In This Issue
Hot Off the Easel!
Idea Spark-lers
What I'm Celebrating...
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Hi there!  


Here's a "quote-of-the-day" for you....


"Art is not about IQ or even talent: art is about honesty, integrity, and a commitment to doing something well." ~ William (Skip) Lawrence

Someday, I'm going to take a workshop from Mr. Skip


Hot Off the Easel!

I've been continuing on with the Gouache (pronounced "gwash") ink resist pieces. Here are the latest....

Deadstream Road

I've painted this spot a number of times...(more about that in the idea sparkler) You can often see eagles here. It's on the north side of Deadstream Road just east of where the speed limit goes down to 35. It's also a popular fishing hole! 

 The RiversideThe Riverside is where most people rent canoes and kayaks and tubes to float down the Platte River to Lake Michigan. It's a very leisurely ride... fun to do on a hot summer day!   


Pardon this photo... I had to take it this morning before the sun was up. Taking photos of art without natural light is a dicey prospect.... and they never are very accurate, but you get the main idea here. :)


These 5x7 paintings will be offered as prints and note-cards with a portion of the money going to HARP. (Honor Area Restoration Project) ...They'll be available in time for the holiday season :)  

I'll be sure to keep you all informed.   



Idea Spark-lers

Inspiration to use in your own creative work....

painting the same scene, again and again....and again.   


Let's paint like Monet!  :) Think of Monet's water lilies and haystacks. He painted them over and over again...  




I find a lot of value in painting the same place or thing over and over. It's not boring...don't say that! It's how we learn subtlety... and expression...and it pushes our creativity. You are a different person each time you paint the scene... You're a bit older, more experienced, and you'll start to REALLY know your subject. 


So, don't ever let me hear you say "I don't know what to paint."  Re-visit something!   


2011...What I'm Celebrating...
Early in January, I chose a word to use as my theme for the year... It's "Celebrate"...

Here's a link to the explanation, in case you missed it. 


This week, I'm Celebrating:


  • great book suggestions from friends
  • receiving the great book suggestion for my birthday 
  • storybook clouds
  • pumpkin pie spice cream for my coffee
  • black board paint (I painted the entire inside basement door with it)
  • just the act of painting
  • the most incredible fall weather 
  • The Assassin's Tango 
  • exciting though sometimes VERY disappointing baseball games  
  • campfire smell
  • lots of peeps signed up for my class on Monday
  • out to dinner at Art's Tavern
  • thoughtful actions
  • Major's fly catching abilities (hold on to all fragile items around the house)
  • mushrooms that I wish I'd known were edible
  • MSU (yea) vs. U of M (boo)
  • art talking with our oldest  
  • getting the works of the sprinkler system in a more unobtrusive spot (thanks again to Bob the plumber)
  • good steady rain    
  • finding this old sketch of our youngest doing his "hippity hop"  hehehe 



October 18, 12:30-4:30  

"Acrylic 101"   

Oliver Art Center (Crystal Lake Art Center)   


October 26, 10am-2pm

"Acrylic 101"    

ArtCenter Traverse City 


November 7, 10am-4pm  

"Gouache Ink Resist Technique"   

Oliver Art Center (Crystal Lake Art Center) 


November 15, 10am-4pm

"Acrylic Adventure"   

Oliver Art Center (Crystal Lake Art Center) 



January 23, 2012, 10am-2pm

"Acrylic 101"  

ArtCenter Traverse City   


February 2, 2012, 10am-4pm

"Acrylic Adventure"

ArtCenter Traverse City


February 16, 2012, 12-4pm

"Acrylic 101"  

ArtCenter Traverse City   


March 5, 2012, 10am-4pm

"Acrylic Adventure"  

ArtCenter Traverse City




If you think any of your friends might be interested, please feel free to forward this email.

Have a Great Week!
