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August 29, 2012
Home care worker Evelyn Coke, a pioneer in the fight for basic labor protections.


Whether you have a minute to sign a petition or half an hour to tell us your story, you can help win minimum wage and overtime protections for home care workers. All perspectives are needed, whether you're a home care worker, client, employer, or family member, or just a concerned citizen. You can:

Thank you for your support. Your action will make a difference for home care workers and the people who depend on them.


for Home Care Workers

Join Us for a National Day of Action for Home Care Workers


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Home care workers play a crucial role in the lives of millions of Americans, yet many can't even afford to feed their own families. That's partly because they do not get minimum wage and overtime pay under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.

You can help fix this disgraceful situation by telling your elected representatives to do the right thing. Join us on Friday, September 21, for a National Day of Action to win basic labor rights for home care workers.

On Capitol Hill
If you can get to Washington, DC on the morning of the 21st, please join us for visits to your members of Congress. We'll set up the meetings for you, provide you with advance training, and give you talking points to use in your meetings.

In Your Home State
If you can't get to Washington, you can help at home. Our National Day of Action will take place wherever you are. Just contact our national advocacy coordinator, Jessica Brill Ortiz, and tell her you want to participate.

Jessica will tell you how to join us for a brief training conference call to go over what you'll need to know. She'll also work with you to help you set up meetings or phone calls with your local Congressional district offices, which will take place on or around September 21.

Contact Jessica now at (202) 236-4593 or jbrillortiz@directcarealliance.org to let her know you want to participate in the National Day of Action, either at home or on the Hill. Don't miss this opportunity to make your voice heard! 
Direct Care AllianceDirect Care Alliance
Respect for Home Care Workers brings you news from the Direct Care Alliance about the campaign to  win home care workers the right to minimum wage and overtime pay.