Debra Wein Pic
Friday, March 11, 2011
This Week's Topics
Recipe: Chocolate Tea
Worthwhile links
Fish for a Healthier Smile?
Heart Attack SymptomsUnique to Women
Measure YOUR Metabolism!

Chocolate Chai


Serves: 4



4 cardamom pods, cracked
1 (4-inch) piece cinnamon stick

4 whole cloves

1/4 tsp. anise seed

2 - 4 (1/4-inch) slices fresh ginger, peeled (see note*)

2 cups water

2 black tea bags

2 Tbsp. unsweetened natural cocoa powder

1/4 tsp. vanilla extract

2 cups unsweetened almond or soymilk

3 Tbsp. agave syrup, honey or stevia, or to taste



1. Place cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, anise seed and ginger in medium saucepan, add 2 cups water, and place over medium-high heat. 2.  When water simmers, cover, and simmer over medium-low heat for 3 minutes. Remove from heat.

3.  Add tea bags, cover, and steep for 4 minutes.

4.  Remove tea bags, cover, and steep brewed tea with spices for 20 minutes. Strain to remove spices, and return spiced tea to saucepan.

5.  In small bowl, whisk cocoa with 1/4 cup of hot tea until dissolved, then add to tea.

6.  Mix in vanilla, and almond or soymilk. Heat chai over medium-high heat until steaming.  


*Note: Ginger root varies in thickness. If you have a fat piece, 2 slices may be enough.



120 calories, 3.5 g total fat (0 g saturated fat), 21 g carbohydrate,4 g protein, 1 g dietary fiber, 65 mg sodium.



Source: American Institute for Cancer Research 

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It seems like every time I go into a grocery or convenience store I see more and more energy drinks. They're everywhere! Unfortunately, this may not be a good trend for our nation's children.


Researchers are speculating that energy drinks, which can have about three times the caffeine of cola, can cause caffeine overdoses in kids, teens and young adults. Since caffeine doesn't have to be listed on the label, there is no way to tell how much is in these beverages that have been linked to seizures and heart problems.


These beverages often contain lots of sugar as well. The best bet is to try and limit them or eliminate them from your diet and make sure your children do too!


Have a happy and healthy week!



Fish for a Healthier Smile?

Not only is it important to brush and floss your teeth daily to prevent the development of gum disease, but your diet may also be a contributing factor to your gum health. A study published in the Journal of The American Dietetic Association showed that an increased intake of omega 3-fatty acids leads to healthier gums. Omega- 3 fatty acids may have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is beneficial to preventing gum disease.


In this study, conducted by Harvard Medical School, over 9,000 adults were examined for the presence of periodontal disease and then reexamined throughout a 5-year period, while also tracking omega-3 fatty acid intake using dietary recalls.


Results showed that individuals who consumed the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids had a lower incidence of periodontal disease than those who consumed lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids. The two different sources of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA were both measured in this study. Higher intakes of DHA showed a slightly lower association of periodontal disease than EPA, although both are omega- 3 fatty acids derived from fish sources and are beneficial to periodontal health.


Partial List of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Rich Foods:



         Bluefin Tuna

         Anchovies & Sardines


Bottom Line: This study provides one more great reason to include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. In addition to periodontal health benefits, omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for heart health.


Source:  Journal of the American Dietetic Association             

Heart Attack Symptoms Unique to Women 

heart attackHeart disease is the number one killer of women in the United States and women are more likely to die from a heart attack than men.


A study done by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that women have very different warning symptoms than men preceding a heart attack. Knowing these symptoms may save your life or the life of a loved one.


1. Extreme fatigue which can last a few days at a time.

2. Inability to fall asleep despite experiencing extreme fatigue during the day.

3. Feelings of anxiety and stress right before the onset of the heart attack. Women said they felt very emotional and anxious, as if they knew something bad was going to happen.

4. Nausea and digestion issues, such as stomach pain, cramps and indigestion which occurred despite the fact that the women interviewd has not eaten anything out of the ordinary and felt fine otherwise.

5. Shortness of breath while doing simple activities such as walking up the stairs.

6. Presence of flu like symptoms such as fever, chills and weakness. The participants said they thought they were coming down with the flu, when in fact they were beginning to experience a heart attack.

7. Pain in the ears, neck and jaw area.


Although a common symptom among men is arm and shoulder pain, women usually don't experience this. In this study, 95% of the participants shared these 7 common symptoms before experiencing a heart attack.


Bottom Line: It is important to pay attention to your body and take notice of any changes you experience. Do not ignore abnormal symptoms; it could be a warning sign that could save your life.


Source: National Institutes of Health

About Sensible Nutrition

How is YOUR metabolism?
Ever wonder if your metabolism is what is keeping you from reaching your weight goals? 

Let a Sensible Nutrition RD measure YOUR metabolism and tell you the truth! Call 781-741-5483 or send an email to to schedule your appointment.

About Sensible Nutrition

Sensible Nutrition ( is a consulting firm established in 1994 that provides nutrition and fitness services to individuals, universities, corporate wellness programs and nonprofit groups. SN's client list includes The United States Coast Guard, Blue Cross Blue Shield, EMC, Putnam Investments, Corcoran Jennison, Harvard Business School, Boston Ballet and Children's Hospital. For more information about our corporate wellness services, please check us out at

SN services: One-to-one counseling, fitness counseling and training, group lectures, metabolism measures and more! Let the Sensible Nutrition staff develop a nutrition program to help you finally reach your health and weight goals!Gift Certificates are available!

Debra Wein, MS, RD, LDN, SN President and Co-Founder writes a regular nutrition column for the National Strength and Conditioning Association's  Performance Journal, has been quoted in Family Circle, Shape, Self, Men's Health, Allure and Prevention and has appeared on Fox 25, Channel 56 and Channel 5 news.

Contact us at or 781-741-5483.

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