Quaero Indicium 'To Find the Evidence'
Please distribute to others that may have an
The feedback from our newsletters, dating back to 1989, is always appreciated and has been very positive. Thank you. It has evolved from quarterly and mailed or faxed, to emailed monthly as an attachment and now the current interactive email.
Please continue to share your thoughts and ideas. If you have an item worth noting or contributing, please contact Karen - beersks@Forensic-Investigators.com.
A new archive page for newsletters and press releases from July 2010 to present is available at: < Newsletter Archives >. Also, we are pleased to announce that Dean was nominated to be the next Chairman of the Board for the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado. He was sworn in the evening of Wednesday 11/03 with other new board members.
Some of what you will find in this month's newsletter...
Updates from October
'Suspicious Suicides' aired 10/07/2010 - This radio show was fun and informative. CLIs Dean Beers and Don Johnson shared their extensive experience of investigating suicides and equivocal deaths - 'Suspicious Suicides' - Dean and Don Johnson, fellow CLI, were guests on the Internet radio show 'PIs Declassified'. See below for details and links. In the News-- Some family news -- James D. Beatty, a Fort Collins civic leader and attorney passed away in October. -- The number of surgical errors continues, reveals a recent report. Association News-- Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado -- National Association of Legal Investigators -- National Council of Investigation and Security Services -- World Association of Detectives Other Items of Interest-- Book reviewed and finalized for publisher and is available for Pre-Order -- Death Investigation course - based on this presentation Dean has given and at the request of PIEducation.com < Death Investigation for the Legal Investigator > Visit our website at www.Forensic-Investigators.com to review the highlights of our services and resources. Call us today to review your case and investigative needs.Links to newsletters and articles are at www.MedicoLegalPI.com. November 11th is Veterans Day Our personal thanks to each Veteran of our Armed Services, and their families. Every day is a day of appreciation.
Important Dates
| The following are the important dates for this month and the following two months. Reminders are sent approximately one week before an extended event (i.e. conferences and vacations). Any last minute changes are also sent by email. Please mark your calendars for any dates that may effect deadlines, hearing dates, trials and depositions. Any changes from a previous notice or newsletter will have an (*) to alert you to a calendar update.
November 16th & 17th (Tue & Wed) - Wyoming Coroners Assoc. - Forensic Photography, Death Investigation, DNA Evidence 25th & 26th (Thu & Fri) Thanksgiving
December 24th & 25th (Thu & Fri) Christmas 31st & 01st (Fri & Sat) New Years Eve
January * 01st (Sat) New Years Day (continued) * 17th (Mon) MLK Day (courts and government offices closed)
Some Family News! (Karen S. Beers, BSW) |
 | Cash (14mths), Jacee (21mths) and Gage (14mths) |
I thought this would be a time to share some news about our family. Our identical twin sons, Cash Michael and Gage Alan, were born approximately seven weeks premature 07/11/2009. Cash weighed only 3lbs 7oz and Gage weighed only 4lbs 13oz. They were in neonatal ICU (NICU) for 10 and 5 days, respectively. It took about 14 months, but Cash finally made it onto the growth charts! He is still about one pound behind brother Gage, but that one pound is not as noticeable one year later. They have grown so much and bring so much joy to our lives!
An update would not be complete without mentioning their older cousin, Jacee Sue. She is tall and growing at 20 months. She definitely keeps us on our toes. Yes, we're busy and very blessed!
 | Karen S. Beers, BSW
About the Karen:
Karen has been a Legal Investigator and Administrative Assistant, since 1996. Together they operate Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC. In addition to her skilled interactions with troubled youths, she trained and worked as a Deputy Coroner at the Larimer County Medical Examiner's Office. This background provides essential skills and knowledge in their Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations and consultations in Colorado and nationally.
News and Recent Projects (Dean A. Beers, CLI) |
 | Dean A. Beers, CLI |
As noted, I have been elected as the new Chairman of the Board of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado. That nomination cut short my two-year term as VP of Membership, but I am glad to hand those duties over in order to lead the current board through some very important moments of PPIAC history. Presently is our push for professional licensing in Colorado. A proposed bill is being drafted and will be presented to a sponsor in the next session.
The Chairman of the Board, as Chief Executive Officer of the Association, presides over all Board of Director meetings, the Annual Meeting, and is the liaison to the industry, media and the public.
I am also glad to announce a couple important things about my upcoming legal investigation book. It is now listed for pre-orders by PIStore.com, an affiliate company of PI Magazine. Don Johnson, CLI, will be doing a review for PI Magazine for the Jan/Feb 2011 issue - just in time for the release, and I will be submitting an article for that issue. The folks at CRC Press have released the table of contents and other materials for the book (see below).
Karen and I have just completed creating a continuing education course - Death Investigation for the Private Investigator - for www.PIEducation.com. This was quite an undertaking that began during a meeting with Scott Harrell, a PI in Florida that brings our profession to new heights with his Pursuit Mag site at www.PursuitMag.com. Together with Scott, we are huge proponents of continuing education for private investigators and we appreciate his request and faith in having us complete this project and his dedication to our profession. PI Education is a component of IRB Search, a major database and products company for the private investigator.
The folks at PI Education are finalizing the process and will have the link available as soon as the course is approved - and we'll keep you posted. PI Education has also been approved for continuing education credits by the Certified Legal Investigator education committee.
The course is based on our combined training and experience at the Larimer County Medical Examiner's Office, and our work with Equivocal Death Investigation for law firms and families.
About the Dean:
Dean is the only Board Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) in northern Colorado, and is also a certified Medicolegal Death Investigator specializing in all Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations in the civil arena and criminal defense. He has extensive background in medicolegal-forensic and factual Investigations with law enforcement education, experience and relationships. He has testified as an expert in private investigations, and is currently consulting nationwide as an expert in criminal defense homicide and civil equivocal death investigations.
Practical Methods for Legal Investigations: Concepts and Protocols in Civil and Criminal Cases
 | Release Date 01/27/2010 |
Our proofing of the publisher's copy is complete and has been returned! Now to finalize the book and begin production.
This is the cover of Dean's book due out January 22, 2011!
NEW! Table of Contents and other pages:
More information, including pre-orders, at:
You can also register to receive notifications of release, as well as a chance to win a free copy, at:
Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
 | Forensic Pathology and Autopsy Consultations |
Dean began working with Forensic Pathologist Stephen Cina MD, in late 2002 and Karen in late 2004, as death investigators and forensic autopsy assistants when Dr. Cina was the appointed Medical Examiner for Weld County and Deputy Medical Examiner for Larimer County.
Dr. Cina accepted a position as Deputy Chief Medical Examiner for Broward County, FL and later Dean returned to the private sector. There has always been maintained a mutual medical and investigative working relationship, assisting each other with consulting on death and injury causation cases.
Dr. Schueler is the Chief Toxicologist of the Broward County Medical Examiner's Office (Florida). He puts his PhD. to use on a daily basis figuring out complex toxicological cases and testifying to the effects of drugs and alcohol on the body. He was the lead toxicologist on the Anna Nicole Smith autopsy and has appeared as a toxicology expert numerous times on television.
Contact our office to consult on medicolegal death and injury causation. Dr. Cina's services, and CV, are available at his website - Autopsy Review. Dr. Scheuler can also be contacted through Dr. Cina's private practice or our office.
We believe that medicolegal investigation is a team effort, and that is why he has asked Dr. Schueler and our agency to be affiliated as experts in our respective fields and to offer comprehensive services to our clients. It is an honor to work with him and Forensic Toxicologist Dr. Harold Schueler.
"Suspicious Suicides" - heard on 'PIs Declassified' radio 10/07/2010
Suspicious Suicides There are few life events more painful and far-reaching than a suicide. A suicide not only brings suffering to loved ones, it brings shame and guilt to those with the closest contact to the victim. But, what if the suicide isn't a suicide? Can this same sad event be interpreted in another way? Can it be an accident? Can it be a homicide? Who decides? What factors are considered? What are the pros and cons of either determination? Then there are the myths surrounding suicide that leave grieving family and friends with questions. These questions and more will be included in the discussion with seasoned private investigators Dean A. Beers, CLI and Don C. Johnson, CLI, both of whom have been involved in conducting investigations. < Suicide Resources link >
Dean A. Beers CLI, a private investigator and expert in criminal defense homicide and civil equivocal death investigations, is certified as a Medicolegal Death Investigator, has served as a forensic autopsy assistant, and has extensive background in medicolegal-forensic and factual investigations. He authored 'Professional Locate Investigations' and recently completed 'Practical Methods for Legal Investigations: Concepts and Protocols in Civil and Criminal Cases' that will be available in January 2011. Dean is a Certified Legal Investigator, VP Membership of the Professional Private Investigators Assoc. of Colorado, member of the National Association of Legal Investigators and is a contributing author to 'The Legal Investigator' with his 'Forensic Focus' column. He also holds memberships in the National Council of Investigation and Security Services, World Association of Detectives, National Association of Medical Examiners, International Association for Identification, and Mensa USA. Don C. Johnson CLI, ( www.TraceInvestigations.com - Bloomington IN) began his investigative career following US Air Force Intelligence Agency active duty as a Russian voice and Morse intercept analyst, Don Johnsonworked as an executive assistant to in-house counsel where he processed and investigated contract violation claims. Don has owned Bloomington, Indiana's Trace Investigations for the past 20 years, is a Certified Legal Investigator and also worked for the Monroe County, Indiana Coroner's office conducting death scene investigations, Don attended Indiana University, has been trained in intelligence analysis and cryptology and received certification from the US Defense Language Institute. He serves on the Indiana Private Investigator & Security Guard Licensing Board, is a recipient of numerous awards, holds memberships in the National Association of Legal Investigators, ASIS International, National Assoc of Professional Background Screeners, and serves on the Board of Directors of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services where he is editor of the NCISS Report.
Association and Industry Updates
Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado ( www.PPIAC.org)
We are pleased to announced that Dean has traded his position of VP of Membership in to accept the nomination, and election, to Chairman of the Board of Directors. The current board members are [* - elected]: Chairman - Dean A. Beers, CLI * President - Robert Orozco * VP of Membership - (vacant) VP of Training - Gordon Coombes VP of Legislative Affairs - Andrew Schmidt Treasurer - Dan Kimmett * Secretary - Julia McAleer * Senior Member at Large - John Castellano, Jr. Senior Member at Large - Stacy Smallwood Associate Member at Large - (vacant) T he effort to bring professional licensing to Colorado, one of only six states without professional oversight, continues. A draft bill has been put together by the licensing committee and a review by the Department of Regulatory Agencies is pending. The latest newsletter is also available: National Association of Legal Investigators ( www.NALI.org) The trade magazine, The Legal Investigator, is now available as a separate publication. NALI is a unique group of experienced legal investigators in the civil and criminal area, and created the Certified Legal Investigator program in 1978. Dean is regular contributing writer with Forensic Focus, which will deal with the facts and myths of forensic investigation. See the 'Quick Links' ==> for information on the Certified Legal Investigator program, requirements and what it means. National Council of Investigation and Security Services ( www.NCISS.org) Dean's article ' Psychological Autopsies' was published in the fall issue of their trade magazine ' The Report'. In September the board meeting and annual conference was traditionally held in Washington DC to coincide with the annual 'Hit the Hill' campaign. At the board meeting Dean's nomination, by President Eugene Ferraro, was approved as the new national Membership Committee Chairman. The agenda also included meetings with the members of the Senate and House of Representatives and their staff to discuss pending legislation that may positively or negatively impact our profession and the public, the mission of NCISS for 35 years. < read The Report and learn about NCISS >
World Association of Detectives (www.WAD.org)
In the coming months the WAD will also be converting to a separate publication format and will also be available online. When that is available the link will be provided here.
In the News
| Some of the latest news of interest ...
Jim Beatty James D. Beatty, a Fort Collins resident and attorney, passed away last month.
Mr. Beatty was one of Dean's first clients and it was a pleasure working with him. Mr. Beatty's history in Fort Collins is quite extensive and his name can be seen on many buildings, including the First National Bank tower downtown, for which he was city council member, to the Rotary Club and Fort Collins Country board of directors. In 1987 he retired from his elected position as a Colorado state senator and returned to his private law practice.
Mr. Beatty was a pillar of the Fort Collins community. His services will be November 12th, details available from Allnutt Funeral Home. Our sincerest condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
Surgical Errors Persist Despite Safety Protocols "Despite efforts to end surgical errors, doctors are reporting operations performed on the wrong body parts and even on the wrong people, according to a study released Monday."
Five Qualities of a Professional Investigator...
| Skills Appropriate for the Assignment Law firms and medical offices specialize - Professional Investigators also specialize. Their casework and continuing education should also be in your specialized areas.
Experience and Knowledge Professional Investigators strive to maintain and further these. All professions have requirements of continuing education. The CLI program requires extensive compliance with continuing education.
Responsible and Ethical Conduct Every component of the investigation has evidentiary considerations. Professional Investigators hold themselves to a higher standard and leaves no question as to the admissibility of their evidence. Information without ethics is not evidence.
Effective Communication Professional Investigators maintain communication with the attorney, client, witnesses, and other key persons in the investigation. Moreover, reports are the product of an organized investigation and should reflect the work product you expect.
Keyword - 'Professional' Honesty, Integrity & Intelligence. These define Professional Investigators and gives you the confidence that your case is in competent and skilled hands.
Coming Next Month...
| Its the season to be jolly and spread good cheer!
There should be a few legislative updates and a link to Dean's article - Investigative Protocol for Civil Legal Investigations of Motor Vehicle Collisions - that is will be published in the journal of the Colorado Trial Lawyers Assocation - Trial Talk.
In Closing...
| That Time of Year - Charitable Contributions Its that time of year - we often begin to think about tax matters during the last quarter of the year in anticipation of our tax bill come April.
As with all families, we have had experiences that cause us to consider certain organizations for the work they have done. With the complications of the birth of Cash and Gage, we have chosen the Childrens Hospital networks, and for how their parents were cared for during their time in NICU, we have chosen Ronald McDonald House. Childrens Hospitals have also been involved with the care of other family members - from cousins with congenital heart defects, to triplet cousins also born premature.
Of course this is not the only time of year to consider charitable contributions. From community and family tragedies, all year is the perfect time. We are also Charter Members of the World War II Museum in New Orleans LA and the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville PA.
Thank You for your individual contributions to making the community we live and work in, and those they work hard to the benefit of these in need.
And don't forget ... As part of the release of Dean's book, we are in the early stages of developing introductory webinars and full length seminars for continuing education. Continuing education is as important to the investigative profession as it is to the legal profession, but few associations or state licensing boards require it.
Contact our office if you have an interest in attending or sponsoring a seminar or speaking engagement for investigators, attorneys and paralegals.
Dean and Karen  | Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC, specializes in the medicolegal consultation and investigation of cases involving traumatic injuries or death, as well as cases involving serious criminal charges.
We are Professional Reliable Investigators Defining Excellence, with PRIDE in every assignment.
Thank You. Please contact us with any questions or for additional information on these topics and our related services.
Dean A. Beers, CLI (beersda@Forensic-Investigators.com) Karen S. Beers, BSW (beersks@Forensic-Investigators.com) Forensic Investigators of Colorado, LLC Office: (970) 691-0813 Fax: (970) 372-4717
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