Top o' the marnin' to yeh!
There is a lot of computer work that goes along with this painting biz... I spent hours this week, adding a couple of things to Etsy and opening a new print shop, selling prints of sold or unavailable paintings. Click the link to take a gander...Prints available
And in other news...
I was also happy to hear that I was named a 2010 all-star by Constant Contact, for this newsletter!
I'm not sure what that means... but I'm thinking it means I'm doing something right...and you are too! :)
Thanks Very Much!
Hot Off the Easel!
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I have a lot of stuff happening in the studio at the moment... nothing finished ... yet.
That little piece of paper taped up on the wall? Things I want to focus on in the big painting.
Idea Spark-lers... | |
Inspiration to use in your own creative work....
Random word generator for warm-ups
I'm a big fan of warm-ups before painting sessions after learning about it in a Bob Burridge workshop. It takes a bit of moving paint around before you get in your "painting zone" for the day.
I'm talking about directed warm ups... with intentions or goals. We are warming up our brains too.
I stumbled on this site that works perfectly for painting warm ups... it's the Random Word Generator.... Here's the link.
It gives you 2 (or 3 or 4 or 5) words...randomly. Set the timer for 5 minutes generate your random words... and let the paint fly, using the words as inspiration.
This is not a waste of paint! Work quickly and boldly... at the very least, you'll have an interesting background to paint something else on top of. And you'll be all warmed up and ready to tackle your ongoing paintings.
| "Morning Tea & Leaf 11 x 15 acrylic on gessoed paper
The 2 words generated were:
Morning Tea and Leaf
(which is actually 3 words...but it is a free program)
I worked quickly but couldn't make myself stop at the 5 minute bad. But I did only go 6 minutes.
I subscribe to the "no rule is set in stone" philosophy of art. Make things work FOR YOU!
Brushes and paint ready?
Random words generated?
Timers set?
and....... BEGIN!
2011...What I'm Celebrating... | |
Early in January, I chose a word to use as my theme for the year... It's "Celebrate"... Here's a link to the explanation, in case you missed it.
This week, I'm Celebrating: - good friend from downstate, stopping by while making sales calls in the TC nice to see him and catch up
- balmy 45 degrees
- possibilities
- slightly new directions
- looking down at my terribly bruised hand, wondering what the heck i did to myself... it was just paint and washed off.
- hearing the excitement in our son's voice about new musical directions
- neighbors home from Florida, a sure sign of spring
- awards received...even if you aren't exactly sure what they are for
- re-visiting sold paintings by putting them up for sale as prints... they are like old friends.
- Road Trip!
- spartans made the tournament
- spartans made the tournament (worth typing twice)
- march madness
- sunny evenings
- anticipation of son hugs
Classes... | |
I'll be teaching "Acrylics 101" at the Crystal Lake Art Center on June 14th, 2011. We'll be elbow deep in paint and techniques...then we'll pull it all together with a painting. Supplies are included... so just come and enjoy a creative play day!