjoy these monthly writings, you can unsubscribe below.
This month I plan to refer you to a few works which have recently blessed me.
First up, Porter Stansberry gave his subscribers permission to pass along this article, entitled "The Corruption of America." This very insightful article, while long, details how both Wall Street and K Street need to be reformed. The major point he omits, I believe, is that our nation's spiritual decline is what led to all of this corruption. I pray that America will humble itself and seek God's solutions instead of its own.
Next is a heartwarming 4 minute video by my friend Alan Ross:
This is the type of reminder that we should all review at least once a year.
Next is a very brief article with excellent info about five expenses that will consume 50% of your lifetime income. The only thing I would change is the word "retirement," which is not a Biblical concept. But the advice is still valid if you substitute the word "redirection" for "retirement. I deal with this concept in my book,Today's WORD on Money. (www.todayswordonmoney.com) Here's the link:
Last, here's an article on success from Forbes magazine that my friend and mentor Patrice Tsague posted on Twitter:
Just remember not to substitute success for significance!
May 2012 be your best year yet!