
Collaborative Research Partnership to Transform School Health



June 2012 E-Newsletter


The purpose of the newsletter is to showcase information and activities of the partnership.


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Welcome to the next edition of the newsletter for the Collaborative Research Partnership to Transform School Health. We have much to report since our last newsletter issue! 



Data Sharing


The University of Washington and Seattle Public Schools have data sharing agreements in place, and researchers are exploring the District's health-related databases. Data include information related to demographics, academic performance, sports participation, fitness measures, meal participation and chronic illnesses. Through a data sharing agreement with Washington State Department of Health, researchers are also exploring data from the Healthy Youth Survey for all Seattle Public Schools secondary schools. Data analysts are in the process of describing and documenting the datasets, and conducting preliminary descriptive and secondary data analyses.



Key Health Resource Focus Areas

As a result of the thorough review of input received from stakeholder interviews and surveys, attendees of the Confluence Conference and content experts from the Seattle School District, five research priority areas have been identified:

  • Physical Activity and Physical Fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Health Conditions
  • Social Emotional Health
  • Health Risk Behaviors
Three phases of research are planned for each priority area, under the direction of an academic research team lead.

Phase 1:  A descriptive analysis of existing data to inform future

research questions

Phase 2:  Additional data collection to further study "naturally

occurring experiments" in the district or to answer other research questions of interest informed from Phase 1 results and additional stakeholder input

Phase 3:  The development of grants to fund additional experimental



Click here to learn more about the research priority areas.



Save the Date!


Presentation of Findings and Future Research Planning

Wednesday, August 22

10:00 - 12:00

John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence


We will convene community and Seattle School District stakeholders to review preliminary findings and discuss future research directions. Additional information is forthcoming.


Center for Public Health NutritionCPHN-SPS Logos Contacts


Mary Podrabsky - Project Manager

Judy Swanson - Research Coordinator