Market Updates | Greetings Market Lovers!
This week sees the return of Nossa Familia Coffee, The Village Crepery, Laurel Ridge Winery, and The Better Bean Company. Mt Hood Organic Farms will start next week on October 2nd. Plant vendor Tide Creek Nursery is trying the market out this weekend. She'll have plenty of plants perfect for fall planting, please stop by to say hello!
This Saturday is the Crazy Eggplant Festival and as you can see, we are pretty excited about it and going a bit crazy with preparations. Join local eggplant lovers and chefs as they prepare delicious eggplant dishes for you to sample. As part of the festivities, Masala will be introducing an Eggplant Sambhar to their menu this Saturday! See below for the schedule.
We have big reasons to give thanks again this week. Providence Health & Services donated $1000 to help the market keep the Fresh Funds Program going. Thank You Providence! That leaves us with just $882 to raise by the end of the season. Can you help? Consider joining the market for lunch this Saturday as a fundraiser for the program. You could also join of final Preserving Class of the season - Fermented Veggies and Sauerreuben on October 16th. See the Information Booth for more info or to sign up!
Were you at the market last Saturday? Did you forget to take the Customer Dot Survey? If you haven't taken the survey yet, please consider taking it online now. It will only take a few moments and will help shape the market as it continues to grow.
See you at the Market!
Aubergine, Brinjal, Melongene, Garden Egg, Guinea Squash
|  How do you say eggplant?!
The Crazy Eggplant Festival is here! Help us celebrate the elusive and enigmatic fruit of this member of the nightshade family. Free demonstrations, recipes, and instructions on how to prepare the fruit of the Solanum melongena plant.
Crazy Eggplant Schedule:
All Day Long: Free recipes, printouts, and conversations about eggplant at the Information Booth on the corner of 44th & Hancock. Map of vendor activities available!
9:00 AM - Mediterranean Eggplant Sandwiches by Kathy Aikens at THINK Unique Gardens
9:30 AM - Aloo Baingan by Madhu Nair at Sweet Leaf Farm
10:00 AM - Secret Eggplant Surprise at Gales Meadow Farm
10:45- Eggplant & Goat Cheese Spread by Michelle Girard at Deep Roots Farm
11:15 AM - Eggplant Fries with Fresh Basil Mayonnaise by Amie Edelstein at Winter Green Farm
Support Your Neighbors, Support Your Farmers
| Please join with us this Saturday to delight in the bounty the Hollywood Farmers Market has to offer. Chefs Robert Reynolds and Kristen Murray will prepare delightful epicurean fare with market fresh ingredients this Saturday after the market. Call to reserve a seat now!
All funds raised will go to our Fresh Funds Program, increasing the capacity to spend SNAP dollars on healthy choices and supporting small farms at the same time. Click here for more information on the lunch.
When: Saturday, September 25th, 1pm
Where: Moon and Sixpence, 2014 NE 42nd Ave (near the corner of NE Tillamook & 42nd)
Cost: $30 - $50, sliding scale, + gratuity. Includes both non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverage choices.
How: Call 503-709-7403 or send an email to reserve your seat today!
Mark Your Calendar: Saturday, October 23rd, 1pm - Market Lunch with Chef Anthony Cafiero of Tabla.
Big thanks to Albina Community Bank for sponsoring the Market Lunches this season!

Lots o' Dots
| Thanks to all eight hundred plus customers who
participated in the Hollywood Farmers Markets' Customer Dot Survey last
Saturday. Your answers and comments will help guide the direction of the
market this year and in the future.
If you didn't get a chance to take the survey, we'd love for you to
take our online survey.
This one is designed for those of you who missed
the fun of all the neon dots. You can also find the survey on our
website. Either way, please take it soon; it will only be available for
one week.
With your help, we can make this market even better. Thanks!
Featured Products
| September 25th, 2010

Eggplant - Epic, Little Fingers, Dancer Three varieties to please your palate. Eat your eggplant! Winter Green Farm
Tomatillos - Purple and Plaza Latina Giant Purple tomatillos have a sweet and complex flavor while the Plaza Latina Giant is great for salsa - the flesh is less juicy allowing for a thick, luscious texture. Gales Meadow Farm
Italian Sausage Have you had sausage from Deck Family Farm lately? Their succulent meat comes in both Hot and Sweet flavors - and their farm is amazing, in case you're wondering. Deck Family Farm
Squash Leaves Squash leaves are delicious sauteed or in soup andthe curly qs make a decorative garnish! Blooming Goodies
Wild Huckleberry Danish Oh, Yum. Fleur de Lis Bakery
Fresh Funds Program
| Fresh Funds Goal: $7,000 Amount Raised to Date: $6,118 Amount left in Fresh Funds: $1200 Amount needed to Reach Goal: $882
Every Saturday, customers can
withdraw SNAP dollars to be used on market fresh produce and goods. The
Hollywood Farmers Market will match up to $5 in tokens to increase SNAP
customer spending power at the market, reward healthy eating, and support our farmers.
Donate Today!