It's February and it's Heart Month 
What changes will you make this month to be a little healthier? Will you wear red this week? Will you share Carol's story or one of your own to let everyone know to pay attention to this disease? 1 in 4 women die in this country because we don't believe it will happen to us!!!!! Heart disease kills more people a year than the top 7 cancers combined! (Remember there are 2 things that will help us prevent both heart disease and cancer...eating healthier and increasing our physical activity.... Yup, read on!)
Maybe you will forward this newsletter and let your friends and families know you care and want them to be healthier too. Remember, making small changes really will make a difference. One change a week is not a lot! You can do it, you really can!
Remember the 3 rules from last month's newsletter?
Rule #1: No more dieting! Make one change, stick to it for 7 days. Rule #2: Less Bad: Choose the food or drink that is less bad. Rule #3: More today than yesterday--more physical activity.
In January you sucked in your gut and sat up straight! Now add on to that (keep doing those)! Don't skip reading this part because you don't like how it sounds! Keep reading... Can you sit down? Of course you can. This month do the basic squat. If you can sit down and stand back up, you can do the basic squat! That's all it is...sit down,whoa...not really, just get really close, and then get back up again! How many times do you sit down a day? Go ahead, count it today...even if you only did this squat once every time you sit down, imagine how many squats you can do in a day without even trying!!!!! You can do it... go ahead....start right now, you're probably sitting down while reading this...!!!!! In each newsletter we will bring you a new physical activity and some new recipes to keep you moving in the right direction. Click on the links, read them, give them a try. Give us your feedback and let me know how you feel about increasing your level of activity, or how you liked the new recipe. |