seaChange of Seasons s
Sunset   Association for Psychological Type - APT New York Metro

APT-NYC Chapter E-Newsletter

September, 2011
In This Issue
President's Message
Editor's Corner
The Value of Type
MBTI® & Diversity
Expand Your Library
Changing of the Guard
President's Message
Camille Rinato   


It was great to see so many chapter members at the summer social event and to hear about everyone's exciting goals and achievements.   The evening was a hit and a perfect way to end the chapter year.   


For me personally, this has been an excellent year working for the chapter with a dedicated, caring Board who delivered a first-rate set of programs and offerings.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to get to know you - it has been an honor and a pleasure - and to learn so much.  Our chapter is poised for a successful new year.  Tanya and the rest of the Board will lead with energy, insight, and much more.  The chapter is growing and the Board has grown as well - with key positions filled.  Let's stay engaged and do the best we can for each other.  


Wishing you all a most enjoyable, healthy and happy season and a year full of dreams attained ahead.  


Best Regards, Camille

Camille Rinato's professional experience is in financial services and non-profit organizations. Contact her at 

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Editor's Corner
Juanita Davies 
Juanita Davies


We are looking forward to a new, exciting season for the APT New York Metro Chapter.  As always, we want to share the latest news with you.  


In this edition of our newsletter you will be introduced to our new slate of officers, read about the value of Type, consider how Type can impact diversity and more!  


To learn about this seaso's programs, visit our updated website at Also, watch for our "Save the Date" emails so that you don't miss out. 


 If you have a good book, website or other resource that can benefit your colleagues, please send me that information in an email to and I will include it in our next bulletin. 

Chapter members are welcome to submit articles for publication in our newsletter. The deadline for our next issue is
November15, 2011

 Juanita Davies is a certified MBTI� practitioner with over 20 years of
experience in the field of Organizational & Professional Development.

Welcome &Thanks

New and Renewing Chapter Members


Bonnie Halpern

Laura Hill

Susan Ingram

Michelle LoBianco

Linda Rich

Myrna Socol

Barbara E. Stein

Malachy Vance




As the seasons change, our APT New York Metro chapter has much to offer. We have a new slate of officers,  a variety of great programs and we are updating our website.   Watch for regular e-mail notices. To learn more about the New York Chapter of the Association for Psychological Type, visit us  at  and join us at LinkedIn.  
The Value of Type
Kathleen Murphy

 I have been a Myers Briggs practitioner for three years now, and the more I work with this instrument, the more I see just how powerful it is - not only to help us understand ourselves better, but also to appreciate the other people in our lives. A critical component of this is the realization that there is no one RIGHT type. They are all good! How powerful is that! We get to know and really appreciate ourselves, and to do the same for the other people who make up our world.


There are four different dichotomies explored within the Myers Briggs Psychological Type (MBTI) Assessment. The questions asked eventually lead to four letters which indicate the assessment taker's preferences. Notice that I said preferences. We all have some of these characteristics some of the time - there are no absolutes. But like our preference of writing with our left or right hand, there are preferences that just seem "easier" to us.


What makes this so fascinating, and at the same time challenging, is that oftentimes the way we are living our life is not really our preference, but we have been living that way for so long that it feels "natural".  As an example, we may work in a job that requires us to work in a structured, organized way, when what we would really like to do is have more flexibility in our lives.  It is these types of questions that oftentimes come up when this assessment is done, and the reason that it is critical that we work with a person who has been certified to work with this instrument.


The real gift in knowing our true selves is that we can take all this information a step further to not only really understand ourselves, but to explore the challenges that come with each type and learn how to work around them. 


Kathleen Murphy has been a career coach since 2006.  She's credentialed with the International Coach Federation  and New York University.  She is a certified Myers Briggs practitioner and also uses the Strong Interest Inventory to help her clients develop personally and professionally.  She coaches individuals as well as groups. Visit her website at 
MBTI and Diversity
Tanya Straker  

As an African-American, it is important to me that confronting societal bias and increasing opportunities for underrepresented groups are front and center of all diversity initiatives. That said, there is a place for the MBTIframework within corporate efforts to achieve diversity goals of retaining top performers and generating revenue from diverse groups.   


A Harvard business school case study on diversity related a story of a recently recruited African American woman leaving a well known financial institution because she perceived being slighted by her white, male boss. As I read the case, it seemed that personality differences, extraversion and introversion, could explain the underlying dynamics that lead to the employee leaving. An understanding of type differences could have resolved the problem, or at least created enough of a pause to allow for a more difficult conversation to take place. While leaders must understand the dynamics of race in retaining high performers, I believe that carefully positioned, Type has much to contribute to achieving diversity goals and an inclusive society.


Tanya Straker is a Type Enthusiast with a passion for contributing to the  ethical use of the MBTI�.  She is co-founder of CQ Associates, which uses Color Q, a derivative of the MBTI, to enhance group communication and individual leadership.  In addition, she is  the Senior Associate Director of Training & Development at the Generations Plus Network. She is also our new chapter president! Contact Tanya at

Expand Your Library
Courtesy of a Chapter Member 

One of our chapter members, Judy Nighland, has some great books that she would like to make available. Here is an excerpt from her email:  "I lived typology for many years. I was certified thru CAPT� in 1996 and took additonal programs in NYC for years. It was a wonderful adventure. I had a private career counseling practice in NJ, volunteered at job search meetings and conducted programs in corporate america. Now,  I just cannot throw out my MBTI books."

Judy has a wide variety of books including: Intimacy and Type, Knowing Me Knowing God, Challenge of Change in Organzations, Work it Out and more. There are also manuals on team building and change, and extra booklets on type. She is offering these to our chapter for a nominal price of $1.50 to $2.00 and shipping. You can contact Judy directly through email at to learn more. Thank you Judy!

Changing of the Guard
APT New York Metro 2011 Board of Directors  

We are very happy to introduce what may be the most complete board in the history of our chapter! Thanks to all those who have stepped up to offer your expertise and help make this a banner year. Our new officers include:


President - Tanya Straker

 Treasurer - Kathleen Murphy

 VP Education - Len Gomberg

 VP Communication - Iris Jacobs

 VP Memership - Dana Trobe

 VP Programs - Cynthia Sefton

 VP Website - Sandy Fischman

 Co-VP Events - Bruce Cohen

 Co-VP Events - Mark Applewhite

 VP Newsletter - Juanita Davies


Thanks also to the the entire 2010-2011 Board team for their contributions over this past year, including outgoing President Camille Rinato, Kathleen Murphy, Len Gomberg, Roy Argill, Tanya Straker, Bruce Cohen, and Juanita Davies.  We value the support of Nominations Committee members and Past Presidents Pamela Judd, Jane Maloney and Shoya Zichy.