October 2010 - E-Newsletter Louise Reichlin & Dancers
E-NEWSLETTER Welcome to our late October E-News. Because we segmented our mailings, all this may be brand new. But if you were also on our 'education' mailing as well as this list, skip around to the new parts.
For our Dance List more on our October company auditions & general news. For Sponsors & Audience members, some recent performance links.
Our recent Education issue had details for how to participate in our free "Dance At the Stone House" field trip (4th-6th grades), how to get a matching residency (County Supervisor Don Knabe district 4), how to get us to your school for performances, teaching workshops, and professional development sessions. For specifics in that issue click here.
This year - Dance At the Stone House November 16 & 17, 2010. Performance # doubled!
Above, dancers Zsolt Banki, Angela Todero, Angelina Prendergast, and Samantha Hoe on site. Sung-Yun Park also performs again. "Dance at the Stone House" performed by Louise Reichlin & Dancers is a work that uses audience participation to design a dance piece based on the unusual architecture and art combined with a standards based piece on "dance" itself that is the Sun Valley Youth Arts Center in Sun Valley, CA. This year schools participating will include So. Regional MS #2b, Plainview Elementary, Cantara Elementary, and El Oro Elementary. Again offered for free through our partnership with the Sun Valley Youth Arts Center and grants from the CA Arts Council, Los Angeles County, and the City of Los Angeles for 4th-6th grades please refer to our Education E-news for details & links. Also open and free to the general public, this year we have added performances. They are now on Tues. Nov. 16 at 12 noon, and Nov. 17 at 9:15 am, 10:30 am and 12 noon. It is a unique work created by Reichlin for the 1925 historic building, and fun to watch even if you are not built into the interactive performance! It's open to the public - but reservations are a must. 213-385-1171. Please join us if you are in the Los Angeles area! In November 2009, danceinlablogspot.com reviewed last years interactive piece presented free for the students and public: "This past Wednesday I witnessed 45 remarkable minutes of dance...and 60 of the performers didn't know the steps when they showed up...Each performance is truly a miraculous achievement in communication, mathematics, spatial organization, time management, community building, education, and most certainly, dance....It all happens in a 45 minute whirlwind of meticulously choreographed activity that culminates in a performance involving five company dancers...and...60 4th- 6th graders." After vividly describing the experience, she concludes " I'm sure all involved would offer their thanks to Los Angeles Cultural Affairs and the LA County Arts Commission for making this amazing program financially feasible in such tough economic times. And of course, thank you to Louise Reichlin and LA Choreographers & Dancers for modeling the tremendous collaboration that's possible when professional and budding artists come together for even three quarters of an hour.(Please see writer Anna Reed's article for the rest.)  At the Dance At the Stone House in November 2009, dancers become garden scuptures as the students explore. |
Photo Credits |
Photo from Dance At the Stone House: Steve Sobalvarro. Dancers: Sung-Yun Park, Steven Nielsen, Danielle Catone, Katya Sussman, Samantha Hoe, Louise Reichlin + students from King Jr, Stonehurst & Rockdale Elementary Schools.
Photo of Woman Sleeping by Kenneth Johansson. Dancers: Louise Reichlin, Nancy Brigden.
Photo of Gulf Elementary students and our dancers: Louise Reichlin Dancers: Sung-Yun Park, Steven Nielsen, Danielle Catone. Angelina Predergast also performed.
The Patchwork Girl of Oz Photo by Sallie DeEtte Mackie. Dancers: Shanon Schwait, Adrienne Fisher
October dance auditions, each Sunday at 10 am
 InIn 1981-82 Reichlin (seen above with Nancy Brigden) in " Woman Sleeping". If you're an experienced dancer interested in being a part of a new work, Baggage, we are having auditions for new dancers each Sunday in October at 10 am at MKM Cultural Center. You should be strong in modern and contemporary techniques, with a ballet and jazz background, stage presence, expressiveness, musicality, and comfortable with floor work. All ethnic types. Rehearsals are now beginning on a revival of Woman Sleeping (photo above from the original production), and will be co-ordinated with a new work about Death, and how we continue to connect with those we have been close to that becomes additional 'baggage', but in a positive way. Besides the dance aspect of the work, we will soon be asking people to contribute images and words using Flickr and the Internet about someone (person or animal) that they (or perhaps you) have lost. Auditions include a free class and combinations. More details about the audition address, etc. click here.
Matching Education Partnership Grant from County Supervisor Don Knabe
 A repeat photo from our first residency at Gulf Elementary School in Wilmington in July through an Educational Parnership grant from County Supervisor Don Knabe, in case you missed it in the last issue. We are thrilled to have this grant, and we can accommodate 1 more school or district. (as this goes to press we will also be at Jefferson Elementary through the Paramount School District in November, and at Broad Elementary (part of the LAUSD) in February). For this residency, your school does need to be in Supervisor Knabe's County District 4 and it is a matching grant. Please click here for more information, and if interested contact us by email or phone (213-385-1171). The full package is an expansion of our ACPN residency with 10 student workshops, additional PD's, planning meetings, etc. |
Bring Us To Your School for Performances, Workshops, and PD's! | If you don't qualify for the programs above, either because of grade levels or locations, we would still really love to come to your schools or districts. We are not raising our regular fees and if you are close to the amount, contact us so we can see if there is another grant we have that might help with this. For regular fees and much more about our educational programs, please visit our web site www.LAChoreographersAndDancers, and in the left column, click on Education, and follow the links for residencies including performances, workshops, and professional staff development. You can also find links on our web site for ten vetted programs on the LA County's Educational web site as part of the Arts For All Program and we now been selected with 2 new programs for the new Professional Development part of the site. For the Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo Counties we are part of the vetted Children's Creative Project with their offerings on the Santa Barbara County Education web site. Once there click on Arts Catalog 2010-2011. The direct link to the LAUSD Arts Education Branch is lausd.net/arts.
The Dance Showcase 2010 at the WAA conference, and the TriArt Festival.
| In late August, we co-produced the Dance Showcase in Long Beach during the annual WAA conference. It had 18 artists spots, and had great attendance. We have heard only positive comments about it. The web site created for it is still there, so you can still follow-up on the artists. If you are a presenter that attended, please give us a call if you are interested in the piece we showcased The Better To Bite You With, an interactive dance-multimedia work with the underlying story of 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We will also be touring next season with The Patchwork Girl of Oz, an earlier dance multimedia work based on L. Frank Baum's book of the same name. Both the works are for families, but sophisticated enough in their words and dance material for every age. The links with their titles are videos, and for much more information please go to our web page about Dance Concert and Family Programs. By choosing Present Repertory, you'll be able to explore them with photos, reviews, and more.
The TriArt Festival in mid-September in San Pedro was the second time the dance part was on an outdoors stage. With a sparkling white dance covering supplied by Alva's twelve companies showed a range of work over the two days from modern & ballet to East Indian & Middle Eastern. Besides the concert aspect, there was audience participation both days that included learning some Latin and Disco dances from the People's ... Dance Team and some aerial art instruction by Ruby Karen Project (Orange County Aerial Arts).Our own offerings included excerpts of both of the family programs above, and we also had volunteers who became part of the characters of Mama Green's dance of Li'l Red as she was growing up. Thanks to Joe Caccavalla, Festival Director, who remains dedicated to the dance elements of the festival, and thanks for the beautiful performances by the dance companies. For a complete list (with their web links) visit the TriArt Festival website. As Dance Co-ordinator for the project, it was a privilege to work with them this year as well as with Joe. There has already been a planning meeting for next year with a slightly later week-end date of 9/24-25/11.
The Los Angeles Arts Consortium | For those of us who worked closely with the LAUSD, this has been a challenging year as we (the arts organizations) all struggle to continue to provide the educational services that are such an integral part of our mission, but have found the schools are also struggling to continue to include as much art as possible. The Arts Education Branch is determined to get its message out - and so are we. Arts Education is a key to helping produce a successful person, whether they are Pre K or grade 12, or an adult. And because it does connect and is now showing a positive relationship with test scores, it is even more important to find the funds for it, whether it be Title I, Parent Groups, government help, etc. The steering committee of the new Los Angeles Arts Consortium has been reporting now for a year about where we are. To see more about this group of 62 former ACPN partners, please visit the brand new website http://laartsconsortium.org. Be sure to look at the slide show on the home page, as well as the member companies, philosophy, etc. To reach the steering committee email: artsteeringcommittee@googlemail.com. This takes the place of any past contact emails.
Special Thanks | Special thanks to our current government and corporate fundors that certainly deserve our attention. Without them (and many of you who donate to our company) we could not continue. The last two years have been especially difficult and we very much need all donations, large and small to keep going. All of these grants are matching grants, and we can't use them without your matches. Thank you again to our individual contributers and for in-kind donations. Please go to our web site and make a donation. No amount is too small! And to help all the arts in our state, consider buying a CA arts license plate. The funds go right into arts companies for their public services and arts in education and there is a new campaign for one million plates for the arts. This E-letter closes with all the links you need to get to our new photo album on FaceBook and videos on YouTube.

For a complete listing of our supporters for the last 2 years, see our Supporters Page
Please contact us if you would like more information about anything you see here or in our Fall Newsletter 2009. It is still the best place for the 2009 season. For the past (and current) 2010, please see our E-newsletter page.If you are not on our regular surface mailing list send us an email to sign up.
Louise Reichlin, Director Louise Reichlin & Dancers/ Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers