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Hot Off the Easel!
Idea Spark-lers
What I'm Celebrating...
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Hi there... 

We are coming up on Valentine's Day!

Don't forget to hug your bunny!

(Which is WAY better than bugging your hunny.)

Here's a link to a valentine that you can print. Just in case you haven't had the chance to get to the store yet. :)
Hot Off the Easel!
February 3rd sunset...2011
February 3rd Sunset
5x7 acrylic on paper
  I love the sky's here at Platte Lake. I've never lived at a place with a "big" view before... A view where you can see the weather coming and going.... very inspiring.
This painting is a small sketch, (5x7) as preparation for a larger painting. Who says winter isn't colorful?

Idea Spark-lers...

Inspiration to use in your own creative work....


Transparent against Opaque color  

One of the things I love about acrylic, is that you can paint with it in a watercolor style by adding water, or opaquely when you use it right from the tube. I love
pitting these two applications against each other.

sunrise, sunset






I think it works especially well on a larger painting.  Here's some ideas for you to try....

  • A landscape with the transparent sky against the opaque land.
  • Delicate transparent blossoms against a thickly painted background.
  • Transparently painted figures, at the opaquely painted beach.

You probably want to divide the opaque and transparent passages unequally... think 2/3 to 1/3 opaque to transparent...or transparent to opaque.   


This technique works well on either paper or canvas, but both the examples happen to be paper. On canvas, you'd have the added excitement of the canvas texture in the transparent bits.  Be still my heart! :) 


There you go... Now off to your painting place! 

2011...What I'm Celebrating...
Early in January, I chose a word to use as my theme for the year... It's "Celebrate"... Here's a link to the explanation, in case you missed it.


This week, I'm Celebrating: 

  •  my stash of homemade soups in the freezer.  
  •  my favorite pair of socks...clean  
  • the wisdom that when you have "one of those days"...that it WILL pass, and things WILL get better.  
  • notes from friends sharing what they're Celebrating!
  • the fact that 27 degrees really can feel spring-like.
  • the generous sharers in my life.
  • ultramarine blue
  • finding the odd sized power cord to my external hard drive...when I was just researching a replacement.   
  • netflix and pandora 
  • anticipation of a new art book order coming right to our door. 
  • this quote, as a reminder to me when I teach classes...."The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled." - Plutarch
  • technology... this little red box will take you right to my blog if you use the QR (quick response) code reader application on your phone.  (I use the ScanLife app) You can read it from the computer screen,  or on printed material. wow. 


I'll be teaching "Acrylics 101" at the Crystal Lake Art Center on June 14th, 2011.  We'll be elbow deep in paint and techniques...then we'll pull it all together with a painting. Supplies are included... so just come and enjoy a creative play day!

If you think any of your friends might be interested, please feel free to forward this email.

Have a Great Week!