Association of Psychological Type - New York Metro
APT-NYC Chapter E-Newsletter March, 2010
In This Issue
President's Message
Editor's Corner
Keeping Up with Social Media
My Favorite Things
Bon Voyage Lee
Special Thanks to Outgoing Board
President's Message
Pamela Judd 

I use the "Career Chutzpah" C.A.S.H. formula in everything I do. What is Career Chutzpah?  It combines confidence with a big vision through four simple steps - Create, Author, Speak, and Help Connect.  Together in 2009-2010 it's been inspiring to see our Chapter:
We envisioned the foundation and infra-structure to keep growing and glowing through our redesigned website and motivated Board team.
Our new e-newsletter has been an exciting opportunity to share, swap, and showcase our collective expertise.  
Our guest speakers this year raised the bar.  Chapter programs were caring, sharing, and energizing experiences.
  Help Connect
As we transition to a 2010-2011 leadership team, we invite you to join us on this journey to take the Chapter to the next level as confident visionaries. 
It's been a privilege to serve this year as your President.  I can't wait to experience "Chapter Chutzpah" next year!
Pamela Judd
APT NYC Chapter President 2009-2010
Pamela Judd helps people transform the way they communicate, network and make a difference in the world., .

Join Our Mailing List
Editor's Corner
Juanita Davies 
Juanita Davies photo

After a long, cold winter, many of us are looking forward to the promise of spring. In this edition of our e-newsletter, we offer resources and ideas you can use to bring a fresh approach to your use of Psychological Type.

We are always interested in what our members have to say. If you have a good book, website or other resource that can benefit your colleagues, please send me that information in an email to and I will include it in our next bulletin.
Members are always welcome to submit articles for publication in our newsletter. The deadline for our next issue is
May 15, 2010.

 Juanita Davies is a certified MBTI® practitioner with over 20 years of
experience in the field of Organizational & Professional Development.

Welcome New Chapter Members!
  Gail Carlson
Genevieve Davy
Harriet Gluckman
 Maria Gorecki
Michele LoBianco
Richard McBride
Patricia Miranda
Iris Pagan
Jessica Pagan
 Madeleine  Swain

Thank You Renewing Members!
Bruce Cohen
Sally Dougan
Jodi Garner
Jennifer Greiner
Toni Heris
Laura Hill
 Karen Kirchner
Jane Maloney
 Nancy Massar
Jim Oher
Linda Rich
Eileen Sharaga

If you are signed up for the free webinar on
360 Feedback and Psychlogical Type, remember the date:
March 16, 2010 at 1:30pm.
Presented by: Yaron Prywes and Joaquin Roca at

Coming Up...
Join us for our next chapter event:
April 21, 2010
Social Media: What Do I Do With all This "Stuff"? (and Who Has the Time?)
Presented by: Nancy A. Shenker at


This edition of our e-newsletter is packed with information about valuable resources, chapter events and  member news. To learn more about the New York Chapter of the Association for Psychological Type,  please visit our web site at and join us at LinkedIn.

Keeping Up with Social Media
Trends, Uses and Strategies
Bonnie Halpern

The explosion of social media has dramatically changed the way we communicate and live our personal and professional lives. Those of us who want to understand this new world are faced with mountains of information that drive us to ask, "Where do I begin?"

A critical starting point is to sign up for and use social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. This step alone will not go far enough in helping you use social media to reach your professional and life goals.  Here are some resources to help you learn about new media and stay current.

Classroom Training
*NYU School of Continuing and Professional Studies offers a full range of courses on digital media marketing. These courses can be taken individually or as part of a certificate program

Workshops and Webinars
* APT New York- Workshop on 4/21/2010 presented by Nancy Shenker, CEO of "Social Media: What do I Do with all This "Stuff". See under "Events".
* Carmina Perez, social media marketing consultant, conducts reasonably priced workshops in Manhattan on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogging and building websites for business.
* The Support Center for Non-Profit Management has a ½ day course: Introduction to Social Media. The cost is scaled to the sponsoring organization's budget.
* SmartBrief on Social Media is a valuable summary of the most important news and insights on the business of social media with links to the original sources. Free and sent daily via email.

* Here are the top 6 marketing blogs selected by the Marketing Executives Networking Group for 2010. They contain many posts on Social Media and have links to other blogs and websites.

Seth GodinMashable, Chris Brogan, Guy Kawasaki - How to Change the WorldTom Peters and  John  Jantsch - Duct Tape Marketing.

* Browse Amazon for "How To" books. Read the reviews and make sure those publication dates are recent.  For a step-by-step guide,  look at "Facebbook Marketing for Dummies" by Paul Dunay and Richard Krueger  and other books in the "Dummies" series.

Bonnie Halpern, VP Website for APT-NYC, is a marketing consultant who develops online and offline programs for financial institutions. She spent most of her career at Citibank, MasterCard and American Express.  She facilitates an introductory course on the MBTI® which focuses on functioning of diverse types in the corporate world.

My Favorite Things
Values Assessment Resources
Kathleen Murphy

At a recent chapter meeting, the subject of Values Assessment came up. Here are a couple of good resources I have used.

1- The SkillsOne site has a Level A assessment on Work/Life Values.  The client takes the assessment on line, and a report is generated in similar fashion to what happens on the MBTI®.  The assessment consists of looking at 19 values, and prioritizing them in categories such as Very Important, Important, Somewhat Important, Not Important.  You can only place up to 5 values in each category, so the assessment forces you to choose.  It is very thought provoking and a great opportunity to decide what is REALLY important.  The assessment is used separately for Work and Life - there may be a value that is Important for Work, but Very Important for Life.

2- is a good source of a Career Values Card Sort, which operates under the same premise as the above-referenced tool, except there are 5 categories:  Always Values, Often Valued, Sometimes Valued, Seldom Values, Never Valued.  There are 54 cards in the deck, and the person choosing their important values cannot have more than a certain number in each category.  There is a Value Worksheet that may be purchased separately which is a good tool to use with the cards.  

3- A different type of resource I have often used when I review the MBTI® with my clients is a book called "Looking at Type".  This book depicts the different types in actual pictures, which are food references to help clarify the different characteristics of each type.  It has brought a lot of clarity to the process for my clients. 

Kathleen Murphy has been a career coach since 2006 after 25 years managing people in the commercial property management industry. She is a member of the International Coach Federation, and a qualified user of the MBTI® and The Strong Interest Inventory. Visit

Bon Voyage to a Board Member
A Conversation with Lee McDonald
Camille Rinato

Lee McDonald, our current VP Membership and an ENTJ, will be leaving our board and moving to London. I recently interviewed her to learn a bit more about her and her experience with our chapter.

* Lee, please tell us about your time here.  I have been living in NY for four years.  This has been a HUGE learning experience having changed careers since moving here.  The discovery has not just been about New York, America, and my studies, but also about self, growth, and strengths.

*What about your experience with APTNYC?  The growth in membership was most rewarding!  I enjoyed the board meetings, hearing and contributing ideas, and helping shape the year.  Our first event was a social networking night and was "my baby."  I was nervous about the evening, but it was a success!  Everyone was friendly; members and guests shared lots of energy and excitement.  Walking home, I felt absolute relief!  The board had put their trust in me and I really wanted it to work.  I hope this event gets repeated.  People can reconnect at the beginning of the year and regroup as a community.

*Tell us a little about your career.   I bridge different types of people - feeling types, business types, and different generations - helping one type understand the other.  I help managers understand and get the most from the wealth of assets on the team and within themselves.

Lee McDonald  is an independent consultant who specializes in individual coaching and group facilitation in traditional areas of business such as banking, law and insurance.

Camille Rinato is currently the VP Communications for APTNYC.

Special Thanks to Outgoing Board Members

In addition to Lee McDonald, we would like to thank the other outgoing members of our board.  Our thanks to:

  • Mark Applewhite, CoVP Events
  • Jodi Garner, VP Programs
  • Bonnie Halpern, VP Website
  • Pamela Judd, President
  • Jane Maloney, Past President
These folks have all had a part in making this a successful year for our chapter. Look for more information about Board Nominations coming in your email.

We will soon be considering our slate of programs for the upcoming year. If there is a topic you would like to hear about or a speaker who would be good for our chapter, please email us.