No more Fat Tuesdays this year! Or Wednesday's, or Thursday's....
On Fat Tuesday this week, I sat craving donuts (it was Fauschnaut day) thinking its way too easy to be Fat today! Yes, all things in moderation might be a great technique when used correctly, but honestly when I eat a donut I don't even feel good afterwards. I decided I didn't want my backside to look like a giant donut. (Remember you are what you eat!) I chose no more Fat Tuesdays, or Wednesdays or Thursdays. The premise of Fat Tuesday is to eat all you can Tuesday in preparation for the following annual day of fasting. Have you said this to yourself? "I will eat all this now, and I won't eat much tomorrow, or I just won't have lunch after this big breakfast," or something like that? Yeah, really the question should be: who hasn't said that? BUT, we do keep eating, and then we wonder what is going wrong with our dryers? Why are they still shrinking our clothes after we swore we got that checked back in January? We need to arm ourselves with the right information and accept the truth. We just have to move on from that point. So what can you do? Eat healthy? Exercise? AAAAAHHHHHHH..... Those horrible words again. How about we start from the beginning by taking one small step a day? Make a change this month that will make you feel better. Say it out loud right now. "I am making a change this month to make myself feel better!" (Rule #1). I am putting 10 minutes of physical activity on my calendar every day and I am going to actually do it! (Rule #3). (Try the exercises from January and February.) Or, how about, I am going to eat more berries this month, because they are yummy and they are good for me! (Rule #2).
Remember our three rules?
Rule #1: No more dieting! Make one change, stick to it for 7 days. Rule #2: Less Bad: Choose the food or drink that is less bad. Rule#3: More physical activity today than yesterday: In March we are going to tiptoe. Well not really, but if you are short, you already do this all the time! That doesn't mean you should skip this one, you just know how to do it. Imagine reaching up to the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet to get that box of lard so you can toss it in the trash, but it's just outside your reach, up on your toes, and you got it! That's called the BASIC STANDING CALF RAISE! You can even do this while waiting in the check-out line. You can add in some physical activity! You can do this! You really can!!! Will you give us your feedback? Let me know how you feel about increasing your level of activity, or how you liked the new recipe (or if there is something you didn't like, that is okay too). Tell us what you are doing to feel better this month.