P.A.N.D.O.R.A. -  Patient Alliance for Neuroendocrineimmune Disorders Organization for Research and Advocacy, Inc.
Merry Christmas from Patient Alliance for Neuroendocrineimmune Disorders Organization for Research and Advocacy, Inc. & The Lanford Foundation-Lifelyme(TM), Inc.
As we end another year, we take the time to reflect on our overall accomplishments during 2009. We have indeed made a difference in the lives of many within our community, and yet we remain with plenty to accomplish in the years ahead, as we fulfill our mission of  enhancing the quality of life for millions of individuals stricken with neuroendocrineimmune disorders (NEIDs) in the U.S. and beyond.

We with the Wisconsin CFS-ME Association worked diligently to bring Ryan Baldwin home and he is now spending this holiday season with his parents. Our micro research grants are making a difference by enticing young medical students to the field of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Gulf War illness, MCS and persistent (chronic) Lyme disease.

We are proud that the in June 25, 2009, the NEI Center legislative initiative in the New Jersey Assembly was successfully approved with an unanimous vote . The same companion standing resolution is now in the New Jersey Senate . We are grateful for the recent discovery of the XMRV virus and of the inspiring tenacity of the Whittemore Peterson Institute. We are grateful to Lynn Bousquet and  Sebastian Chico who have created amazing logos for the Walk In My Shoes(tm) Walkathon , for our Youtube.com page, for the NEI Center(TM)  and for our Advocates Extraordinaire(TM) program.

We are grateful for the work of one of our strategical partners and member of our board of directors Daniel Moricoli, who has created ME-CFScommunity.com.  We are grateful to Veny Musum and Dr. Kenneth Friedman for being among the original dreamers of the NEI Center(TM).

We are grateful to our entire dedicated board of directors, amazing volunteers who have graced us in our offices and in our special events, and of course we are grateful to our generous benefactors. Without you, we could not be effective!

Yes, with this amazing support, we have indeed accomplished much of what we set up to do for 2009. Your continuing financial support of P.A.N.D.O.R.A. will allow us to continue to be a powerful voice, a wealth of resources for individuals stricken with NEIDs and a beacon of hope within the darkness of navigating through the sea of chronic illnesses.

In 2010, the
NEI Center project, will be a standing priority for our organization, (and soon we will share amazing news with you)  in partnership with our strategical partner - The Lanford Foundation-Lifelyme(TM), Inc.

If we were to wish for a favorite gift during this holiday season, it would be for good health, peace, tranquility, determination, wealth, and resilience to each and everyone here and abroad, as well as for your continuing and enhanced support of our advocacy overall efforts. 

Wishing you and your family the Christmas season's joys and wonders and looking forward to a happy, healthy New Year!  Enjoy the holidays.

In Good Health and In Beauty,

Marly Silverman                           Sandi Lanford
Founder                                       Founder & President
P.A.N.D.O.R.A., Inc.                   The Lanford Foundation-Lifelyme, Inc.nc.

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